In the age of chaos, two factions battle for dominance!ENTERING GAME:
1. Pick a class and faction from the class list below.
2. Add yourself to the player list (maximum 16 players) as 'username the classname', and you have base 10 points. The game will start (The Horde first) when there's 8 players per Faction.
Soldier: Can Hurt for 2 Points.
Elf Archer: Can Hurt 2 for 1 Point each.
Paladin: Can Hurt for 3 Points OR Heal for 3 Points. There can be only 2 Paladins in a game.
Mage: Can Hurt 2 for 2 Points each. There can be only 2 Mages in a game.
Grunt: Can Hurt for 2 Points.
Troll: Can Hurt 2 for 1 Point each.
Ogre: Can Hurt for 4 Points OR Heal for 2 Points. There can be only 2 Ogres in a game.
Death Knight: Can Hurt 4 for 1 Point each. There can be only 2 Death Knights in a game.
1. You can Hurt (others) or Heal (others OR self) per your Class ability. You MUST copy the points' list from previous poster's post, as well as clearly notify your changes (
bold them or maybe
apply colors to them, it's up to you).
2. To post again:
*Someone from opposite Faction has posted.
*1 real-time hour has passed since your previous post.
*The previous post from your Faction WASN'T yours.
3. Player whose points get to 0 or lower is 'eliminated' and can no longer post in current game.
4. When one Faction is reduced to 3 Players, the other Faction wins!
1. MonkeyMarkMario the Paladin: 10 points
2. Fluffe9911 the Mage: 10 points
3. Shadowclaw777 the Paladin: 10 points
4. Felissan the Mage: 10 points
1. Maximum Spin the Ogre: 10 points
2. flazeo25 the Death Knight: 10 points
3. helmacon the Ogre: 10 points
4. roseheart the Death Knight: 10 points