Name: Elbereth (HugeNerdAndProudOfIt)
Health: 30/30
Race: Falcor
Equipment (8-3-3-1-1=0):
1. Fencer's Shirt: +1 to Evasion rolls, +1 to Hit rolls with Longblades and Shortblades.
2. Crafted Sword: [PHS] 4-9 damage.
3. Health Potion: Instead of attacking, you can use this to restore 10 Health and remove Poison, three times per Arena fight.
4. Bronze Bracers: Lowers [PHS] damage by 2.
Traits: Healthy, Long Blades, Fleetfoot
Name: Mica Brassbones (Felissan)
Health: 30
Race: Hartling
Equipment (8-1-1-6=0):
1. Woodstaff: [PHS] 3-4 damage, +1 to Evasion rolls.
2. Long Cape: +1 to Evasion rolls.
3. Wand of Inferno: Instead of attacking, you can use this to deal 4-10 [FIR] damage to a target of your choice, three times per Arena fight.
Traits: Fleetfooted, Healthy, Shieldwielder
Name: Ibmat Saramlokum (piratejoe)
Health: 40
Race: Adorfin
Equipment (10-9-1=0):
1. Gungnir: [ELC], 8-16 damage.
2. Cuirass: Lowers [PHS] damage by 2.
Traits: Reachweapons, Strongarm, Healthy
Name: Kastar Delersodel (randomgenericusername)
Health: 35
Race: Adorfin
Equipment (10-6-3-1=0):
1. Pavise: +4 to Evasion rolls, -1 to Hit rolls.
2. Quarterstaff: [PHS] 4-5 damage, +2 to Evasion rolls.
3. Long Cape: +1 to Evasion rolls.
Traits: Fleetfooted, Shieldwielder, Talented
Name: Alfin (Taricus)
Health: 25
Race: Falcor
Equipment (8-1-3-3-1=0):
1. Icicle: [ICE] 2-6 damage.
2. Fencer's Shirt: +1 to Evasion rolls, +1 to Hit rolls with Longblades and Shortblades.
3. Steel Shield: +2 to Evasion rolls.
4. Bracelet of Jewels: 2 in 3 chance to bounce incoming enemy Wand attacks back to the user.
Traits: Talented, Shieldwielder, Fleetfooted
Name: Ashborn Lyonhart (flazeo25)
Health: 35
Race: Adorfin
Equipment (10-1-1-6-1-1=0):
1. Venom Knife: [PHS] 1-5 damage, Poison on Hit.
2. Stiletto: [PHS] 1-6 damage, +1 to Hit rolls with this weapon.
3. Ring of Nullification: Enemy weapons always deal [PHS] damage to you, no matter their default damage type.
4. Your weapons deal [MAG] Damage if your target has any sort of Resistance to their default Damage type.
5. Bronze Bracers: Lowers [PHS] damage by 2.
Traits: Ambidextrous, Shortblades, Fleetfooted
Name: Kaedi Briki (Unlurking Sentinel)
Health: 25
Race: Falcor
Equipment (8-3-3-1-1=0):
1. Rapidfire: [FIR] 1-6 damage, attacks 2 times.
2. Fencer's Shirt: +1 to Evasion rolls, +1 to Hit rolls with Longblades and Shortblades.
3. Steel Buckler: +1 to Evasion rolls.
4. Bracelet of Jewels: 2 in 3 chance to bounce incoming enemy Wand attacks back to the user.
Traits: Fleetfooted, Shieldwielder, Shortblades
Name: Arlos (Arlos)
Health: 25
Race: Terran
Equipment (8-3-1-1-3=0):
1. Chainmail: Lowers all damage received by 1 and [PHS] by another 2.
2. Spiked Club: [PHS] 3-6 damage.
3. Ring of the Falcon: +1 to Hit rolls with all weapons.
4. Steel Shield: +2 to Evasion rolls.
Traits: Strongarm, Bludgeons, Shieldwielder
Name: Arthur Ashcroft (Pavellius)
Health: 25
Race: Terran
Equipment (8-3-1-1-1=2):
1. Quarterstaff: [PHS] 4-5 damage, +2 to Evasion rolls.
2. Wooden Wristshield: +2 to Evasion rolls, [-FIR].
3. Bracelet of Jewels: 2 in 3 chance to bounce incoming enemy Wand attacks back to the user.
4. Long Cape: +1 to Evasion rolls.
Traits: Ambidextrous, Fleetfooted, Talented
Name: Haiestia (Egan_BW)
Health: 25
Race: Terran
Equipment (8-3-1-1-3=0):
1. Deathknife: [PHS] 5-9 damage, wielder receives 1 Damage per Hit.
2. Parrying Knife: [PHS] 1-5 damage, +1 to Evasion rolls vs Longblades and Shortblades.
3. Long Cape: +1 to Evasion rolls.
4. Ring of Cobra: Your weapon(s) also Poison on Hit.
Traits: Ambidextrous, Shortblades, Talented
Name: Kyys'hak (Kashyyk)
Health: 25
Race: Falcor
Equipment: (8-3-1-3-1=0)
1. Oriental Clothing: +1 to Evasion rolls, +1 to Hit rolls with Bludgeons and Reachweapons.
2. Wooden Wristshield: +2 to Evasion rolls, [-FIR].
3. Quarterstaff: [PHS] 4-5 damage, +2 to Evasion rolls.
4. Bracelet of Jewels: 2 in 3 chance to bounce incoming enemy Wand attacks back to the user.
Traits: Fleetfooted, Bludgeons, Shieldwielder
Name: syvarris (syvarris)
Health: 25
Race: Falcor
Equipment (8-3-3-1-1):
1. Quarterstaff: [PHS] 4-5 damage, +2 to Evasion rolls.
2. Quarterstaff: [PHS] 4-5 damage, +2 to Evasion rolls.
3. Trickster's Robe: Your weapons deal [MAG] Damage if your target has any sort of Resistance to their default Damage type.
4. Health Potion: Instead of attacking, you can use this to restore 10 Health and remove Poison, three times per Arena fight.
Traits: Ambidextrous, Bludgeons, Fleetfooted
The listing is done, we start in the morning. If anyone wants to opt out, now is last chance ;V