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Author Topic: Altera Vita Academy, OOC thread  (Read 25099 times)

Sir Elventide

  • Bay Watcher
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Altera Vita Academy, OOC thread
« on: March 12, 2018, 12:58:38 am »

Disclaimer: If you're expecting an RP where your character never dies or is gone for good when they do die, then this RP is not for you. If you don't have the stomach for gruesome demises and dark humor, then you definitely don't belong here.

(IC here)

Altera Vita Academy

Dear Clueless Human and Cannon Fodder Student,

   You may be wondering why after running toward the light and into the great beyond you're inside what appear to be a dorm room, why you're wearing a white, black, and gold private school uniform tailored to your tastes, or even why you're much younger than you remembered and not necessarily of the same gender as before. The answer is simple: you are in the great beyond, which means that you are finally dead. Congratulations! However, you're not in some generic fluffy cloud afterlife (or a void of nonexistence for you nihilists out there), you are in the afterlife that connects to all universes, including that of your mortal realm. Known as Aetheria, this afterlife is made up of many realms or 'lands' if you will. You are currently present at Altera Vita Academy, which resides in the Animus Realm. You're definitely not in your hometown anymore!

If you're wondering why you're here and not, say, having barbeque with your dearly departed, rotting into the darkest depths of a foul eternity, or finding out what nonexistence feels like (though that would be weird since anyone with more brains would know that they won't feel a thing), the answer is simple: your life sucked. Either you felt so dreary and unsatisfied about your life that death was a mercy or that your star was on the rise, only to get permanently knocked out of the sky too soon. In other words, you're here because you'd never really lived to the fullest. Just think of this as your second life.

Unfortunately (or fortunately if you're the one to crave for action and mystery), all is not well in paradise (or hell if you for some reason really, really hate school). Recently, there are reports from my students scouting the outskirts of the academy of strange creatures of shadow and bone who been terrorizing villages and other settlements. Varying in nonsensical shapes and sizes, we have decided to name these beings the Contorted, which is appropriate giving how they tend to contort their victims' necks and do other, far nastier things once they get their claws on them. No one knows where they come from or who if any is controlling them but they are definitely not your friends. There are also rumors of strange groups of people who are observing both the Contorted and our own activities. However, their identities and reasons are still a mystery for now.

What's that, you're now regretting becoming worm food? Unless you can raise yourself from the dead, it's too late to go back to the dull and dreadful life you left behind. Why would you? Besides, I have a saying that you'd never really lived until you have encountered vicious, limb rending and flesh devouring death. I'd like to see your pathetic horror media top that!

However, you will not go into combat untrained and unarmed. In your room is a weapon assembling gem for you to use. Just think of whatever weapon you would like to use and it will create it. The gem will also activate your Psyche, the power contained within your very being that's unique to you. Don't worry about training your Psyche; your newfound instincts will guide you into how to use it. Lastly, I'd left some maps of the guest dormitory you're in and of Auditorium Sec-1023. Use the teleportation dais at the center of the dorms and input the numbers '1023' on the last four tumblers and be sure that there are only zeroes on the rest. You must understand that all the rooms… float around a bit and some may prove to be hazardous to the unprepared so please don't go off exploring just yet. I have some additional information that you would hate yourself more for missing out anyway.

Best regards and good luck,

Headmistress Madeline T. Goldenchilde


Inspired by the Angel Beats, RWBY, and Exalted universes, Altera Vita Academy centers around the lives of the students as they do battle with the twisted beings known as the Contorted, as well as completing other activities. The students will also compete against each other in performance exams and contests and can take classes, both magical and mundane, to gain new skills and improve relevant skills respectively to prepare themselves for the next fight. Through the use of their fighting skills, abilities, and the manipulation of Quintessence, each student are capable of awe-inspiring feats that will ensure that they come out on top… or at least stave off an inevitable disembowelment. Combat in Altera Vita are breathtaking yet brutal and it's not uncommon for students to return with limbs and organs missing… if they even make it back at all. Fortunately, permanent injuries and death are nearly nonexistent in the afterlife and the academy's medical rooms come equipped with reconstruction vats and recovery machines, allowing even slain and badly mangled students to come back good as new.

Mechanics of Altera Vita Academy

Spoiler: Holding the Clock (click to show/hide)

~The Highly Informative Guide of Altera Vita: Our Reality and You.~

All About Quintessence

Don't be fooled by how similar Animus is to your homeworld and universe. Here, everything is permeated with an ethereal substance known as Quintessence. Like your very soul, Quintessence is the basis for all life in Aetheria and helps define its reality. From the waves crashing on the islands in the Pisces Realm to the blades of grasses dancing in the breeze in the Animus Realm, Quintessence is forever moving, even when gathered in one place. Therefore, it comes at no surprise that students like you can use this omnipresent substance to power your abilities, whether you want to melt the skin off a hapless Contorted with fiery lightning or mend the injuries of a fellow student who's questioning her second life's decisions as she push her entrails back into her abdominal cavity. In fact, it is because of Quintessence that you're able to use your Psyche, an ability that's unique to you, all of which will be explained in greater detail below.

Quintessaline: A Guaranteed Crystal Addiction.

Occasionally, you may decide to use Quintessence to boost your attributes, either to survive a particularly bloodier than usual battle or to do better in lessons, you dirty cheater. However, in its natural state, Quintessence is too diluted to make the cut. What do you do in this situation? Just desublimate it into a usable form, of course! Known as Quintessaline or informally as Q-Gems, three of these marvelous cyan crystals can be initially carried within your very being to be used later and you can carry one more every five levels. Though I will teach you the technique to create them in the auditorium, how you use them is up to you. Just use the crystals in whichever attribute you pleased and it will be greatly enhanced, allowing you to complete amazing feats depending on how you're using that attribute. For example, using a Q-Gem to boost your Strength attribute may allow you to punch a Contorted into low orbit while using a Q-Gem with your Perception may allow you to watch sweat roll down the blushing cheek of an embarrassed classmate from 200 meters away. You may add as many as you want, though you can only use them on one attribute. You can replenish your stores of Q-Gems as often and whenever you pleased but only when not taking any classes or doing crafting or research. However, you must remain still while doing so, which may leave you vulnerable to ending up inside a Contorted's digestive tract. Also, your body is put under much stress the more crystals you pumped into yourself to boost your attributes (though writing that sounded kind of weird but I digress). Pray that spiritual exhaustion is the worst you will ever face because there are far bloodier fates in store for Quintessaline junkies…

Perhaps the most important use of Q-Gems is powering up your Totems for up to ten rounds, which is two turns. Unlike boosting your attributes, you can use the crystals to activate all of your Totems. However, the same rules apply when trying to pump your Totems full of crystals. Trust me, you do not want to know how many mops, buckets, and sponges the Seraphim went through just to clean up the remains of a dormitory full of students after one of them made one of his Totems go thermonuclear...

You will start out with three Q-Gems and will be able to hold one more every five levels.

Weapons and the Students Who Use Them.

By now, you should already be aware of the weapon assembly gem I'd placed in your room, unless you happened to be empty-headed enough to shove it into a nostril in which case it would've already activated and I should look forward to seeing your name and epitaph on the Wall of Snark shortly. Anyway, due to the ever-changing and often hectic nature of combat in Aetheria, all students are expected to be versed in both close quarter combat and ranged standoffs. Therefore, your gem will assemble a weapon out of the Quintessence that can switch between melee and ranged modes. Just picture the kind of weapon you have in mind and the gem will make it a reality. In addition to awakening your Psyche, the gem also binds your weapon to your very being, ensuring that it cannot be taken away, damaged, destroyed, or loss even if you were to kick one of many buckets to come.

Psyche: Soul Power to the Max

Ever since you left the mortal coil and came here, you were a spirit. See that glowing, quivering mass inside your chest? That's your soul, the seat of your feelings and emotions and, most importantly, your Psyche. Kept dormant during your days among the living, your Psyche is awakened when the weapon assembly gem I'd previously mentioned exposes it to Quintessence. As a skill that's been a part of you since you were born, your Psyche is unique to you. It can entail anything, ranging from moving at high speeds to creating illusions of yourself. The best part is that you instinctively know how to use it. It is as natural to you as your muscles. Also, just like your muscles, you must use it to keep strengthening it. As a result, it will become stronger and more useful. After all, how else are you going to give it perks each level if it's still just as strong as before? Your current level determines how many perks can be attached to your Psyche though they can be switched outside of battle, making them highly adaptable.

Attributes: You Are What You Shape.

Every student is unique in how they approach problems and how they choose to solve them. Indeed, not even students who were twins in their mortal life would handle the same situation the same way. Some people like to take a massive hammer to their problems while other want to get inside their heads and beat it down with rhetoric. The following attributes will show where they are useful and how must they apply to you:
Might: So you like to bash someone's brains in or scatter them over their horrified comrades with a well placed shot? Well you can with enough of this attribute. For every one point in this attribute, you will do one point of damage in combat, though how much damage you will actually inflict upon a successful hit depends on how much successes you roll of Might as well as how many are rolled for your target's Fortitude. Also for every five points of Might, you receive one extra roll when learning skills and researching perks and Totem charms that would inflict physical damage.

--1 Might point = 1 Physical damage
--5 Might points = +1 roll to progress-dependent activities that require Might.

Fortitude: Think you can tank some powerful hits or will you shatter like glass? This attribute will toughen you and is good against physical attacks as well as magical attacks and effects, particularly when blocking. For one point in Fortitude, you will block one point of damage regardless of source. For every point in Fortitude, you gain two Health points so that you can easily gauge how long you got before that Contorted brute rams your head into your torso. Also, every five points in Fortitude grants you an extra roll in progress-dependent activities that involve protecting yourself from harm.

--1 Fortitude point = 1 Damage blocked.
--1 Fortitude point = 2 Health.
--5 Fortitude points = +1 roll to progress-dependent activities that require Fortitude.

Endurance: Wish that you didn't feel as if you have ran a marathon? Maybe it's because you're out of stamina and possibly out of shape. Don't worry, this attribute will give you a jump start. It's also useful for resisting ailments that can affect you physically like pain and poisons and is extremely important in long engagements. In addition, for every five points in Endurance, you receive +1 extra roll in progress-dependent activities that involved managing stamina and other physical trials.

--5 Endurance points = +1 roll to progress-dependent activities that require Endurance.

Accuracy: Are you always on target or do you feel yourself veering away from the mark? This attribute will determine how often you hit your target and whether you are successful at hitting specific parts. In fact, Accuracy is everything in combat and competitions and no attacks can land if the amount of successes for Accuracy cannot surpass the successes for the target's Agility, which is good to have when it's all that stands between you and that Contorted wasp who wants to lay its eggs inside your skull. No pressure. Five Accuracy points will give you +1 roll when doing progress-dependent activities that involved manipulating Accuracy.

--5 Accuracy points = +1 roll to progress-dependent activities that require Accuracy.

Agility: Second life's a drag when you have the speed and reflexes of a rag, do you agree? Why take the blunt of the assault head on when you can simply not be there when it lands? Agility is good to have to keep ahead of the competition and can aid you tremendously when bypassing obstacles and other sticky situations. Parkour enthusiasts and wall runners alike will love to have all the Agility they can get, especially when outmaneuvering that mighty Contorted who is more than happy to help them become much more flexible than they would like to be. Five Agility points will give you +1 roll when doing progress-dependent activities that involved increasing your speed and reflexes.

--5 Agility points = +1 roll to progress-dependent activities that require Agility.

Stealth: Do you want to get the drop on an unsuspecting enemy or do you want to hide and let your less wimpy comrades have all the fun? Do you want to ignore your mother's lectures about the importance of honesty and become a better liar? Search no further for Stealth is here! Blend in with the shadows and pop in unannounced, preferably with your targets already leaking their bodily fluids out of the holes you made in them. With Stealth you can stalk your quarry through various terrains and rooms and eavesdrop on them, with them none the wiser. Just watch out for enemies who have good eyesight, such as that giant Contorted bird who'd grabbed you while you were stalking one of its land-bound kin hours ago and is flying back to its nest to feed you to its young. Who's hunting who indeed? Five Stealth points will give you +1 roll when doing progress-dependent activities that involved hiding, stalking, and other clandestine things.

--5 Stealth points = +1 roll to progress-dependent activities that require Stealth.

Perception: Do you want to become the eagle-eyed member of your team who can see every trap and ambush the enemy placed in your path? Are you lacking in confidence about your current chance of survival and just want to take a good look at what will soon become your demise? You won't have to look twice when your Perception is nice! With Perception, you can pick up on visual cues from whoever you are looking at and use it to your advantage. You can also detect anyone or anything who try to sneak up on an unsuspecting teammate, stealing away their element of surprise. Few things will escape your notice, unless they are anything like that Contorted chameleon, who is so stealthy that even you haven't noticed it. At least you'll notice its barbed tongue moments before it wraps around your head and drag you into the waiting creature's mouth. Five Perception points will give you +1 to progress-dependent activities that seek to improve your senses.

--5 Perception points = +1 roll to progress-dependent activities that require Perception.

Intelligence: Wish to turn your beautiful brain into a receptacle of knowledge and a conduit of esoteric powers? Want to style yourself as more of a scholar than a warrior? Just think of all the beneficial properties that Intelligence has to offer! With a higher Intelligence, you can out-think the competition in subjects that's too much for the microbes they called their brains, which is pretty much everything. This translates to +1 roll in all progress-dependent activities for every five points of Intelligence, regardless of purpose. After all, even a student who's learning a new martial arts move need to understand how well to apply it and what factors will affect it. Lastly and much more flashier, Intelligence also determines the amount of damage your magical attacks will inflict as well as their effects if any. This is important if you want to obliterate that Contorted who want to gore you to death with its horns. Pray that its Fortitude is not too successful…

--1 Intelligence point = 1 Magical damage
--5 Intelligence points = +1 roll to all progress-dependent activities.

Charisma: Do you consider yourself silver-tongued enough to sell a provocative painting to a blind priest? Are you particularly good at convincing others that you're right, even when you're actually wrong? Wrap others around your fingers with a healthy dose of Charisma! Persuade others to see your point of view and to let you have your way. If they have the capacity to reason, there's no reason to talk some sense into their skulls, your sense. Even your enemies can be convinced to drop their guard if they're weak-willed enough, allowing you to deliver the coup de grace. With your mastery of rhetoric, you can even cheer up your discouraged classmates or snap them back to their senses. Unfortunately, your disarming voice rarely works on the mindless, lowly ranks of the Contorted. It will only give them enough reason to 'disarm' you and beat you to death with your own limbs. Five Charisma points will give you +1 to progress-dependent activities that seek to alter the thought processes and inner drives of the affected.

--5 Charisma points = +1 roll to all progress-dependent activities that require Charisma.

Willpower: Want to withstand the mental trauma that your foes wish to inflict on you? Do you wish to shock any would be charlatans and mesmers moments before removing their heads from their bodies? You can't resist the pull of Willpower! Though combat in Aetheria is awesome, it can be a gruesome slaughter-fest where enemies seek to get inside your head, usually metaphorically though sometimes they can do so physically too. Having a higher Willpower will turn the tables on them and will make it harder for them to affect you again. Most importantly, Willpower is necessary for keeping your Vice in check whenever its triggers are activated and will help you snap out of it when it does. Willpower is quite a useful attribute, especially when facing down a cunning Contorted who always try to anger you into exposing you liver to its serrated sword. Five Willpower points will give you +1 to progress-dependent activities that seek to manipulate one's will to continue the fight.

--5 Willpower points = +1 roll to all progress-dependent activities that require Willpower.

« Last Edit: July 16, 2018, 08:34:37 pm by Sir Elventide »

Sir Elventide

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Re: Altera Vita Academy, OOC thread
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2018, 12:59:42 am »

A Sense of Belonging: I Cast… Castes!

Contrary to popular belief, none of you are being arranged into some sort of hierarchy of popularity like you probably were during your first life. Just think of castes as… categories where your talents will flourish. As a unit, you can help cover your friends' weaknesses with your strengths while your weaknesses are protected by their strengths. It's like being a puzzle piece, except the piece in question can kick a lot of ass on its own and even more so when together. However, with great power comes great annoyance and you will find that the weaknesses in question, known as Vices, can really ruin your day if you're not careful. Each caste has a symbol which will appear on the foreheads of their members whenever they ready themselves for battle.

-Woodseed: A Stealthy Thorn In The Side: (Symbol: Azure Dragon) The students known as Woodseeds are known for being mercurial and full of energy. Like the winds rushing through branches and leaves, the Woodseeds are often the first to get to the scene and the last to be hit by the Contorted waiting there. Like vines hiding among the bushes, Woodseeds can
hide almost anywhere by remaining still to strike without warning like the thorns hiding among the leaves. Each Woodseed has the ability to track almost anyone using a piece of their personal effects such as a piece of their clothing or a strand of hair. However, the Woodseeds' Vice is Temper. When under too much pressure in and out of combat, they tend to become too flustered to think straight or lash out at anyone nearby, even going far as to attacking them.

-2X to points put into Agility, Stealth, and Perception.
-Rogue's Smarts: +2 rolls to progress-dependent actions related to scouting or clandestine actions (learning an invisibility skill, crafting smoke grenades, researching eavesdropping Perks or Charms, etc.)
-Hunter's Sense: The ability to track down anyone by using anything belonging to them.
-Temper: Woodseeds get stressed out easily and will not be able to release their anger in a productive way if they failed a Willpower check after failing either Fortitude or Endurance checks three times in a row.

-Firespark: The Flame That Wages War: (Symbol: Vermillion Bird) Often the strongest students in Altera Vita, Firesparks (almost) never back down from a fight. A fire of courage burning inside them, Firesparks usually stand their ground long after others have tucked their tails between their legs and ran back to the comfort of the stuffed animals of their choice. With sparks of excitement in their eyes and a dose of hotblooded anticipation, Firesparks often choose a cozy spot on the front lines or a great vantage point to wet the ground with their enemies' blood while any survivors flee in terror. On and off the battlefield, Firesparks are tireless and can keep going under strenuous conditions no matter what. In fact, all Firesparks have the ability to ignore all pain and other physical detriments, even broken bones, for five turns. This results in them becoming nigh-unstoppable juggernauts, much to the horror of their enemies. However, the Firesparks' Vice is Vainglory. Whenever a Firespark feels that they are winning the battle, especially by killing a certain number of enemies, they must rein in their pride. Otherwise, they will rush headlong into the teeth of the enemy or otherwise take unnecessary risks, putting themselves and their allies in danger.


-2X to points put into Might, Fortitude, and Endurance.
-Martial Prowess: +4 rolls for attending classes to learn physical skills and +2 Might when fighting enemies whose Fortitude is less than one's own Might.
-Unrelenting Persistence: Firesparks can ignore physical injuries and ailments for five turns. Two turn cooldown.
-Vainglory: Firesparks often get so full of themselves, especially when killing enemies, and will abandon all notions of prudence and safety if they failed a Willpower check after killing a minimum of three enemies each turn, three times in a row.

-Earthdust: The Studious Pillar: (Symbol: Yellow Dragon) Earthdusts are known for being laborious and more practical. Diligent and steadfast in their studies, Earthdusts are particularly suited for learning how to make new items and putting that knowledge to good use. Their endurance and concentration are remarkable and no teacher can ask for better students. Indeed, Earthdusts make great craftspeople and all of them make great additions to any team. All Earthdusts have the ability to add one augment to consumables such as special ammo and potions whenever the situation calls for it, even in the middle of a battle provided that they researched the augment beforehand. Unfortunately, the Earthdusts' Vice is Stubbornness. If they continue the same course of action for a long time, they tend to keep at it even if they should logically do something else. For example, attacking enemies for a long enough time may cause an Earthdust to continue attacking them even if they should retreat or do something else.

-2X points put into Intelligence, Endurance, and Fortitude.

-A Shop Class Student's Diligent: +2 rolls for attending classes to learn recipes, and +4 rolls for crafting.

-Artificer's Revision: Earthdusts can add additional augments to consumables in and out of battles and can exclusively research such augments. Only one set of the same items may be augmented per turn.

-Stubbornness: Earthdusts often insist on continuing tasks even when no longer necessary or safe and will do so if they failed a Willpower check after doing the same thing in either one turn of battle or after two turns of doing the same progress-dependent action.

-Metalshine: Words Coated In Silver: (Symbol: White Tiger) More suited for leading and directing others, Metalshines are looked upon by others as alphas  who will inspire them to greatness though they're not afraid to get their hands dirty. Even if the individual Metalshine doesn't see themselves as a leader, they are charismatic diplomats and counselors who are better at smoothing out tensions among groups… or fanning the flames of discord with a few choice words. Indeed, Metalshines are masters of the silvery tongue and can win battles before they even start. To aid them in the art of persuasion, Metalshines have the ability to effortlessly peer into the very being of their target, uncovering everything about them that make them tick, provided that the target isn't aware of their presence or what they're doing. However, the Metalshines' Vice is Criticism. If too many people failed in their tasks or too often, the Metalshines will harshly point out their flaws and mistakes, even unintentionally, potentially demoralizing them.

-2X to point put into Charisma, Willpower, and Might.

-The Art of Rhetoric: +2 to Charisma when influencing those whose Willpower is most than half one's Charisma and +4 to Charisma when influencing those whose Willpower is equal to or less than half one's Charisma. Anyone with Willpower equal to or greater that one's own Charisma incurs no bonus.

-An Alpha's Intuition: Metalshines has the ability to discern what details about their target that they can use to their advantage. An automatic success is achieved if the target isn't alert or otherwise on their guard.

-Criticism: Metalshines are often frustrated over the failings of their allies and will verbally deride them if they failed a Willpower check after witnessing at least six failed checks in a row. Anyone who do not pass a Willpower check after getting insulted will suffer negative effects.

-Watersplash: A River Flowing In Wisdom: (Symbol: Black Tortoise) Seekers and purveyors of knowledge, Watersplashes are capable of a deeper understanding of concepts that people of lesser intellect struggled to even grasp. Armed with a heightened intellect and the sharpness of mind to match, Watersplashes excel in courses that only require one to exercise the muscle that counts and in research as a whole. A capable Watersplash can utterly destroy enemies in way that even physical weapons cannot. To aid them in the mastery of the eldritch forces of Aetheria, Watersplashes have the ability to condense the surrounding Quintessence into their heads, turning their brains into temporary power sources that match the energy level and capability of a Q-Gem, essentially using such a powerful object for free. However, Watersplashes' Vice is Uncertainty. Confronted with too many personal failures, a Watersplash will become easily worried and doubtful, hurting their own performance as a result.

-2X to point put into Intelligence, Perception, and Willpower.

-Eldritch Intellect: +2 rolls to attending classes for non physical skills and +4 rolls for researching.

-Quintessence Well: Watersplashes can condense Quintessence into a temporary power source that functions as an extra Q-Gem that lasts for two turns if not used. One turn cooldown.

-Uncertainty: Easily discouraged by too many setbacks, Watersplashes will suffer negative effects if they failed a Willpower check after failing five skill checks in a single turn.

Spoiler: Student Dossier (click to show/hide)

Attributes (40 points to spend)

Might: 0
Fortitude: 0
Endurance: 0
Accuracy: 0
Agility: 0
Stealth: 0
Perception: 0
Intelligence: 0
Charisma: 0
Willpower: 0

I'm currently working on the tables and stuff but you may still join.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Altera Vita Academy, OOC thread
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2018, 01:13:58 am »

Well, this seems interesting.

I’ll be watching this thread for now.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: March 27, 2018, 04:39:58 pm by BlitzDungeoneer »


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Re: Altera Vita Academy, OOC thread
« Reply #3 on: March 12, 2018, 01:27:49 am »

Hmm, this kinda reminds me of ER, and of bloody course I'm getting a character idea for it during my busiest year.

What kinda post rate are you expecting? Once a week? Once a day?
Quote from: Caellath (on Discord)
<Caellath>: Emp is the hero we don't need, deserve or want

Sir Elventide

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Re: Altera Vita Academy, OOC thread
« Reply #4 on: March 12, 2018, 09:14:22 am »

Well, this seems interesting.

I’ll be watching this thread for now.

You won't be disappointed.

Hmm, this kinda reminds me of ER, and of bloody course I'm getting a character idea for it during my busiest year.

What kinda post rate are you expecting? Once a week? Once a day?

My schedule is busy but I'm going to try for once a week, maybe more if I managed to free up some more time.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Altera Vita Academy, OOC thread
« Reply #5 on: March 12, 2018, 10:06:53 am »

Oooh, this looks fun. PTW, though since I'm just about to travel I'm not sure if I'll join.

Sir Elventide

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Re: Altera Vita Academy, OOC thread
« Reply #6 on: March 12, 2018, 10:20:35 am »

Additional Information/Flair:
(To be expanded-this is just a placeholder)

Inactivity: Though I plan to update this RP at least once a week if possible, I understand if any of you find yourselves unable to update your characters' actions within that time. However, if you are inactive during a crucial time, like during a battle or main storyline event where your character is directly involved, I will have to take temporary control of your character just for the sake of expediency, taking into account their personalities and other details. If you know you're going to be inactive for more than a week, just PM me. You may even PM me what progress-dependent actions you want your character to focus on and to what level. Either way, you will be moved to the Inactive Players list below after three weeks of inactivity. If you don't want me to touch your character, let me know via PM and I'll withdraw them from the event in whichever way makes sense.

Student dossiers found here.

Active Players: Those who are still in service to Altera Vita Academy, either knee deep in Contorted viscera or deep in their books in class.

Metz-Firespark (Dustan Hache)
Kana-Earthdust (TricMagic)
Jun Yeung-Earthdust (Hibou)
Roland-Metalshine (Radio Controlled)
           -Corvo-Roland's Familiar (Egan_BW)
Lemmy (Devastator)
MEDEA MAUR, THE WALL-Earthdust (ragnarok97071)
Alicia the Entombed-Watersplash (AbstractTraitorHero)

Inactive Players: Those who are currently skipping classes or taking a self-imposed break.

Sully-Watersplash (BlitzDungeoneer)

Retired Players: Those who felt that the hectic and bloody life that is Altera Vita Academy is not for them and have decided to move on to the next cycle.

Clint-Woodseed (Empiricist)

Memorial Wall: This is where your name will show up more than once. Feel free to read and laugh to your heart's content at the unfortunate fates of the listed and feel free to suggest your own.

Student Inventories:
Here is a list of all items, recipes, skills, and other items your characters gained in their adventures. Feel free to let me know if I'm missing something.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2018, 07:08:48 pm by Sir Elventide »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Altera Vita Academy, OOC thread
« Reply #7 on: March 12, 2018, 10:51:50 am »



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Altera Vita Academy, OOC thread
« Reply #8 on: March 15, 2018, 11:19:44 pm »

I'm definitely interested in this. There are a few things I'm confused about, though. Mainly, the first spoiler in the OP talks about turns being 1 day, consisting of 5 5-hour rounds...but the progress-dependent activities are talking about turns being 5 days, with a roll for each, and no other mention is made about the 5-hour rounds. Am I misreading something?

Anyway, I have a few characters in mind, though I'm mainly thinking about 2:
1. An Earthdust alchemist whose Psyche allows him to make and control homunculi, which are essentially alchemy-made servants. I'm not sure how this would get represented in-game. The best I can think up is them normally having base stats of 2 in everything, no skills or anything, and I can use up to X special consumables to strengthen them by up to Y points in stats each, the spread of the stats based on the consumable, with some able to add in an ability or such. The X and Y are where I'm not sure what to do. My best guess is that each item gives up to 8 points in stats, and I can use 1 per homunculus at first, increasing by 1 every 2 levels I have or something.

2. A Metalshine that loves to lie and mess around, with a Psyche that allows him to empower allies briefly when he reveals a lie (as a lie). The more people believed the lie, the more they believed it, and the more people it makes believe the truth, the stronger the effect. People the lie was based around are more likely to get bigger boosts than the people who believed it. The main point of concern here is how we'd measure the strength of the buff. I'd also want to try some PM shenanigans to fool the other players, too, and maybe you could conceal what I'm really doing in a turn.

What do you think? Are the Psyches too complicated to apply, or could we run with either of them? Also, everyone else, what sort of characters are you all working on?
Work on a potential forum game for my return to Bay12. Figure out parts that puzzled me before. Find more things to figure out that I can't. Work on another game instead of solving them. Get distracted and stop working. Remember it a week or two later. Remember I'm still on hiatus. Illogically, Be too ashamed to return yet. Repeat ad nauseam.

Finally have a game completely ready. Wait a week before posting it out of laziness.

Sir Elventide

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Re: Altera Vita Academy, OOC thread
« Reply #9 on: March 16, 2018, 12:16:56 am »

Since I'm still getting everything together in what is my first RP, I'll try to answer your questions to the best of my abilities. I may even do some editing to make things clearer in the future.

I'm definitely interested in this. There are a few things I'm confused about, though. Mainly, the first spoiler in the OP talks about turns being 1 day, consisting of 5 5-hour rounds...but the progress-dependent activities are talking about turns being 5 days, with a roll for each, and no other mention is made about the 5-hour rounds. Am I misreading something?

I wanted a system in which players can quickly gain new skills or accomplish other things without having to wait several turns, hence the time-screwy nature of Altera Vita Academy. My plan is to have players use at least five hours out of a normal turn to complete actions which would logically take weeks to complete. In other words, it's absolutely possible to do up to five progress-dependent actions in a single turn. Of course the choice is yours...

Anyway, I have a few characters in mind, though I'm mainly thinking about 2:
1. An Earthdust alchemist whose Psyche allows him to make and control homunculi, which are essentially alchemy-made servants. I'm not sure how this would get represented in-game. The best I can think up is them normally having base stats of 2 in everything, no skills or anything, and I can use up to X special consumables to strengthen them by up to Y points in stats each, the spread of the stats based on the consumable, with some able to add in an ability or such. The X and Y are where I'm not sure what to do. My best guess is that each item gives up to 8 points in stats, and I can use 1 per homunculus at first, increasing by 1 every 2 levels I have or something.

Making homunculi is a great Psyche! However, the bit about using consumables to boost their stats seems like a Perk to me since it helps modify your Psyche. Fortunately, I'm thinking about allowing each player to be given their first Perk for free during the introductory mission I have in mind so you can keep it. Just make it clear on which consumable does what.

2. A Metalshine that loves to lie and mess around, with a Psyche that allows him to empower allies briefly when he reveals a lie (as a lie). The more people believed the lie, the more they believed it, and the more people it makes believe the truth, the stronger the effect. People the lie was based around are more likely to get bigger boosts than the people who believed it. The main point of concern here is how we'd measure the strength of the buff. I'd also want to try some PM shenanigans to fool the other players, too, and maybe you could conceal what I'm really doing in a turn.

What do you think? Are the Psyches too complicated to apply, or could we run with either of them? Also, everyone else, what sort of characters are you all working on?

I'm a bit confused about this one. Does the Psyche increases in effect the more people who believed in your Metalshine's lies or does it only occur if he reveals them to be lies? What kind of buffs are you're going for? Regardless, the effectiveness of your Metalshine's Psyche would be dependent on his Stealth versus the other player's Perception since a lie will only work if the other person doesn't see through it.


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Re: Altera Vita Academy, OOC thread
« Reply #10 on: March 25, 2018, 11:32:57 am »

I'm interested! I've had a character concept bouncing around for a little bit: A former west coast skater type, who spent their life in back alleys and sliding along curbs. They got by by helping others build custom boards, and met their end under the wheels of a bus. Postmortem, they're an Earthdust artificer that specializes in building mobility enhancing tools. Skateboards, of course, but also jetpacks, Icarus-esque wax wings, mechanical horses, the works.

Sir Elventide

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Re: Altera Vita Academy, OOC thread
« Reply #11 on: March 25, 2018, 10:32:31 pm »

I'm interested! I've had a character concept bouncing around for a little bit: A former west coast skater type, who spent their life in back alleys and sliding along curbs. They got by by helping others build custom boards, and met their end under the wheels of a bus. Postmortem, they're an Earthdust artificer that specializes in building mobility enhancing tools. Skateboards, of course, but also jetpacks, Icarus-esque wax wings, mechanical horses, the works.

Thanks for your interest in this RP! Of course, all of these things you'd just mentioned seemed more like items to be learned and crafted rather than a Psyche your character may have. However, there's nothing stopping you from having a Psyche can gives a sort of bonus to whatever you create.


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Re: Altera Vita Academy, OOC thread
« Reply #12 on: March 25, 2018, 11:13:04 pm »

Thanks for your interest in this RP! Of course, all of these things you'd just mentioned seemed more like items to be learned and crafted rather than a Psyche your character may have. However, there's nothing stopping you from having a Psyche can gives a sort of bonus to whatever you create.

Okay, I was thinking of a Psyche that would tie into them being sort of a back alley I-know-a-shortcut type and give them the ability to create portals. Initially, they would be short-lived portals that could transport only themselves, basically a slightly more complicated version of teleportation, but as the power progressed they could create more stable portals that could transport more, or even alter the velocity/characteristics of objects passing through them.

Sir Elventide

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Re: Altera Vita Academy, OOC thread
« Reply #13 on: March 26, 2018, 09:41:16 am »

Okay, I was thinking of a Psyche that would tie into them being sort of a back alley I-know-a-shortcut type and give them the ability to create portals. Initially, they would be short-lived portals that could transport only themselves, basically a slightly more complicated version of teleportation, but as the power progressed they could create more stable portals that could transport more, or even alter the velocity/characteristics of objects passing through them.

A Psyche that involves portals. Yes, that can work.

Dustan Hache

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Re: Altera Vita Academy, OOC thread
« Reply #14 on: March 26, 2018, 11:08:03 am »

I'm interested in joining, but I need some time to fill out the sheet. Doing it via phone is a bit too hard for my taste.
I figure at some point, you're just gonna run outta fucks to give and just off yourself whenever you get hurt at all. It's not like there's any downsides to it. Hangover? Suicide will fix that. Stubbed your toe? Suicide. Headache? Suicide. Papercut? Suicide.
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