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Author Topic: (IC)Altera Vita Academy- A Red Day  (Read 21592 times)


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Re: (IC)Altera Vita Academy- School's in Session
« Reply #120 on: August 26, 2018, 03:22:21 pm »

During most of Melissa's monologue, Toby is sat on a table reading a book, ignoring her. When she walks over to him, he carefully marks his page and puts the book in one of his pockets, and stands up to accept the tongue-lashing. By the end of the stream of insults, Toby is in a relaxed pose, leaning on his staff with one hand, and adjusting his goggles on top of his head with the other. Inside he is quaking with anger, but on the outside he seems only moderately offended.

"Well then, who the fuck are you to judge me, wannabe queen bee lookin' headass bitch? I will admit my rifle skills leave something to be desired, and dancing certainly isn't my strong point, but I doubt you even know the first thing about music. I bet you don't even know what a damper pedal is. You can take your insults, turn 'em into bees and shove 'em up your gigantic nose."
*Toby pauses to inhale*
"I will admit I'm probably screwed in terms of combat, and that you certainly terrify me. Still though, fuck you, fuck your insults, and fuck your attitude. Good day."


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Re: (IC)Altera Vita Academy- School's in Session
« Reply #121 on: August 28, 2018, 10:45:05 am »

((If anyone wants me to do an intro for Toby, or something, I'll do that OOC but I can't think of anything applicable RN))
*earlier that day* As the new students gather to prepare for the battle, Toby reflects on his own preparations for this day. He had spent the better part of a week converting his Allin gun to use .50 BMG instead of the .50-70 shells normally used. He'd been sure it would be simple; after all, it was just a different bullet length. He'd also spent some time gathering some specialized rounds, HE, AP, and tracer rounds, and also attempted to make a few magical rounds as well.
After that, there was nothing left to do but practice his songs so that he could play them even in the heat of battle.)

(leave 2 action rolls to finish up the ones that I bugger the rolls on.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2018, 11:21:14 am by Redjive_Industries »

Sir Elventide

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Re: (IC)Altera Vita Academy- School's in Session
« Reply #122 on: August 28, 2018, 01:50:39 pm »

((@RedJive, At the time of this update, I didn't know that you're submitted your progress action. Don't worry, I'll update with them later.))

Jun set her jaw. She was no stranger to insults, but that comment about her parents hit a nerve. She makes a mental note to kick her ass... At a later date. She was impulsive, but she wasn't dumb, and judging by the size of that group and the fancy equipment they were toting, she didn't have great odds.

Instead, Jun stays quiet and stares her down.

“You look as if you want to kick my ass, duuude,” Melissa sneered. “However, such a thing is easily said than done. It takes more than rushing headlong into battle to defeat me or anyone else like me. Get stronger, faster, smarter, and more durable in your fights against the Contorted and maybe someday you'd actually stand a chance against me. Of course, if you and your friends actually managed to defeat me and my clique, I'd eat my own bees. Now go and simmer on that, ...'bitch'!

With that, Melissa snapped her fingers at you derisively before moving on to the next student.

Roland sighed heavily. This one was a piece of work alright.

"From one metalshine to another, I should tell you that endless bloviating like that won't get you anywhere. Nice ability work though, solid stuff, I'll admit that much.

I know I committed some grave sins in my past, but that doesn't matter now. God watches over me and mine. This, I know. Other than that, all that matters is that we will fight evil wherever we find it. We will fight, and win, or fight and die. Everything else is window dressing.

Now then, will you let us ply our trade in peace, or do you have more bile to spew before we get on to business?"

“I assure you, 'warrior of God', that I don't fancy empty talk either. After all, the best types of speech are those that you can back up with action.” Melissa paused for a second. “But I concur: you and the other newbies do have business to attend to, some of which probably doesn't actually involve dying horribly.”

Turning to leave, Melissa paused before looking over her shoulder at you. “You would make a great Metalshine. Just take care that whatever heavy-handed, narrow-minded dogmatism you possess never gets the better of you.”

Saying that, Melissa went to the next person.

Roland suddenly gets the idea to create a mod that can render one immune to bee stings. Who knows where it comes from.
Mmm, delicious bees.

As a Familiar, you passed the idea of protection against bee stings to Roland via the mind link you two shared. Of course it is up to him to decided whether it's useful at this time. In the meantime, the bees were unsummoned by Melissa just as you begin savoring them. Even if they have stayed a bit longer and you gave in to your urge to eat them, Melissa certainly wouldn't be happy about it.

"The Japanese do produce very well-designed toys."

While THE WALL could not shield their mind from this woman, they could sure as hell deny her the satisfaction. She was a fool, obviously, if she thinks that Japanese construction was superior to German, but there were merits in it that could be incorporated into the german style while maintaining its longevity and strength. And they were very good at making toys.

“Well it would be interesting to see how someone like you would fare in battle, little 'girl',” Melissa continued as she stood back up. “Perhaps you would scare the Contorted by threatening to call your nanny… or you would surprise everyone. Heh, a wall would stand a better chance!”

With that, Melissa went on to the next student.

Metz would be fuming, and everyone around him would see his finger moving to the trigger with anticipation.
”I’ll admit that I’m nothing special, that i’m not as smart or gifted as others, but you damn well better remember that you’re human too, and that you’re far from perfect yourself, you stuck up bitch.

If I were any other man, i’d have lost my temper and have started shooting at you for treatin’ us like shit, specially since this is our first time out and about. That said, I damn well want to take some shots at you and maybe put you in your place, one on one. You got the guts to back the venom you’re spewing?”

Seeing the movement, Melissa's clique morphed their weapons into their ranged modes and leveled them at you. Students nearby instinctively readied their weapon, some even preparing to dodge. Holding up a hand, Melissa motioned for her followers to stand down, which they did.

With a wild grin, Melissa unsummoned her rapier-rifle. Taking a few delicate steps toward you, Melissa grabbed the barrel of your rifle between her index and middle fingers the same way one would hold a cigarette and,  with one quick, fluid motion, removed the bayonet before pressing the muzzle against her heart. The nearby students gasped as Melissa leaned toward you. “Oh I do have guts, my dear hunter,” Melissa mused, playfully stroking your weapon with her other hand. “In fact, they were spilled more times than I'd cared to count during my first few weeks here. However, I'd learned from my mistakes and often changed how I'd approached the situations I'd face. Now I'm here, 'leagues' ahead of you and your little green band.”

Melissa then moved the barrel of your gun upward until the muzzle was pressed against her forehead. “It's a shame that your guts are bigger than your common sense, Metz. Did you know that your weapon, being bonded to your soul, is only as powerful as you are? In the universes of the living, a rifle like this would kill my living self in a single shot, regardless of our disparity in combat experiences or training. In Aetheria; however, even a shot to the head or to the heart would barely scratch me because you're too weak. Doesn't make sense, does it? Well, welcome to the afterlife, where real world logic goes to die. Despite that, you still look as if you really wanted to kill me sooooo badly. Unfortunately, the best thing you can do now is to fight the Contorted. Perhaps you'll imagine that every one of them are wearing my face so that you can play out your hillbilly murderer fantasies. Perhaps one day, you'll get strong enough to challenge me to a duel or whatever. In that case, I'll be waiting.”

Turning your bayonet over so that the blade is facing upward, Melissa ran her thumb over the edge until she drew blood. She then reattached the bayonet to the barrel of your gun before letting go. “Your blade has now tasted my blood. We will see if it gets a chance to taste some more.”

With that, Melissa turned on a heel with a haughty grunt before walking over to the next student.

Calm.. Calm..

I'll just have to show her at some point. The Multiverse is pretty large, and I've seen a Shimigami before.
Look at the weapons and equipment of the rest of her cliche.

You glanced at the weapons and equipment of the student's in Melissa's clique. There were scars and tiny dents on the surfaces of each student's weapon, indicating that they have had seen some heavy, if not just lengthy, use. Most of the students carried an assortment of handcrafted items and potions, with some of the more ranged-oriented students carrying special ammo. You don't know how long they'd been fighting the Contorted but you had a feeling that they're no slouches. Perhaps they combat experience is matched only by their arrogance. If you ever plan to knock them off their high horses, it won't be anytime soon.

“Enjoy being Contorted food, sweetie,” Melissa continued, sticking out her tongue. “Your brother wouldn't have it any other way.”

With that, the haughty student veered off to the next student, a teenager who was reading a book at a table.


After examining Toby using her caste ability, Melissa gave a light chuckle. “Oh Tobias, you are truly a character! A street performer who'd wasted his life playing for people who only cared about what rubbish you forced into their ears!  It's no surprise that no one was around when your murderers looted your body; your death must have felt like relief for their eardrums! Do you have other talents besides serenading people with musical torture?”

During most of Melissa's monologue, Toby is sat on a table reading a book, ignoring her. When she walks over to him, he carefully marks his page and puts the book in one of his pockets, and stands up to accept the tongue-lashing. By the end of the stream of insults, Toby is in a relaxed pose, leaning on his staff with one hand, and adjusting his goggles on top of his head with the other. Inside he is quaking with anger, but on the outside he seems only moderately offended.

"Well then, who the fuck are you to judge me, wannabe queen bee lookin' headass bitch? I will admit my rifle skills leave something to be desired, and dancing certainly isn't my strong point, but I doubt you even know the first thing about music. I bet you don't even know what a damper pedal is. You can take your insults, turn 'em into bees and shove 'em up your gigantic nose."
*Toby pauses to inhale*
"I will admit I'm probably screwed in terms of combat, and that you certainly terrify me. Still though, fuck you, fuck your insults, and fuck your attitude. Good day."

Some students nearby cheered you on, directing their own 'fuck yous” at Melissa and her coterie. However, the queen bee's smile didn't even waver from her face. Instead, she gave a long whistle and held up both hands in mock surrender.

“Oh my word!” she exclaimed. “Turns out I was only slightly wrong! Apparently, cussing out someone who can easily make you play a different tune entirely is another of your talents. You certainly have guts, Tobias! No doubt the Contorted will enjoy ripping them out of your abdominal cavity. Of course, that's not what you're thinking of right now. You either want me to leave you the hell alone or you really want to kill me like Mr. Metz before you. You may even want to play a funerary dirge over my mangled corpse. Well, until you get stronger and smarter than a typical street performer, that will remain a distance dream for those of your ilk so you can take those musical notes and cram them up 'your' nose.”

With that, Melissa turned on a heel and went on to Lemmy.

After having my first two ideas shot down for various reasons, (pickpocketing, stacking perception checks), I have a third idea.

"Yes, I'm the one responsable for that.  Thank you for asking me about it, though.  There are few people here who seem interested in what goes on around here, with the majority simply sitting in their classes doing little but navel gazing, and waiting for the world to deliver them what they want.  You're a rare person, actually going out and asking questions."  "I'm sorry, of course, if it caused you any inconvienence, I'm just trying to investigate some odd things about here, and myself."

"As for your second question, well, it seems there is something odd going on.  Here, everyone seems to have special abilities, such as the ability to spark fire from the fingertips, the ability to fly unaided, a thousand and one different things, it all followed a pattern.  Everyone came here before being able to do these things.

Myself, on the other hand, had an ability before coming here.  I could look at objects, people, landscapes, even situations sometimes, and tell you a large number of things about what happened to it in the past.  I could look at a horsewhip and know how many times it was rained on, I could touch it and feel how many more months the tight weave would hold it together, and how much time was lost when it was struck against that rock just then.  I could raise a pitchfork and tell from the balance of the metal if it was made from new ore or recycled metal, and could sometimes work out where and when it was made, to perhaps the specific week twenty years ago."

"With people it was a bit different.  I could look at their hands, examine them in detail and make guesses from similarly tiny things that would turn out to be right.  I could see what labour someone engaged in, if they ran to fat or lean, what sorts of thing a person eats, from the slight variations in tone and feel I could see storms which have been weathered, or sunny days enjoyed."

"What you may have noticed is that I used it to get up to mischief.  I could know that a certain wine bottle, left to breath, could be moved just so such that it falls down, and miraculously lands neck down flat on the floor, leaving the drinker flummoxed at how to save the wine from such an odd predicament."

"But here, all that is different.  There are many theories as to why.  Time is different, so that maybe it's because a minute for one is six weeks for another, and thus everything is all jumbled from that.  Maybe it's because everything is magic, and thus the signs would be clear as day if only I read magic instead of physical objects.  Maybe I lived my life in reverse, say, and the ability that I would have had here instead showed up in my first life, leaving me naked and powerless in the afterlife.  Perhaps all of us, creatures, objects, and structures are created anew every moment, leaving nothing for me to know by mind or sight or touch."

"What I do know is that my ability is not to make pranks and mischief.  I thought that might be the case, where my ability was simply an ability for great proficiency with such things, but that is not the case.  I did nothing that anyone else could not have done, simply took a few tools from the storeroom and using the fact they return to the storeroom after a given time."

"That said, if you are willing to forgive me for slighting you, you would be doing me a great service if you would co-operate.  All these others here, around me, are new to this world, having only arrived a brief period ago.  They may be too young and inexperienced to show such marks on their bodies which I could then read.  If I could have a moment of your time, I could perhaps learn a piece of the truth about myself, as you seem to be highly experienced and accomplished at what you do, and your adventures and successes may have left marks on your body which would not be present on these others."

(If she refuses)

"Come on.  You've been insulting my friends and comrades around here, and I'm ignoring that to extend you every courtesy because you might be the one person here who can help me answer a question about myself.  Not only that, should I leave this place, it will be one question left open for you, one chance that may never again occur.  You said that you've never seen someone like myself before, and this might never happen again.  Are you really passing that up?"

(Again refuses)

"Is it fear then?  Is the royal, here in public court, fully armed and surrounded by her fellows, unwilling to spend a few minutes in the presence of the weakest person in the entire academy?  I saw that you were genuinely suprised for a few minutes while trying to read me, and I was hoping that meant you'd be willing to help me with this problem.  You know I have nothing that can hurt you, no weapon, no armour, no items, save for a discarded weapon mod I found the other day and tried to read to no avail.  I wasn't able to grasp a thing about its owner even though the item is engraved with his name!"

(Stop if refused again at that moment.)


"Thank you.  This won't take very long.  Can you come a bit closer, and draw your weapon and come to a ready position?  One of the few things that seems to be the same between my world and this one is that people skilled in weapons need to engage in regular practice.  I'm going to move to the side here, and watch how you move."  After doing so, ask her to perform something that would be part of her practice or training routines, something she knows well and has done many times.  If it takes only a few moments, ask her to repeat.  If it takes five to ten seconds, that's fine.  If it goes longer than about ten seconds, ask her to stop.  In any case, shake my head and say that I'm seeing nothing, it's time to move on to something else.

"Can you remove one of your gloves, please?  I need to take a close look at the skin on your hand, and observe how the muscles in it move up close."

After that happens, ask her to bend that arm at the elbow, and hold the hand in front of her, palm up.  Then move forward, support said hand from below, and continue talking.

Take one finger and trace over the lines of the palm, and talk about how I used to be able to read that a knob of built up skin meant this person did this sport, as this place would hold the bat for the swing.  And how certain tools would leave certain marks.  And that I can't read anything, all I see is a roadmap with no signs, no buildings, and no people.  Do try to let some sadness seep through.  Move on to the fingers, and show how they would define the arts, be it use of instruments, paintbrushes, various performing arts and such.

Include feeling the brachial artery, the one that runs through the elbow.  Talk about how reading the heart tells a lot about a person, as it's the most important muscle in the body, and many things about lifestyle and overall fitness would show through it.  Do try to pinch it and ask her to describe if her hand and arm get numb.  This is genuinely important, as it'll tell Lemmy if there is any point to fighting.  It should show him if he is capable of affecting a creature much more powerful than him, given a very advantagous position.

At the end, disappointed from feeling and knowing nothing, Lemmy is going to ask her to do one last thing, after manuvering them so that Melissa is facing about 90 degrees from her coterie, with the arm being manipulated on the side facing her followers.  Lemmy is going to have her start pivoting, very slowly with her arm out, towards the group, while he goes through moving the fingers one last time.  He'll stop her with a raised middle finger, facing her group, and move his hands away with her in that position, ordering her to freeze like that.

"I'm happy to forgive people for doing stuff to me, Melissa, it's not always a big deal, but I'm not dumb enough to forget all your bad behavior since you walked in here.  And now you can be the person who was gotten not once but twice by the weakest person in the Academy."

((Your action smells of epicness, Devastator. I'm just going to let her fall for it, hook, line, and sinker!))

Though a frown crept over her face, Melissa allowed herself to be talked into your little scheme. Like the sucker she is, the self-proclaimed 'Queen Bee' was being played by the one who is the least threatening to her in Altera Vita Academy as she bought your story, never thinking to approach it with the skepticism it deserved. Of course, given that your lack of a Psyche may have had something to do with her inability to read you like a book, such unrestrained curiosity is a bit understandable. You conducted your brachial artery test with her and, to the best of your knowledge, the result seemed to be indicative of someone who is extremely athletic which, given that you're the only one here with a normal human physiology, is a huge educated guess. Nevertheless, you continued with your ploy.

Finally, to put the cherry on the cake named 'Bullshitting a Really Powerful Student', you guided Melissa through some steps, making her inadvertently flip off her own clique. The realization dawned on everyone present as soon as you finished talking. Soon, laughter erupted from your fellow students as Melissa's clique looked on, stunned beyond belief. Realizing just how much of a fool she'd be made out to be and by the weakest student in Altera Vita no less, Melissa face turned a deep red. Soon, her embarrassed expression gave way to a mask of barely contained fury and she gave you a death glare for a few seconds before turning to leave.

“Come Bees, we are done here.” she said tensely before walking briskly pass jeering students with her followers in tow. Reaching the door, Melissa pushed pass Madeline just as the latter was just arriving. After Melissa and Co. left, Madeline looked around the room in confusion.

“So, what did I miss?”


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (IC)Altera Vita Academy- A Red Day
« Reply #123 on: August 28, 2018, 06:30:43 pm »

Lemmy stays silent as he's no snitch, but does think about his situation vis a vis any potential petty revenge; for petty would be all that's expected from someone as small-minded and ineffectual as that girl.

His room should be fine.  It looked like a mostly unfurnished bare low-end hotel room, and from what people have said, probably some kind of default setting.  If it's wrecked any other unoccupied room would do, and there's likely to be hundreds if not thousands of them.

If he needs to get something together for the mission, thanks to getting in trouble, he's now watched in the workshop, so there shouldn't be any trouble there.

Murder isn't anything to worry about, and will be recorded perfectly via wall, so not much to worry about there.  Being "weak" should be to his benefit, as, most likely, he won't be able to get crippled or hurt badly due to dying too easily.  Maybe he should make something to reduce his constitution, to ensure that can't happen.

Same if someone kidnaps or waylays him.  Since he's in trouble, the headmistress will send someone or come looking should he get imprisoned in some way.

The places to worry about would be in the kitchen or any kind of recreational time.  But those situations would have good potential for further pranks, so if that girl or one of her followers comes after him there, he'll get another chance to get one over them.

They could try to cause more problems for him with the faculty, but he's got a good excuse and that's a very dangerous game to play.. people with superpowers and magic and such aren't going to operate the same way that he does, and so could well get caught themselves.  And they would have a lot more to lose, after all.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2018, 06:36:04 pm by Devastator »


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Re: (IC)Altera Vita Academy- A Red Day
« Reply #124 on: August 28, 2018, 06:46:51 pm »

"May we start?" she says with an eerie tone of calm.


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Re: (IC)Altera Vita Academy- A Red Day
« Reply #125 on: August 28, 2018, 07:14:09 pm »

Toby seems a lot calmer than normal, given that he's not reading or playing his violin. Usually he's chatting with everyone, telling jokes (some good, some bad) but after his encounter with Melissa he's juuuuuust barely got his emotions in check.

Figuring this is some kind of test, Toby simply says "Not to much. Had a bit of heart-to-heart with the older students, but nothing much beyond that. Kind of touched, I wouldn't think they cared."
Toby inspects his staff, morphing it to gun form and making sure the barrel is clear and chambering a round. He then fixes his bayonet onto the mounting lug, and morphs the gun back into staff form, and goes to chat with Metz.


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Re: (IC)Altera Vita Academy- School's in Session
« Reply #126 on: August 28, 2018, 10:21:48 pm »


Dustan Hache

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Re: (IC)Altera Vita Academy- A Red Day
« Reply #127 on: August 31, 2018, 12:13:35 am »

”Some gal decided that she was tougher than everyone here. Lil’ psycho started talking shit and even intentionally cut herself on the bayonet of my gun when I challenged her. You sure got some interesting high rankers, Ms Goldenchilde.
By the way, what was with the alarm yesterday? Anything about it related to today?”
I figure at some point, you're just gonna run outta fucks to give and just off yourself whenever you get hurt at all. It's not like there's any downsides to it. Hangover? Suicide will fix that. Stubbed your toe? Suicide. Headache? Suicide. Papercut? Suicide.


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Re: (IC)Altera Vita Academy- A Red Day
« Reply #128 on: August 31, 2018, 01:06:38 am »

Toby facepalms behind Metz.

Sir Elventide

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Re: (IC)Altera Vita Academy- A Red Day
« Reply #129 on: October 08, 2018, 06:29:59 pm »

Alright, I'm going to reorder this. I didn't really think about my actions when i originally did them so I'm going to repost it here:
2 rolls to boost Charisma, representative of me learning songs etc. for my Psyche.
1 roll to try convert the Allin Gun to .50 BMG.
1 roll to learn how to manufacture specialized .50 BMG (am I safe assuming that I'll be allowed to have standard rounds without having to craft them first? Since making them would be practically the same as making .50-70?)
1 save roll. Use it on the conversion first.
If my non save rolls succeed, use the save roll to craft some Armour-Piercing-Incendiary-Tracer rounds.

Name: Song Mastery
Type of action (Skill/recipe, crafting, research): Skill (Passive)
Desired progress in weeks/levels: 2 weeks
Description: Learning new songs to boost Charisma

Hoping to aid your comrades in the upcoming fight, you decided to learn new songs that will help you in your endeavor. Picking out a few songs to try out, you decided to focus in presenting the overall moods and feeling their song artists and musicians wanted to express, figuring out how to replicate the music using your violin/guitar. Though your own experiences and the use of sheet music do help, you figured that it is going to be harder than it seemed.

[5 rolls (2 weeks + 1 roll(+1/5 Intelligence)] = 11 rolls.

Week 1: [2, 1, 4, 2, 3] = 20%
Week 2: [5, 2, 2, 2, 6] = 60%
Week 3: [2] = 0%

Total: Week 1 80% Completed

Results: 4 extra successes (Week 1)

Despite your best efforts, you failed to correctly integrate the songs into your music for your Psyche to use. Sure you almost had it but 'almost' is still subpar compared to actually getting it. Nevertheless, you intend to try again as soon as you have enough time again.

Toby received 4 extra successes(Week 1)!

Name: .50 BMG Barrel Mod
Type of action (Skill/recipe, crafting, research): Mod (Recipe)
Desired progress in weeks/levels: 1 week
Description: A mod that allows the Allin gun to fire .50 BMG shells.

Realizing that the Allin gun itself cannot be changed directly as it is a part of your soul, you decided to learn how to craft a barrel-shaped mod that will allow you to fire .50 Browning Machine Gun rounds. These rounds are more capable of punching through targets with armor and thicker skins than your typical Allin rounds. It will prove useful when fighting tougher Contorted.

[5 rolls(1 weeks) + 1 roll (+1/5 Intelligence)] = 6 rolls.

Week 1: [4, 3, 1, 3, 1] = 20% and the Exposed trait (-2 Stealth for two turns)
Week 2: [2] = 0%

Total: Week 1 20% completed.

That Melissa bitch must have cursed you somehow! Either that or your luck is really shitty today. Failing to produce even a workable recipe, you decided to give it a rest at least for the moment. Moreover, the fine bits of powder you experimented with were accidentally blown into the air, coating you with its particles. Though you managed to dust most of it off yourself, some stuck to your skin and to your clothing, becoming hard to wash away. The particles, which turned out to be highly reflective even in dim lighting, making it even harder to hide the tiny sparkles of light that now dotted your entire body, something that a potential hunter will have no trouble locating.

Toby receives 1 extra successes (Week 1) and the Exposed trait (-2 Stealth) for two turns)!

Name: Specialized .50 BMG Insight
Type of action (Skill/recipe, crafting, research): Research
Desired progress in weeks/levels: 1 week
Description: Learning about how to manufacture special .50 BMG rounds

Despite the fact that you fail to produce a workable mod that would allow your Allin to fire .50 BMG rounds, you see much promise in the field of ammo specialization and thus decided to go ahead and learn much about it.

[5 rolls(1 week) + 1(+1/5 Intelligence)] = 6 rolls

Week 1: [3, 2, 3, 6, 4] = 60%
Week 2: [4] = 20%

Total: Week 1 80% completed.

For the third time, you failed to produce completed results for yourself. Perhaps people should call you 'Toby the Thrice-Cursed'. Of course, those people would obviously not know that you still have plenty of time remaining in the day and one more chance to finish what you started. Now, if only Lady Luck would smile on you…

Toby receive 4 extra successes (Week 1)!

Name: .50 BMG Barrel Mod
Type of action (Skill/recipe, crafting, research): Mod (Recipe)
Desired progress in weeks/levels: 1 week
Description: A mod that allows the Allin gun to fire .50 BMG shells.

You decided to reattempt the .50 BMG Mod recipe. After all, you be damned if you don't get some sort of success out of this. Taking a deep breath, you threw yourself back into the problem at hand, hoping that you will succeed this time. Even if it's just a recipe for something you will have to actually build at a later date, at least it's a start.

[5 rolls(1 weeks) + 1 roll (+1/5 Intelligence)] = 6 rolls.

Week 1: [5, 1, 1, 1, 5] = 20% + 1 extra success and the Enfeebled trait (-4 Endurance) for two turns.
Week 2: [1] = 0

Total: Week 1 40% completed.

You throw your hands into the air like you just don't care, which you stopped doing anyway since Lady Luck has apparently went on vacation. Yet again has your progress been hampered by unforeseen circumstances. In addition, your strenuous attempts to correct your mistakes have make you very tired and weak, a deal breaker just in case you have to make use of your endurance. Oh well, you just going to have to cross that bridge when you get to it.

Toby received 2 extra successes (Week 1) for .50 BMG Mod Recipe and the Enfeebled (-4 Endurance) for two turns!

Lemmy stays silent as he's no snitch, but does think about his situation vis a vis any potential petty revenge; for petty would be all that's expected from someone as small-minded and ineffectual as that girl.

((Oh you sweet naive child. There's plenty of ways to screw over even immortal people in Aetheria...))

Toby seems a lot calmer than normal, given that he's not reading or playing his violin. Usually he's chatting with everyone, telling jokes (some good, some bad) but after his encounter with Melissa he's juuuuuust barely got his emotions in check.

Figuring this is some kind of test, Toby simply says "Not to much. Had a bit of heart-to-heart with the older students, but nothing much beyond that. Kind of touched, I wouldn't think they cared."
Toby inspects his staff, morphing it to gun form and making sure the barrel is clear and chambering a round. He then fixes his bayonet onto the mounting lug, and morphs the gun back into staff form, and goes to chat with Metz.


”Some gal decided that she was tougher than everyone here. Lil’ psycho started talking shit and even intentionally cut herself on the bayonet of my gun when I challenged her. You sure got some interesting high rankers, Ms Goldenchilde.
By the way, what was with the alarm yesterday? Anything about it related to today?”

Toby facepalms behind Metz.

"May we start?" she says with an eerie tone of calm.

Summer Hat Madeline raised an eyebrow in confusion. “Melissa is a sweet girl, at least that's the sort of demeanor she exuded to me,” the headmistress finally said. “She is quite helpful and respectful. Nevertheless, I will have a little talk with her later and will make heads and tails of this. Right now, I'm certain that you are all sick of standing here and want to get on with the assignment.”

When Metz asked Summer Hat Madeline about the incident yesterday, Madeline pursed her lips and looked away in thought as if deciding whether she should tell him or not. Finally she relented with a sigh before turning back to him. “I suppose that since you all are going out now, it's best to inform you of what you would hopefully not encounter until you are ready to defeat it. Yesterday at 7 pm, an Ophan which been heavily damaged in a battle against a powerful Contorted escaped from its repair bay after being activated and corrupted somehow. The Ophan completed destroyed the repair section and damaged the surrounding sections in its violent exit from Altera Vita. Since its tracker was damaged in the battle, we are unable to ascertain its whereabouts. We are still currently investigating how it ended up rogue. If someone is responsible, there is no way they could've entered the room as it isn't reachable by normal mean unless they used a portal or something.”

"Keep in mind that, though heavily damaged, this Ophan is still a dangerous enemy. After all, it is a heavy weapons platform capable of wiping out hundreds if not thousands of Contorted in a single battle when at full strength, Contorted who are for the most part as strong as you are now. Undamaged, it is as powerful as seven Seraphim and can make use of armor and shield generators to last a long time in battles. This is why I am reluctant to tell you. At the very least, you can eviscerate the Contorted you will fight today before they eviscerate you. One of the Ophanim, on the other hand, well… Galgalim sure knows how to build them to last, even when heavily damaged.”

Taking a breath, Summer Hat Madeline continued, “So if during your travels you encountered an entity that looks like a metallic sphere with a single large eye and surrounded by four huge, thick rings that rotate within each other and have eye shaped cameras ringing their outer surfaces, get out of there as fast as you can. Unless you are strong enough, you will be vaporized. That is all.”

Summer Hat Madeline then turned toward the rest of the students. “Now that that's said, let's get you to the next assignment. Be careful, fight well, and please be sure to come back with your viscera still inside your bodies!”

War Room
10 minutes later…

Reaching the sector, the students were split off into groups and herded into several brief rooms by Seraphim. Your group were seated in a cube-shaped room that appeared to seat around two hundred people. In front of you was a large flat screen flanked by long speakers. On the wall above the huge television was 'Battle Group Epsilon' painted in blood red letters.

Standing to the side of the flat screen was a teenager wearing an armor vest over her school uniform and guards on her elbows and knees. Her left leg and right arm were wrapped in bandage and a scar was traced across the vermillion bird glyph on her forehead, barely hidden by her caramel skin. Her auburn hair was cut short, the longest strand not even passing her ears. Her weapon, a broadsword that looked as if it can be transformed into a gun of some kind, was sheathed at her side. A shoulder guard with Altera Vita's insignia was on her left shoulder. Her expression and stance seemed to give off the air of someone who's scanning a room full of recruits as if deciding how many of them will get expelled from a Contorted's bowel today and who will call it quits afterward. Needless to say, she's expecting an emptier room when this is over.

The flat screen flickered to life, revealing the mug of a woman who appeared to be middle-aged. Her long blonde hair framed a stern face with a few wrinkles forming in the corner of her pale brown eyes. Her uniform top were styled to resemble a military officer, especially one from Earth's Late Gunpowder Age complete with epaulettes and the golden aiguillettes on the right shoulder. An azure dragon glyph was on her forehead.

“Bonjour, new students and welcome to your first briefing,” the woman spoke in a professional tone, her eyes seeming to pierce through the screen and into your being. “My name of Genevieve Algiers and I am the commander of Section 1000, the section where you and the other students in the other briefing rooms are assigned. Who I once was isn't important. Just remember that your are not the chosen ones. You are all merely soldiers in the war against the Contorted. You may not can tell by everything you'd experienced in your stay here but Altera Vita used to be a less *ahem… battle-focused place. Sure, students still learned a few skills here and there to fight the occasional demonic raiders escaping from the Tartarus Realm but it was what most people could handle. It was a place where you could more or less relive the happiest and most carefree moments of your lives as school students if you were one and would've been accommodating if you were never a student in the first place or didn't have fond memories about it. Sounds strange? Well I could go on about what people would think about reliving a point in their lives that existed before the responsibilities, confusion, and stresses of experiencing the adult world for the first time come crashing down but that would be a debate for those who would care to discuss it. Anyway, all that ended when the Contorted started appearing five years ago. Unfortunately, they hit different places in the Animus, Desolatus, and Arcticus Realms in an almost synchronized assault. That, coupled with the strange anomalies Altera Vita and some of the other academies are experiencing and the enemy spreading very fast means that we had to adapt in order to keep them at bay for the moment. I'm sure that you are know where you come in.”

“Our command structure is simple enough for those who had never been in the military to understand though frankly it is not regimented enough to my liking. Basically, you will report any enemy activities and important findings to your captain, who is standing next to this flat screen as we speak. They will then summarize and redirect the extremely important stuff to me. I will notify them of any changes in the overall plan as a result of the information received and they will relay you your new orders. Your captain will explain this topic and others further. Remember: the enemy may be quite difficult to defeat but don't think it's impossible to accomplish. Do not fear death. Defy it, and you'll drive it into the enemy's ranks! Au revoir and bon combat!” With that, Genevieve terminated the connection.

Stepping forward, the teenager spoke, “Now that the commander has finished speaking, allow me to introduce myself.”

Clearing her throat, the captain continued, “My name is Jeong Chin-Sun, new age 16, previously a 35 year male by the name of Kim Chin-Mae. As a lieutenant who fought for the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, I'd aided my countrymen and Chinese troops in pushing back a combined South Korean/United Nations assault back across the 38th Parallel, even managing to help recapture the city of  Seoul before an American artillery shell ended my life. Now I don't know how many of you are from Earth but if there are any Americans, Japanese, South Koreans, or any other citizens of the UN out there whose feathers I'd just ruffled then let me clear up one thing: my introduction merely illustrates a point. Any of these students, even those who'd befriended you ever since you got here, could have fought for the other side in humanity's petty wars. Hell, they may have even been the one who'd sent you here in the first place and then died afterward and vice versa. However, here in Altera Vita and elsewhere in Aetheria, nationalities no longer matter and clashes over ideologies mattered even less. You are all students here and now have a common enemy, one that could care less for human squabbles so as long as it can take over Aetheria. God only knows where it will go from there. Now that's in the clear, let's get back on topic.”

“As of today, minus the students who chose to get transmigrated out of this mess yesterday, there are almost four thousand students remaining in Section 1000. Just in case you had not figured it out already, Section 1000 has been split into groups consisting of two hundred students known as battle groups. AS you can tell by looking over my head, you are into Battle Group Epsilon and will remain here until we see fit to transfer you. Usually you will fight as part of your battle group though if the situation demands it, you will be further broken down into squads especially when you are placed on scouting missions. to cover more ground. Though this arrangement is far less regimented and overall you are far less disciplined than the students of Solidarius Academy, you are far more flexible and can more quickly change tactics as the situation demands. Unlike them, who don't get to choose which skills they learn, your plethora of abilities will ensure that the Contorted cannot truly adapt to them all.”

Taking off her Beacon, Chin-Sun held the bracelet in the air. “During your tours of duty, you may come across possible Contorted activity or anomalies. As Commander Genevieve just point out, please inform us of them through these Beacons. You may also communicate with and locate your fellow students through these.”

Replacing her bracelet, Chin-Sun pointed a remote at the flat-screen and pressed a button. A simplified top down view of a set of buildings and ruins appeared. Connected by walls and passageways arranged in a labyrinthine layout, the complex was arranging in an octagon and a river flowed through the iddle, cutting it almost nearly in two. The center of the complex appeared to be wide open space, perfect for view in all directions but could leave slower people vulnerable to getting surrounded. The measurement showed that the complex, perhaps a fort or walled town, was a total of 60 acres.

“Believe it or not, this is only a part of a major area you recruits are tasked with clearing of Contorted. Most of the othe rbattle group except two more will be clearing the areas beyond your objective. This battle group will attack from the south while being supported by Battle Group Delta attacking from the northeast and Battle Group Gamma striking from the west. All three battle group with converge at the center and continue wiping out Contorted until none of the twisted bastards remained. As you have already guessed, the purpose of this assignment is to give you a taste of what to come and to rely more on each other to get you through this. This area is only expected to contain relatively light Contorted resistance. Savor this for things will get harder from this point onward. Any questions before you are deployed?”

After the briefing, all of you head to the War Room where you are outfitted with the Beacons and loaded into the teleporters. After experiencing kaleidoscopic flurries of light, you find yourself standing outside the Academy, which from the outside looked of all things like a giant golden cube with intricate patterns and glyphs on the surface. Led to the transports by Captain Chin-Sun and her command staff, which resembled monorail trains with golden wing-like reliefs decorating their noses and sides, you all walked briskly as the crisp, late morning air rustled pass you. In the distance, large groups of students boarding their transports, some already en route to their deployment zones.

Boarding your transport, you felt the strange vehicle gain speed as a rapid rate. In fact, you didn't know that the outside was an unrecognizable blur until you looked out the window seven seconds later. After about twenty-six minutes have passed, your transport gracefully but rapidly slowed to a stop. Surprising, you weren't affected by that much inertia, only a little nudge. Either the transport started slowing down several miles back or strange forces were keeping you braced.

Stepping out of the transport, you looked at the crumbling southern walls in the distance, wondering what sort of complex it could've been and its purpose. Though you can't see anything standing on the walls or among its fallen stones, you can't help but to have a feeling of dread at what manner of creatures you were up against. You feel like a gazelle, wildebeest, or some other grazer walking through tall grass with predators watching and waiting for the right moment to strike. Whatever the Contorted could actually be, it was clear that you can expect to find no mercy from them.

Nearby, Chin-Sun and her staff begin setting up tents and amplifiers, trasmitter/receivers and rerouters for the Beacons. They also set up a pole that became wreathed in cyan energy when activated, it four arms focusing the Quintessence into a single point.

Captain Chin-Sun has set up Respawn Marker: Command Camp.

It was a good thing Chin-Sun decided to set up the Respawn Marker in a safe place because many students will be needing it pretty soon...



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (IC)Altera Vita Academy- A Red Day
« Reply #130 on: October 09, 2018, 07:49:52 am »

Hum 'Men of Harlech' (the real version) as I load a round into Allin and shoulder the rifle, stumbling a bit from fatigue as I walk towards the few students I know: Roland, Metz, etc. Assuming lack of orders, go find an easily climbable tree or conveniently placed stone fence and try to see enemies before they see me. If the transport is still here, ask whoever is driving it if they have a spare pair of binoculars or something that I can borrow. Or just search the damn thing myself. Any conveniently placed crates of supplies, perhaps?
'Men of Harlech, in the hollow!/Do ye hear like rushing billow..."
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« Last Edit: October 09, 2018, 08:34:11 am by Redjive_Industries »


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Re: (IC)Altera Vita Academy- A Red Day
« Reply #131 on: October 09, 2018, 08:10:16 am »

We're supposed to be the flexable ones?  They're trying to teach flexability by encouraging all students to do whatever the fuck they want, instead of teaching them how to think on their feet, adapt to differing situations, quickly analyze data, and make decisions?  And the smallest tactical unit is 200 freaking people, with zero training for junior officers or NCOs?  Or basic teamwork 101?  No wonder this place is fucked up.

..I don't have time to fix this situation, not that I think I could, given the quality of these other students.  I mean, hell, there was that bee girl who spent three minutes belittling everyone, and then completely broke down when presented with the first genuine challenge she's probably seen in years.

On the plus side, 200 people means there ought to be someone who has a brain, so there should be something to work with.

Look around for anyone who seems to have brought scouting or spotting equipment.  Camera, telescope, binoculars, magic drone, rune-covered scrying bowl, I don't care.  Someone who wants to know something about the opposition.  Link up and find out where I can go to see something useful.

If there is nobody like that, or if I'm blown off, so be it.  Head towards enemy territory and try to find an observation point for myself, eyes open.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: (IC)Altera Vita Academy- A Red Day
« Reply #132 on: October 09, 2018, 10:17:25 am »

Look around for a suitable melee group heading inward. Join up and head out.

Have Sonics Shaping~Edge prepped for when first skirmish occurs.

Dustan Hache

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Re: (IC)Altera Vita Academy- A Red Day
« Reply #133 on: October 09, 2018, 10:43:42 am »

begin examining the battlefield, looking for  and moving to the closest high-ground possible and watching for any contorted moving in the area.
”Ey Lemmy! With me ya trickster, I need ya as a spotter!”
I figure at some point, you're just gonna run outta fucks to give and just off yourself whenever you get hurt at all. It's not like there's any downsides to it. Hangover? Suicide will fix that. Stubbed your toe? Suicide. Headache? Suicide. Papercut? Suicide.


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Re: (IC)Altera Vita Academy- A Red Day
« Reply #134 on: October 09, 2018, 01:48:55 pm »

"Loose the folds asunder! Flag we conquer under!
Placid skies that hear our cries shall launch their bolts of thunder!
Onward! 'Tis our country needs us..."
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