You amble over to the Nine Tails with Wran following in your wake after some nudging, and lead with a classic remark.
"Good case, everyone, good case!"
Shockingly enough, they appear to be fairly nice deities as they all congratulate you in turn, patting you on the back, asking if that was your first time representing someone in a law-dance and sharing approving remarks when you say yes, and generally being good sports about the whole thing. They've also all got numbers which you guess is kind of cute in a way, like there's a Number One who's also named Vikt, after the goblin concept of the reverberation of guilt from any Wrong Action performed in society. The idea is, you're informed by Number Five, a.k.a. Hvulst, as in the process of assembling a panel of judges to assess the damage caused by Wrong Action and the measures needed to rectify it, that the cat o' nine tails is this symbolic thingamabob that may or may not hit people sequentially (it hits sequentially if you do it the goblin way for sure) and that's how the court cases are supposed to go. In theory. Tell you what, these guys have got a heck of a lot of goblin trivia, and boy if they're not glad to share it! Did you know that goblins and dark deities have a sort of common origin, culturally speaking? You sure didn't!
Fortunately, with trivia also come drinks as you all slide into the dusty dark corners of the Forgotten Library, a used book depository slash dive bar located some blocks away from the Huehuehuacan. Diminished spirits of silence, dust and indices busy themselves providing a fashionably negligent atmosphere. You don't entirely get the appeal of getting drunk in a library, but you guess you never went to college like these guys did. Heck, back home you didn't even have a library. At least Wran doesn't get it either, and the two of you share knowingly unknowing looks all along the way.
Number Nine, Shakt, the punishment that brings Right Action to smooth out the Vikt that once was, seems particularly interested in what you do, professionally speaking - you appear to have fallen into this law-dancing gig completely by accident, and it does appear to fascinate him greatly what you actually think of the process and its application.
A) "I don't know where this has been all my life, if I was informed that dancing for justice was an option I'd have been doing this like a decade ago."
B) "It's pretty weird, I don't think I've ever heard of this system being used for legal cases before."
C) "I got super winded from a misdemeanor case, so what's a murder trial by dance look like?"
D) "Not to bring this into goblin trivia again necessarily, but is this how you do legal stuff under the goblin model too?"
Queh, Goddess of the DarkPower: 4
Goodwill: 6
2Time: 3
Missing right hand.