Didn't play much necro in CoE3, but in CoE2 they were definitely one of the most interesting classes. ...not necessarily "good" or "balanced", but interesting. The main gimmick being that the act of directly forcing the dead to rise is outlawed by divine mandate; the living shall never command the dead. So enacting the forbidden rites carries the curse of necromancy, blasting the practitioner's sanity until they end up as a gibbering invalid.
So, naturally, you don't wanna do that. There are ways around the law, as you're allowed to make deals with the dead in return for services or servitude, but that requires collecting certain materials... most notably, the left hands of hanged men. Kinda tricky to stock up on, as they don't exactly grow on trees. ...well, I mean... you understand.
The trick is to attract apprentices drawn by your mastery of the dark arts, get them to sacrifice their cognitive functions by raising the dead, and using your bucket of zombies to take control of enough large settlements with strict legal systems in order to get you the hands of glory necessary for the transformation into a lich. See, becoming a lich means you're now technically dead, so the magical laws against necromancy don't apply to you anymore and you can go around farting out hordes of shamblies as much as you like (although you still only get appreciable numbers in places like fresh battlefields or old cemeteries).
Dunno if Age of Wonders really counts for this, as in 1 you still had to pay them wages, and they were likely to give you just as much sass as living troops if they didn't like your face... 3 was better at this, but still... best part about any of them was to just annihilate the landscape and turn it into a blasted wasteland of death, which the undead understandably were quite fond of.
There's an old game for Xbox and Windows called Stubbs the Zombie: Rebel Without A Pulse. It's more just being a highly infectious (and dapper) patient zero than being a necromancer, but I had some of my best horde moments just playing the demo. So far as I know, there's no (legal) digital distribution of the full game, so it's a major pain to get hold of. Still though, probably the best zombie-related game I've ever played... And there are a lot of those around.
I feel like I need to give an honorable mention to Dungeon Keeper and, to a lesser extent, War for the Overworld. Harvesting the bodies of your enemies (alive or dead) and then using them to fill out your ranks of the damned and blighted was always good fun, and economic! DK2 even had a campaign mission based specifically around that mechanic.
There's this niggling memory scratching at the back of my brain about another necro-esque game I played relatively recently, but I can't put my finger on it. There's also another thread with the same concept that's from, like, 8 years ago or so, might be able to dig up a name or two from there (I'm confined to my phone for the time being, so I'm afraid I'm not going to be much help in finding it again).