installed Age of Empires 3 in this PC. works surprizingly well even on full screen (not really full, Windowed at full screen size basically). first match played in standard map was Aztecs vs British, it went surprizingly well, perhaps too well but yeah, the AI was harassing me anyways so i guess im just getting better at dealing with this or its because the progression pace in AoE 2 is more drastic with the machine rushing to the Castle Age then throwing knights at you, at least here i can do what im supposed to do which is rushing to grow my population and get enough resources while keeping myself busy with the Explorer/Warchief unit (the machine is better at this honestly, got no time to look for goodies in the wilds).
im probably gonna tackle the Asian Dynasties expansion later. honestly i dont understand why the devs decided to not include all the Civs in the last expansion, they are basically sidegames. it works good in AoE2 but oh well. i havent picked an european power yet not sure which one to choose, i usually went with the Spanish.
speaking of civs, im also looking at one mod called "Wars of Liberty" which from what i read on their site is kind of an unofficial expansion/revamp of the vanilla game:
-the list of civilizations is severely expanded by including some underlooked european factions including the Balkans, more Asian states including the Southeast ones, African civilizations like the Zulu and Etiophia, lifts some of the Native Americans from NPC tribes to proper civs or adds new ones like the Mapuches from southern South America, independent states like Canada or Mexico are also added as new civs (almost all the known independent colonies appear), Australia makes an appearance here too and im pretty sure Oceania has also a presence in this mod but they havent been revealed yet
-the timeline was moved towards the colonization of Africa, the wars in America, rebel movements in Asia and turnmoil in Europe, Oceania being settled and according to some mechanics they are extending this towars WW1 as the final endgame (not sure how they're gonna pull that), so in this case many of the vanilla leaders were changed to more contemporary characters save for the Natives they still have some familiar faces
-each faction bloc has its own mechanics apart of their civilization bonuses and gimmicks and the like for example the former "anglo" colonies like USA, Canada or Australia make use of some sort of political party system; the African estates expand their ages or civ tech trees by using Libraries to obtain knowledge from other sources; European powers have unique units they can learn at the 4th-5th age (traditional AoE style i guess) and so on
-religion has a place in the game in the form of Temples replacing Churches and expanding their uses, players can pick up to 3 religions (Laicism + 2 historically accurate religions for that civ) which provide new techs and units, its basically like an expansion of the Age of Mythology "God Favour" resource but less fantastic and more down to earth with the timeline, albeit apparently the south american civilizations actually do have some sort of god powers (WTF), i think this is like a fusion between the religion methods of AoM and the Religion Techs from AoE 2 which i think were more complex than in this one (have to play enough to remember)
-new maps, because we like more places to loose matches (no but seriously, there's a lot of cool maps added from around the world like Hawai, Iceland, Ethiopia, Cerrado and other more silly maps..)
-there's also an expansion of the mercenary system apparently, including the option to add Spies (sounds good, albeit it makes me remember Rise of Nations to a degree, will have to see if its implemented)
TL:DR i'll probably look for the latest version to see whats in and what's not, then give it a try.