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Author Topic: Chromatic Spirits RPG: Ghosts to Gods (Chapter 2 - Strange Creatures) (Round 8)  (Read 33630 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Revenants are a type of undead that comes back from the dead through sheer force of will, commonly because they want revenge on whoever killed them. While a corpse could come back from the dead as a zombie by magic, a revenant doesn't need magic and their desire makes them tougher and more enduring than most undeads.
If a revenant fulfills it's purpose though, it instantly dies because they lost their "anchor" and will to continue living.
Most revenants exist because of vengance and once they find their killer, they suck the blood out of their victim until it dies.

Some of this might be wrong, though. I didn't research a lot about revenants.
I have no idea where you got any of that. None of that is consistent with the actual stories or the source of the term revenant. Is this some D&D thing or something?
Think I saw it in a documentary a few days ago. Or maybe was a video on internet, I don't know.
The dog behind the man behind the beard.
Immortality like that would be even more game breaking than four Aaron's in one place.
You're both so obviously scum that this is a surprisingly difficult decision.


  • Bay Watcher
  • All things die, but nothing dies forever.
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    • Boundworlds: A Browser-Based Multiverse Creation and Exploration Game

Technically anything that comes back from the dead for any reason could be called a revenant, but I meant it more in the "came back to take care of unfinished business" sense, what with all the focus on debts.

An undead spirit investigating the cause of their own death can be an interesting prospect as well.


  • Bay Watcher
  • All things die, but nothing dies forever.
    • View Profile
    • Boundworlds: A Browser-Based Multiverse Creation and Exploration Game

It seems I have started to exceed the maximum length for a post.
Part 1


Vigil shall evolve encourage, you need some good spirit to STOP CRIMINAL SCUM.

Vigil will use this soul seek thing to seek vile criminal souls to bring hammer to.

You cast your mind out, but it seems that Donovan already knows where he's going.  The Leaping Jester, a local inn and tavern that often has a few spare rooms available.  The Dragon's servants regularly lock the soon-to-be-executed in there.
The Dragon seems to enjoy flaunting his power over the village.  He seems to prefer showing the villagers that he doesn't need to hide his victims.  He knows that nobody will do anything to stop him, for fear of being taken themselves - or of provoking violent retaliation against the entire village.
Donovan arrives at the tavern and looks in through the window.  Inside, the usual patrons are seated, eating and drinking in a subdued manner.  There are also three strangers sitting at one of the tables, all hidden beneath dark cloaks.  It seems the other patrons are trying very hard to ignore them.
Donovan swallows.  He isn't really sure what he was hoping to do.  His blacksmith's hammer is hardly a weapon to fight the Dragon's inhuman servants.  Perhaps it would be better to look for another way in...
On the other hand, just barging in and attacking... well, they wouldn't expect that, would they?

Your Soul Seeker does find two souls of interest in the tavern.
One is a young boy, the son of the tavern's owner, apparently playing with a doll.  Why is he interesting?  You aren't quite sure.
The other is a woman - a visitor from the Queen's country.  She is somewhere in the inn.

Spoiler: Vigil's Abilities (click to show/hide)

The Fool

I will take Mental Voice. Immediately after evolving this, try to talk to the kid.

"Well, I'm now real! Ahahahahaha! Kid, you magnificent boy! Your belief in me has given me the ability to talk! Oh boy, I can't wait to tell you all my jokes, all of them! Ahahahaha! Do you have any friends? I'd love to see them! Then we can all have fun together!"

"Oh, but I might not be able to talk with them because I need energy from people that believes in me to speak! Aw, that's terrible! How could I fix this? If I talk all the time without gaining the belief of others, I'll run out of energy and might even turn inanimte again! Then everyone will forget about me and I'll stop existing!"

Before I run out of mana to talk, tell some jokes to lighten the mood. Kids love funny jokes, right?

The Fool is more of a prankster and clown.

The boy is shocked at first, but as you continue to babble and joke, he starts to smile, then to chuckle, then to finally burst out laughing.   (+3)
"Hey!" yells the girl's voice from next door.  "What's so funny?  You think this is funny?  I'll teach you to laugh at me, whoever you are!"
The boy stops laughing, but doesn't reply.  This isn't the first time the Dragon's servants have locked the soon-to-be-executed in his mother's inn and tavern - but it is the first time they have taken a lone child.  He looks at you, and begins to play with the doll, clearly uncomfortable.

Spoiler: The Fool's Abilities (click to show/hide)

Nix: Fight the Collector!

Attack the Collector. He will not take John.

You attack, biting at The Collector's leg!  You clamp down, but there is no flesh to sink into - beneath the cloth, there is only bone.  (16 damage)
Your jaws close around the leg bone and latch on firmly!
The Collector draws a long, sharp knife and stabs at you!  Still holding onto the leg, you agilely shift to the side.  The knife strikes a glancing blow!  (7 damage)
John and Lara look on at the fierce struggle in front of them, still too overcome by fear to do anything!

   HP: 23/30
John: (Paralyzed with fear!)
   HP: 30/30
Lara: (Paralyzed with fear!)
   HP: 45/45

The Collector:
   HP: 44/60

The Grue

Wait for the man to come closer. When he does, pounce on him and tear his throat out. Drag him behind to rock before anyone sees, otherwise run with the kill. If even this is not possible, simply flee back to the forest.

You leap out and catch the man by surprise!  You sink your teeth into his throat and quickly tear it out before he even gets a chance to scream.  (Critical blow!)
He appears to try and cast an Alarm spell before dying, but he can't maintain the proper focus and the spell fizzles out.  The wards he placed still remain, but you are fortunately out of their range.
You drag the body behind a rock.

You can see some more people nearby.  There are two Redshirts in a nearby tent, though there is a campfire nearby.  You also spot an Armored Guard not far away.  The sound of clucking chickens comes from inside the camp.

The Grue (Light level: Dim)
   HP: 45/30

Spoiler: The Grue's Abilities (click to show/hide)


*fuck intensifies*

Proceed to find a better hiding spot, hope I don't get sensed. See if I can maybe passively absorb some knowledge about the ward, and use that knowledge to sense other wards?

You quickly retreat from your location!  There aren't a whole lot of places to hide properly in the camp, but you hope that your natural invisibility will protect you if you keep your distance.
A blue-robed mage exits the tent, looking around.  His eyes glow slightly.
"Do you see anything?"
"No.  Whatever it was, it's gone now."
"Gone?  No, it's still in the camp.  What happened to our perimeter guards?"
"Wait."  A pause.  "Cerel's not responding to my pings."
"He's dead?"
"He might just be sleeping.  Of course, if he overslept, then the south boundary is open.  We'd best alert Argent."
"We have no idea how dangerous this thing is, and I'm a Blue mage.  There's no way I'm going out there myself."
"Hmph."  A man in armor exits the tent and follows his companion.  "Well, if Cerel isn't dead, he soon will be.  Why not Ashelle?"
"You kidding?  Not a chance.  Crazy lady creeps me out."

The two men make their way toward the center of the camp.
You try to focus on the magic surrounding the tent, but it seems to have altered when you crossed into it.  You aren't sure if you'll be able to sense other hidden wards, but hopefully your danger sense will keep you out of trouble.

Spoiler: Draoi's Abilities (click to show/hide)


Get closer to the coop and use Command Chickens: have the chickens start a commotion, and lure someone over

The chickens begin clucking and squawking.  A man comes out of a nearby tent.  "What in the Light is all this racket?  Settle down!"  He approaches the coop and peers inside, checking to see if a fox or something got into the coop.  "Nothing.  Stupid birds, making a commotion for no reason."
You watch silently from nearby.

   HP: 15/15
   Chickens: 1

   HP: 50

I'm going to wait for now.

You hover invisibly around the campfire until the guard snaps out of his daze.  He finishes his meal and enters a nearby tent.
There is another person inside.  "Took you long enough."
"Shut up."
It seems that these two feel animosity toward one another.
There is a lone Armored Guard standing nearby.
You can hear chickens.

Aximodus (Incorporeal)
   HP: 50/50

Spoiler: Aximodus's Abilities (click to show/hide)

No One: On the Ship

Anyway, inspire Octavian: “Rosa implies there may be something kinda odd about your coin. Maybe Sky would know something? How about you show it to him?

Octavian considers Sky's words, then takes out his blank coin.  "What can you tell me about this?  Rosa said it predates the reign of the Queen, but she wouldn't say any more than that."
Sky takes it and turns it over in his hands.  "Where did you find ths?  Judging by the weight and material, and the nature of its weathering, I would guess that this is one of the coins of the Lost Kingdom."
"The Lost Kingdom?"

In days of old, an Eldritch force of evil beyond measure arose to smite the land, corrupting hearts, blighting crops, and ruining all that fell beneath its dark Presence.  Nothing was beyond its grasp, and it even poisoned the very heart of the King that ruled the land, driving him to conquer and destroy all that stood before him.  A Sorceress-in-training, young Magenta Mage Iolaion, arose to save the land, and forced the King to confront his own deeds.  In one surge of inner strength, the King purged the demon from his heart, and Iolaion sealed its spirit away, never to be seen again.  But the victory was not without cost.  In a final act of spite, the entity killed the King and placed a curse upon the memory of his kingdom.  Every icon, every book, every coin that bore the image of the King on its face crumbled to dust or weathered to the point of unreadability.  The inhabitants of the Kingdom died, lost their memory, or went insane.  And so Iolaion rose to claim the throne, and the Kingdom that stood before her was all but forgotten.

"It's one of the few times in history that even the Cyan Monks know very little about.  The Nameless King and the Lost Kingdom - these memories are lost to us forever.  If we-"
Suddenly, the boat lurches to the side!  Moments later, a strange creature, like a one-eyed crab crossed with a rat, comes scuttling out of Octavian's room.  Rosa stands up in alarm as the creature scuttles across the room towards Octavian and Sky.
"Kill that thing!"  she shouts.  Rhodes, who is sitting an arm's length away from Octavian, draws his pistol.

Unknown Creature
   HP: 1/3

Spoiler: No One's Abilities (click to show/hide)

Akeuran: On the Ship
encourage calico to catch the strange creature while it is still confused from trying to find a way to hide in the space under the dresser. Hopefully she will be able to keep it visible to the Forester long enough that he can do something about it.

The creature pauses suddenly and spins around in confusion.  Calico takes the opportunity to pounce, blocking its path and slashing it open!  (-2)
The creature hisses sharply and tears at Calico with its sharp pincers, opening up a nasty wound!  (-2)
The surprise causes Calico to jump back and the creature scuttles off toward the door, but its path is blocked by the big man, who draws a long hunting dagger.  It spins around and runs under a bed.
Suddenly, it emits a long, piercing hiss!
The creature scuttles out from under the bed, clicking its claws.  The man leaps toward the creature, raising his knife to stab down at it.
At that moment, the ship lurches to the side!  The man lands deftly on his feet, but the movement throws off his aim and the creature scuttles past them, leaving a trail of purple blood behind it.  A strange and ornately-decorated box comes sliding out from under the bed, striking Calico and sending her tumbling.
Thunder crashes, and another, bigger wave rocks the boat.  The sound of shouting comes from up above.

   Power: 4
   Defense: 1
   Agility: 20
   HP: 3/5

Spoiler: Akeraun's Abilities (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
  • All things die, but nothing dies forever.
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    • Boundworlds: A Browser-Based Multiverse Creation and Exploration Game

Part 2

Arbus, Badel, Nami, Quill: The Students

"Now listen up, you little runts!  It's my job to teach you all about Red Magic, but first, we have to talk about what Red Magic is!  You all know by now that Red is Power.  But can anyone tell me this: what IS 'Power'?"
"A lot of people get the wrong idea.  They think that Power is about having big muscles, or being able to blow up a city, or beat someone in a fight.  And they aren't wrong!  Those things are power.  But that's not what Power is."
"Why, some of the most powerful people in the world are these...flabby...tubs of lard who couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper bag.  But armies move at their word, people die at their whim, and nations rise and fall by their command.  So do these people have Power?  Of course!  So I'll ask you again, what IS Power?"
"Power is this: the ability to make your will into reality.  No more, and no less.  How you do it isn't as important as simply doing it."
"So, let's go over another question: how does one get power?  Some people with Power are cruel and ruthless, others are kindhearted and noble.  Some are clever and wise, and others are beyond stupid.  But there is one thing - yes, one quality, that EVERYONE who has Power must possess.  Anyone want to tell me what that quality is?"
"Red Magic is not about spells or rituals or worship or communing with spirits.  Red Magic is Power, and Power comes from the Heart.  You need grit.  You need will.  You need the determination to succeed even if the entire world tries to stop you."
"A lot of you newbies might be wondering why we teach Red Magic in the gym.  Well, there's one reason why.  It's because this is the best place to test - and build up - your willpower.  The truth of the matter is, there isn't really a whole lot a school can teach you about Red Magic.  Brains won't help you here.  You've either got the spark or you don't."
"That's the end of the lesson.  For the rest of the class, you are going to be doing laps.  You are going to run until your legs feel like they are on fire, and then you are going to run some more, until you manifest Red Magic, and then you are going to run some more until you manifest more Red Magic.  Well, what are you waiting for?  RUN!"

You haven't been exploring the city much - only enough to get a general feel for the layout.

You are in Ioladin City, a sprawling metropolis and the very heart of Iolaion's kingdom.
The Academy, as well as numerous high-end businesses and research facilities, are on the East side of the city.  The Temple of the Unbroken Light is also in this quadrant, somewhat to the southeast of the Academy.
The West Side is a commercial zone with many shops and businesses, including the UV Club which you have heard about already.
The South is a wealthy residential area.  Many of the noble families live there.
The North is a poor area, and is considered dangerous.  There are many shady businesses that have their center here.
The Royal Palace is in the center of the City.  Not surprisingly, it is well-guarded.

The roads are well-maintained, and motorcars - a fairly new technology - are occasionally seen, though horsecarts are still the main form of transport.  You can catch a taxi from most places in the city, though it's hard to find one willing to drive through the North quadrant.

I will be Scout,feel more fitting for me.
Iwill start safe, 30% to the Gym,Library, and Socializing , and 10% to going to town

Kevin seems to be going the balanced route.  He has not acquired a specialty.
He has been thinking about you more often lately, gaining you more mana.  (+2 +2 +2)
You have noticed something odd though.  Every so often, you spot a very thin strand of light passing through a hallway.  On rare occasions, a small light moves rapidly along the strand.  It seems these strands are invisible to the unaided eye.

Spoiler: Badel's Abilities (click to show/hide)


Evolve Telepathic bond. Prompt Abelia to spend her time as such: 45 library, 30 socialising, 20 gym, 5 town.

Despite her initial difficulty in communicating, Abelia has been making new friends and getting along fairly well.  Some of the students, including Esme and Kevin, have also learned a bit of sign language on her behalf, making it easier to communicate with them.  Karin's still nice, though she doesn't seem to have the focus or patience for it.
Abelia has also been studying well, and has shown a particular knack for Cyan magic.  It probably helps that Professor Salvatrix is so patient and accommodating.  Cyan magic, as far as she can understand so far, is centered on the idea of being at one with all things.  It seems that she is trying to use you and your Spirit Links to make it easier to connect to the world around her.  (+1 +2 +3)
She has also started to learn the art of making charms - physical items that store magical properties.  She is thinking of starting a project, but of what?

Spoiler: Nami's Abilities (click to show/hide)


Accelerated time? Interesting. I’ll encourage Esme to spend 30% time to studying (grades count, and you never know what you’ll need to know) 40% to socializing (I am a familiar after all. Also, can I make attempts to socialize with certain people, or only in general?), 20% to the town (or however much evenings take off. I’m curious to see what I might encounter), and 10% to the gym (I might need a little power).

I suppose I’ll spirit bond too. No cost to it, and it might be beneficial. I suppose I’ll also encourage Esme to socialize with Abelia and Kevin especially. Considering I already know the two, getting to know them better may be a good idea. You never know when you’ll need a friend.

Esme has been spending a lot of time in the garden, and often manages to catch the end of Basil's lectures on familiars.  Although you haven't managed to manifest physically permanently yet, Esme has learned the Summon Familiar technique.  This temporarily infuses you with a physical form for a few seconds, effectively using you as a spell.  She does this on occasion for minor things like grabbing small objects, gaining you a bit of extra mana.  (+3 +1 +1)

Spoiler: Arbus's Abilities (click to show/hide)


Push the book open to a page about either white magic or combining magics. If neither exist in this book, turn to the part about blue magic

There isn't much written here about White Magic - it seems that White Magic is considered a more advanced subject than first-years are expected to focus on, though you have seen some books in the library on it.  You open the book up to a small paragraph near the end of the introduction to the colors.

Those who combine all three Virtues in equal measure are known as White Mages.  Due to the difficulty in balancing the Virtues, high-level White Mages, or Paragons, are exceedingly rare, though low-level ones are somewhat more common and are often skilled in the difficult arts of healing and purification, which require a skilled balance of potency, wisdom and empathy.

The section on Blue Magic is more extensive.  You re-read the first paragraph:

Blue Mages, also called Seers, specialize in the acquisition of information.  Though they lack the flashiness and direct impact of Evokers and Sorcerers, their abilities - which include creating wards, remote viewing, seeing the invisible, and even glimpsing into the future - make them valuable as strategists, historians, loremasters, advisors and planners.  Beyond these basic Blue-aligned skills, Blue Magic is often centered around rules and rituals, and in fact the very concept of a "spell" - a defined ritual that produces a defined effect, which one might acquire through sufficient study - has its original roots in the philosophy of Blue magic.  This makes the Blue school far more flexible than it might appear at first glance, and in practice many Blue Mages round out their skills with a host of abilities often associated with other schools, making up for their lack in raw strength with a wide range of "tools" for meeting any situation.

35 to library, 35 to gym, 20 to socializing, and 10 to town.

Cole's studies are going well, but he doesn't have much experience with physical exercise and his gym sessions are pushing him to the breaking point!  You can help him along with a physical push or a boost to his willpower, increasing his belief in you, or make him struggle through on his own, which will improve his own skill in Red Magic.

Spoiler: Quill's Abilities (click to show/hide)

Arbus, Badel, Nami, and Quill: Vaguely Accelerated Time

In addition to plot events that occur, you may make general decisions about how your human will choose to spend their free time at the Academy.
Hitting the library will gain you blue mana and abilities, and improve your grades.
Hitting the gym will gain you red mana and abilities, and improve your willpower.
Socializing will gain you green mana and abilities, and help you make new friends.
You may also choose to head into town in the evenings.  You might encounter more interesting developments there.
You have 100 Free Time Points which you can distribute among these options.  These may be re-assigned each turn.

Shah: Escape from the Library?

You swiftly mindsurf into the boy standing outside the library and observe the scene through his eyes.  The girl in green stands there confused as the librarian searches her bag.  "Where is it?" she says.  "You took a book from the Forbidden section!  Don't try to hide it, or your penalty will be much worse!"
"I didn't take anything!  I swear it!  You saw my note, I was allowed to take out Sacred Light and Darkness from the Restricted section for my project.  I didn't even go near the Forbidden section."
The librarian narrows her eyes, then taps a small silver bell at her desk, making a long, faint ringing noise.  A magic circle appears on the floor beneath the girl, surrounding her with a faint aura of Magenta magic.  "Don't move from this spot.  Grenadine, go fetch Headmaster Fintan.  Tell him we have a possible rider."
A girl in light magenta robes stands up and leaves the library, heading toward the center of the school.  The boy you are currently riding in loses interest and turns toward the gym.

Spoiler: Shah's Abilities (click to show/hide)

Ghastly Grim

I am Ghastly Grim
Gerald Grim could be called quite a few things, a bounty hunter perhaps, a mercenary most likely. Regardless of whatever he was called by others, the term he had used for himself was 'debt collector for hire'. He knew more than anyone that debts were often less about money, or even not about money at all, and more about the principle of not allowing others to take from you without the proper repayment, and most importantly, making sure those who would fail to pay learn the error of their ways. A debt for life spared, a debt for lives taken, a debt for secrets stolen. Gerald would, for a price, ensure that anyone who owed something would pay it back... in some sense. More importantly, he ensured that debtors would certainly not make the same mistake twice. In time the efficient cruelty with which he did his job became legend, even after he died his name was infamous, people continued telling stories of him, some didn't believe he could actually ever die, that he wasn't living to begin with, some believed that even with rumors of his death, old Ghastly Grim would be coming for them, and belief is quite a powerful thing.

My Form is that of an ominous humanoid figure in a partially bloodied coat.

You can't remember how long you've been walking, or how you got here.
A small, nervous-looking man picks his way through the dirty streets in front of you.  You are following him, though you can't quite remember why.  He occasionally glances backwards, as if he's afraid of being followed.  You wonder for a moment why he doesn't seem to notice you, before you remember.
You're dead now.  That's going to take some getting used to.
You struggle to remember exactly who this man was, but it isn't easy to think straight when your brain is currently being eaten by worms.  You're pretty sure he looks familiar though.
Still looking behind him, he turns a corner and enters a small shop.  A little bell tinkles as the door opens.  You pause absent-mindedly, watching a small spider make its way up the sign, which reads "The Black Rabbit".  Not the best drinks in the city, but certainly a good spot for picking up information, a thought drifts in from nowhere.
A gust of wind blows the door open as you enter into a dingy-looking tavern, making the bell tinkle again.  The little man, who is sitting at a table, jumps at the sound.
"Well well well, look who came back from the dead."
This alarms you for a moment, before you realize they are actually talking to the little man you were following.  He's seated himself down in front of a rather fat man in a wide-brimmed hat.
"Ha, very funny.  You ever spend eight months underground, knowing that every moment could be your last?"
"I must say, I'm a little disappointed to see you, Mogura.  I had twenty gold with Drake riding on you being six feet under."
"Well tell Drake to give you your money.  I was literally hiding underground for eight months."  He pauses, glancing around furitively.  "He's really dead?"
The fat man nods.  "I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't see the body myself.  Hasn't been the first time old Gerald faked his own death to lure your type out of hiding.  With Grim in the ground, I expect to see all sorts of unsavory folks to be coming out of the woodwork sooner or later.  Who had it out for you?  I imagine there are several."
"Some bigwig West side cheapskate got annoyed that his competitor kept finding out company secrets.  What did him in, anyway?"
"Nobody's really sure.  Word is that he was shot over fifty times by the Queen's guard.  I've got some more info, but it'll cost you."
"Ha, no sell.  Knowing he's out of the picture is enough for me."
The fat man folds his hands.  "What do you want, Mogs?  I assume you aren't here just to say hello."
The small man holds out one hand, rubbing two fingers together.
"Nice try.  You're going to have to whet my appetite a little more than that."
"It ain't enough knowing that I came out of hiding to tell ya?"
"Fine then.  Midnights."
The fat man raises an eyebrow, then places three gold coins in the outstretched hand.
"Word is that someone's called a hit on the High Priest.  I've heard that they're sending eight Midnights to the Temple."
"Eight?  Who would want to kill the High Priest that badly?"
He shrugs.  "I couldn't say.  Though if you want me to do some more digging..."
"No, that's quite enough.  I'm going to have to think about this."

The small man leaves the tavern, still taking furtive glances behind him.

Spirit Evolution - You may take two of the following abilities:
   Soul Gaze: You can read the thoughts of anyone who looks into your eyes.  Works passively, and can be used actively to read more deeply at a cost of 3 blue mana.
   Mental Voice: For the cost of 1 Red Mana and 1 Blue Mana, you may cause a single person in your vicinity to hear a voice as if it is coming from your location.
   Soul Strike: For 3 Red Mana, you may attack a target's soul.  This has a stronger effect the more afraid they are.  If they are sufficiently afraid, it may paralyze or kill them.

Spoiler: Grim's Abilities (click to show/hide)

Smoke Mirrors

  • Bay Watcher
  • Do I exist yet?
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Are those my spirit evolutions?
Don't worry too much about the one mistake, Smoke Mirrors. Your character was memorable for all the demonology and story writing.

I’m running a game/mechanics test called Fate/Mechanics Test. Feel free to check it out.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Also known as the Chroniqler
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Ok, when did this become Undertale.

Also, am I the King?

EDIT: anyway, Octavian should stomp the little beasty, finish the discussion with Sky, and investigate that box.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2018, 03:35:07 pm by Glass »
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.

Maximum Spin

  • Bay Watcher
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Mindsurf to the girl in the magenta robes. Let's see where she takes us.


  • Bay Watcher
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Inception. Have the kid try talking to the mysterious girl and mention the friendly spirit on his awesome puppet (That's me! I'm the spirit on the puppet!)
The dog behind the man behind the beard.
Immortality like that would be even more game breaking than four Aaron's in one place.
You're both so obviously scum that this is a surprisingly difficult decision.


  • Bay Watcher
  • All things die, but nothing dies forever.
    • View Profile
    • Boundworlds: A Browser-Based Multiverse Creation and Exploration Game

Are those my spirit evolutions?
Well, the options will open up later evolutions.  (choosing to Shove will emphasize you as a separate entity, while Soul Bond will make you more into an alter ego)

Ok, when did this become Undertale.

Also, am I the King?

Oh, it was always Undertale.  :P
JK, but if anything seems familiar, that's because it fits. :)

No, you are a coin.  But the King's face was on the coin.


  • Bay Watcher
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What could I do to evolve faster? Does it depends on mana gained or time?
The dog behind the man behind the beard.
Immortality like that would be even more game breaking than four Aaron's in one place.
You're both so obviously scum that this is a surprisingly difficult decision.


  • Bay Watcher
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The Grue
Devour the body to remove evidence. Kick a pebble in an attempt to attract someone from the campfire closer.


  • Bay Watcher
  • All things die, but nothing dies forever.
    • View Profile
    • Boundworlds: A Browser-Based Multiverse Creation and Exploration Game

What could I do to evolve faster? Does it depends on mana gained or time?

Evolution depends on belief, which roughly corresponds to mana gained.  (Though plot is also a factor)
Using an ability will generally get you more abilities with a similar theme.  Performing an action indirectly will also gain you abilities related to that action.  Focusing on one kind of playstyle lets you grow faster than changing tactics regularly.
A "Trickster" playstyle is generally built around the goal of "being clever and making other people look foolish".  This gains you Blue mana and more abilities along those lines.
Right now, you've been a bit more "friendly" than Tricksters are expected to be.  (which is why in the last turn, you mainly gained Green mana.)  If you continue to do this, you will gain more Green-type abilities and may shift into a Guide or Familiar role instead.
If you have any particular "direction" that you're trying to evolve in, you can suggest it in your action.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Hello hello hello!
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Well, my situation hasn’t really changed, so I’ll encourage Esme to spend 30% time to studying, 40% to socializing, 20% to the town, and 10% to the gym again. I will also soul bond again.

Edit: Also, the red teacher who shouts DETERMINATION is rather funny to me. Makes me think of Undertale.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2018, 04:14:57 pm by Kamani »
Boundworlds: A Multiverse Creation and Exploration Action RPG
Good if you can't focus on a single project long enough to make a full game. Or for making an entire large game, if you feel like it.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Also known as the Chroniqler
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Edit: Also, the red teacher who shouts DETERMINATION is rather funny to me. Makes me think of Undertale.
* (Working out in the gym fills you determination. )
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


  • Bay Watcher
    • View Profile

What could I do to evolve faster? Does it depends on mana gained or time?

Evolution depends on belief, which roughly corresponds to mana gained.  (Though plot is also a factor)
Using an ability will generally get you more abilities with a similar theme.  Performing an action indirectly will also gain you abilities related to that action.  Focusing on one kind of playstyle lets you grow faster than changing tactics regularly.
A "Trickster" playstyle is generally built around the goal of "being clever and making other people look foolish".  This gains you Blue mana and more abilities along those lines.
Right now, you've been a bit more "friendly" than Tricksters are expected to be.  (which is why in the last turn, you mainly gained Green mana.)  If you continue to do this, you will gain more Green-type abilities and may shift into a Guide or Familiar role instead.
If you have any particular "direction" that you're trying to evolve in, you can suggest it in your action.

The dog behind the man behind the beard.
Immortality like that would be even more game breaking than four Aaron's in one place.
You're both so obviously scum that this is a surprisingly difficult decision.
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