What can I say I'm an art ninja. I specialize in pretending, stealing intelligence and escaping by the rooftops
I know what I'm drawing next
lol I'm genuinly interested in seing the result
Huh, both posts are really helpful. Thanks a bunch!
For your first drawings in perspective, my advice more in dephts now that I am free from the burden of earning my daily bread :
• Draw a horizon line in your paper, at the level of your "camera". Imagine that this line is the line of the eyes of the viewer : everything above this line will be above the viewer, anything below will be, well, below. (note that the line of horizon does not need to be...horizontal, or even on your paper. It can be above or below the drawing space. But for simplicity sake, make it horizontal and on the sheet)
• Put a dot in that line, in the direction that the viewer is looking. It will basically be the point where the camera is pointed at. That's the vanishing point
• With very subtle lines you can erase easily, draw a flat grid over your sheet
• At each intersection of your grid, draw a subtle line that comes from the intersection to the vanishing point
When you have done that, you notice that a 3D grid has magically (or so) appeared
Now for the hard part :
• On another sheet, draw your boat in very simple square forms. Simplify as much as you can, the idea is to have a model that can be transposed in 3D as easily as possible. That will also train your eyes in seeing everything in simple forms.
• When this is done, use your newly drawn easyboat as a reference, and redraw it on your 3D grid, while respecting the grid as much as you can. Do not add details. Use only cubes. For this exercice your main character should just be a cube among cubes.
• When it is done, add details, distort cubes, etc.
It is long to explain, but once you get a hang of it, it becomes increasingly fast and easy