The notion that POD is an over-engineered quadcopter is false. I have purposely kept it feature-bare with the full expectation that it would be both hardy and durable enough to act as the eyes in the sky for our superheroes in the rough and tumble circumstances that such a role would imply with superhumans that could fly. This is an
gigantic hover UAV that is designed for everyday use by police forces with the explicit ability for it to be over-ridden by us, while durable enough to hopefully survive being slammed into walls and such by incompetent fliers and keep chugging. This means that both us and the Police forces have an eye in the sky when we need it, and one that won't get popped out of the air by any nerd with a cap gun or super-powered fist. Like it or not, we are dealing with politicians, and worst of all,
Civilians. Fickle, stupid things that are prone to ambition against their rightful betters, and getting them used to the idea of being monitored, at least by large, visible (unarmed) drones would be the first step of pushing our agenda of control against the menace that threatens our very society.
Yes, a smaller drone might be able to do the job of observation better, and to say that the POD's job is to merely observe would be a false statement.
It is a monument to US! The forces of SWORD, the hand of good that keeps the omnipotent, baying teeth of evil away. A drone in the sky, visible by all; Watching, Knowing, Seeing.
It will keep the masses in line, and anything less would be a
New Name
People Exemplifying And Championing Heroic and Yieldless Knack for Evicting Evil Ne'er-do-wells (PEACHYKEEN): (2) SC, NAV
Determined Evolved Bantering Troopers (DEBT): (1) Hot Diggity Dog
Joint Undercover Strike Team (JUST): (1) Madman
Good Officers of Authority (GoA): (1) Blood_librarian
Fellowship for the Removal and Imprisonment of Every Nefarious Danger (FRIEND): (3) TopHat, SamSpeeds, Pavellius
SHIELD (You know what it stands for): (1) Johiah
Superhero World Organization for Retaliation and Defense (S.W.O.R.D.): (3) Chiefwaffles, BBBence, Blood_Librarian
Gauntlets: (1) Hot Diggity Dog
POD: (4) Blood_Librarian, SC, SamSpeeds, Pa Pavellius
ATA (2): Johiah, TopHat
Hearts and Minds: (1) Madman
Containment Foam (2): BBB, Chiefwaffles