You dither a bit, your resolve worn down by Acter's weaselly wheedling.
"Eeerh," you say at last. "All right. Lemme have it." You open up your arms and Acter raises his white manikin hands, and from them springs a final sputtering stream of divine power that covers you from head to toe in a frankly uncomfortable manner as your clothes and skin seem to fuse into one solid white plastic-feeling shell. You emit a muffled sound of protest before Acter thinks to make your faceplate transparent and conducive to speech.
"There you go," Acter says. "You're, uh, a spitting image. They'll never be able to tell the difference."
"Well, good luck!" the bastard tells you as he pushes you halfway up the stairwell, "party's about to start, so you had better hurry!"
"I'm going already, geez."
You ascend the stairwell, finding yourself in a short hallway of crystals that chime and twinkle at your lateness, urging further haste to the point where you find yourself sprinting through the doorway leading to the party itself, emerging into a relatively humble conference room hastily retooled into a party area, gods of many shapes and all stripes gathered within in a mostly polite fashion, at least for now.
The first thing you make out in the throng apart from the completely nondenominational decor slightly clashing with the black piano-glass walls is a serpent of thunder and death that has wound its way tunelessly around an electrified lute and a mic stand. It makes you out in much the same way. "ACTERRR" it growls, the mic squealing slightly as it does so. An ironic cheer goes through the people gathered as you begin heading deeper in.
You notice a plastic cup half-full of mercury a little too late as it hits you in the forehead with a painless but startling thud, spilling molten metal all over you and onto the floor and nearly causing you to trip all over a nearby snack table.
"Ha-whoops," goes a vaguely humanoid hillock at the other end of the room, "careful where you stand, eh! Someone could get hurt like that!"
Everybody laughs, and you have a moment to appreciate the terrible mistake you have made.
A) Try to get lost in the crowd.
B) Who knows, maybe Acter has friends too. They might even be in this room!
C) Just find the punchbowl and get effin' blasted.
Queh, Goddess of the DarkPower: 2
Goodwill: 5
3Time: 6