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Author Topic: Simple Fort... Succession game... Resident clowns  (Read 56583 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Simple Fort... Succession game
« Reply #90 on: April 24, 2018, 03:50:16 pm »

Nothing other than a bin.
We have platinum tough, so there isn't too much to worry.
Make a single statue and order it decorated again and again until desired result is reached.

That's it for my turn, here is the file:

Next is scottsm, Scaped Lunatic, he was last online a bit after I started my turn, so let's wait until the weekend like last time.
In a time before time, I had a name.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Simple Fort... Succession game
« Reply #91 on: April 24, 2018, 05:41:06 pm »

I find that a single steel spiked ball in a weapon trap works just as well for nobles.

Worst case, you get a noble well trained in dodge. Probably less extravagant than a cistern, pump, floor drain, and an airlock system. Especially with our current lack of water.

Any luck finding the lowest cavern, which usually contains a lake? It's a pain to haul it all, but we should have enough dwarves to allow some to haul.

Mask is probably the best artifact I've seen in a long time. Nobody makes artifact weapons or armor anymore.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Simple Fort... Succession game
« Reply #92 on: April 24, 2018, 09:19:39 pm »

Oh, we got water in the caverns, it's just that I would hate to bucket brigade cisterns.
Desperate times, desperate measures.
I just want it to rain during spring...
Kametec_Housten seems to believe I know how to make work orders, so anything is possible.
In a time before time, I had a name.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Simple Fort... Succession game
« Reply #93 on: April 25, 2018, 12:23:20 am »

How about slapping windmills on top of the towers so we can have a pump stack instead of a bucket brigade?


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Re: Simple Fort... Succession game
« Reply #94 on: April 25, 2018, 07:51:06 am »

Sounds nice, though I don't know where we are on the world map, which might make windmills ineffective.

Then again, we do need to find a use to two artifact millstones...
In a time before time, I had a name.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Simple Fort... Succession game
« Reply #95 on: April 26, 2018, 12:27:45 pm »

I downloaded the save to see how things are. Just some points

Are the water in the ponds suppose to flow in the tunnels when they tawn? I think there is not enough water in that system to prevent evaporation.

We should make the pump stack of magma-safe materials right? In case someone latter on decides to pump magma up.

I see there is a magma glass furnace near the magma, making glass pipes and corkscrews should be easy. A hole to trow sand bags down there would speed things. Although there would be a hole piercing the fort, what you guys think about it?

Also, great turn. I will be wating for scott.
Ô_ quack


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Re: Simple Fort... Succession game
« Reply #96 on: April 26, 2018, 02:13:43 pm »

Are the water in the ponds suppose to flow in the tunnels when they tawn? I think there is not enough water in that system to prevent evaporation.
Really? When I counted them there should be enough for water to be 2/7 and 3/7 at all tiles.
At least I didn't experience evaporation in this map above 1/7, but maybe I didn't pay enough attention.

A hole to trow sand bags down there would speed things. Although there would be a hole piercing the fort, what you guys think about it?
Throw it down the up/down stairs, trains dodging too  :P
In a time before time, I had a name.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Simple Fort... Succession game
« Reply #97 on: April 26, 2018, 03:58:49 pm »

Water evaporates only at 1/7 depth, never at 2/7 or higher. There are some losses during flowing usually. If there is a source at 7/7 and a target at 0/7, there is at least one 1/7 deep tile between them and some water evaporates if the flow is slow enough.


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Re: Simple Fort... Succession game
« Reply #98 on: April 26, 2018, 04:25:08 pm »

There's a lot of sand around, so I suspected that we might be at a hotter area, allowing evaporation at bigger depths.
In a time before time, I had a name.


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Re: Simple Fort... Succession game
« Reply #99 on: April 26, 2018, 04:31:14 pm »

Really? When I counted them there should be enough for water to be 2/7 and 3/7 at all tiles.
At least I didn't experience evaporation in this map above 1/7, but maybe I didn't pay enough attention.

I didn't count, it just batted an eye. I just wanted to make sure i shouldn't pull anylevers for it to work

Throw it down the up/down stairs, trains dodging too  :P

tempting, it might actually work if i restrict a row of stairs or remove it and rebuilt later, although there is no stair straight to the magma level.
Ô_ quack


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Simple Fort... Succession game
« Reply #100 on: April 30, 2018, 01:13:22 am »

I'd say we have waited long enough for scottsm to start his turn. Next is onciblu, right?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Simple Fort... Succession game
« Reply #101 on: April 30, 2018, 10:44:43 am »

Early morning, 1st granite, 555, early spring
Scot was suppose to be the overseer, but he went missing a long time ago. So its upon me to guide the fortress.

Lets start doing something I seldom do: planing

I have in mind pumping water from the caverns to a surface cistern. I also want to make the pump stack magma safe and usable later on.

The bottom right corner of the map seens to be the perfect spot. It misses the caves, dont hit the water directly, so we can control the water acess to the pump and the only place we escavated the will be hit is the exploratory mines.

We will need to power the pumps to. I remember reading a codex that said tho higher the wind mill more power it will generate. Is it true? If so i am thinking in building it on top of a large and tall reservatoir. I will be conducting some tests. A water motion sorcery also could work. it even could be installed temporaly on the ducts that will need to be carved.

This is a mockup of the digging blue print. The marked digging square indicates the soft part of the pump, it is also a up ramp to connect the energy. The solid part of the pump will pump in a small chamber to keep the stone warm (preventing temp recalculations)

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There is some time since I last designed a pump stack, so i have to remember some basics.

Since the area surrounding the pump stack seems so unimportant, it may be useful to make a small chamber surrounding it. It will have plenty of space for a minecart elevator if it is ever needed.

something like this:

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It will have plenty of space for tracks, I think there plenty of space for a double helix track. One

helix track going up and one going down. Overkill? What is it? Can you eat it? Time to figure the next layer and set up macros.


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Maybe move the circle a bit up
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much better

Macro time:
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I tested the macro and it need some adjustments, but I think it will work

edit: seems like the game is simply not reading some parts of the macro. I dont know why, here is the macro btw

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edit 2: turns out i had extra espace on the end of some commands, after i tried to remove it i forgot to update the macro ingame before testing once again


edit 3:

A screw pump consumes energy 10 urists, a wind mill procudes 40 urists max, a water well produces 90 urists. We dont have a river, so we will need 8 to 16 windmills, to have some extra energy

I need 27 screw pumps to pump water some levels above surface

I mandate the construction of the 30 gabros block, green glass tubes and enormous screws for the first part of the stack. Also the pump site is designated. 4 glass furnaces were constructed for glass gathering, the magma glass furnace will focus on the production of tubes and screws. Green glass blocks production is temporaly suspended.

And we have a siege.

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The alerts warned the civilians to hide. We have a dwarf in the enemy forces. The marksdwarf in tower shoot the globins, but they runned out of ammo before they could do serious damage to then.

The siege force is 32 heads strong, including 2 dwarfs and no animals. The ponds tawned and some globins entered the water ducts, despite not having access to the fortress that way, and the brigdes being open.

The dwarfs keep shooting the stationed invaders that waits in the boder of the map

They brought globonite :D
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The evil force is scaterd, only few globins made near the entrance and second tower. Some soldiers will ask wat they want

The alert was lifted to allow the wounded to be recovered.

We lost:
kogan regbekar, reservist
Datan Mebzuthral, Marksdwarf
Rimtar Momuzmedtob, Dwarven baby
Onol Solonavuz, Reservist
Edzul Nosimaban, a westreles aparentely
Athel Taronalath, Speardwarf
Tun Gimoslan, Westreler

And more people that were lost in the announcement page. I recorded most of the battle and will upload latter to youtube, I addmit that the globins hit harder than I expected and i quite new to invasions.

Our population is 99 now.

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Its 16th, granite, 555

The siege ended and i saw a minnor flaw in my design. There is one single place that will be chanelled in the various z levels, I need to dig it first so the miners can dig after it, and only then it is to be chanelled. Easy to fix.

Bronze now will be made if there is less than 10 bars left, no more cancelation spamm for the lack of bronze.

Good news: a kid has grown up to be a peasant, he will be a engraver for now.

Since we can make steel and bronze, the iron and copper stuff that the globins brought will be melted.

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This is our metal stock btw:

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24th granite:
2 births raised the population to 101

6th, Slate:

We got migrants

1 furnace operator
1 peasante, will send him for engraving at once
1 beekeper
2 child
1 miner
1 engraver
4 marksdwarf, will put they in the squad
1 hammedwarf
1 peasant, will go to reserve
1 mechanic
1 legendary bone carver   
1 strong and agile fish dissector, to millitary you go
1 great bone doctor, fun fact he is was once aprentice of the legendary bone carver, altought he has no skill in bone carving
1 fisherdwarf, to reserv
1 mighty legendary stone crafter
1 great clothier

our population is 122 now

Some important workers will not haul anymore

18 slate: The pump materials are ready

Good news, the windmills produce 40 power,

26 slate, we have another baby

I made a huge corpse pile to prevent the corpses in the ponds to be lost when the pond freezes, some dwarfs are experiencing emotional shock. I will allow then to rest a bit
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17 felisite, another kid turned into a peasant, i wil send him to engraving since its the neck point of the pump stack. The shaft must be petry

It seens like we have 60-70 rooms for 122 dwarfs, time to make some new rooms.

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« Last Edit: May 03, 2018, 06:53:35 am by onciblu »
Ô_ quack


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Simple Fort... Succession game
« Reply #102 on: May 03, 2018, 03:31:31 am »

Looks like you're progressing great.

However, I'm curious, why did you make the macro to mark the area instead of having it actually designate it instead?
Actually, I also noticed unusually high number of legendary immigrants. I rarely get them in my games, yet here they come in every other wave? Are we just lucky or what? :o


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Simple Fort... Succession game
« Reply #103 on: May 03, 2018, 06:52:11 am »

in my (little) experience, skilled workers come from others forts I (destroyed) abandoned. I never played in a 555 years old world to, for fps reasons i general go for 5 years old (worlds of course) instead. The stack is almost finished, and i saw others flaws int the designe. I will post another update today.

As for the markings, Its because I wanted to hurry the stack, the chamber that surrounds it can be dug later. I dont know to whetter to do next after finishing the water stack:

1- expand the stack to the magma level, prob wont finish in my turn
2- make a surface reservoir, may be not so usefull right now and i fell like i am neglecting the military that I wounded.
3- Carve the surround chambers, smooth it and start carving the tracks, witch is not much usefull now that the stacks is only 24 levels high, although it would be better to run test the tracks now to fix the design in the lower levels.
Ô_ quack


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Simple Fort... Succession game
« Reply #104 on: May 04, 2018, 07:51:05 am »

Quote from: onciblu link=topic=169807.msg7748902#msg7748902

A proper gif? Witchcraft!

Quote from: onciblu link=topic=169807.msg7748902#msg7748902
The alerts warned the civilians to hide. We have a dwarf in the enemy forces. The marksdwarf in tower shoot the globins, but they runned out of ammo before they could do serious damage to then.
I take personal responsibility, shouldn't have dragged my foot on those bronze bolts.

In better news, I was reading a thread in Dwarf Mode and someone mentioned training bolts are fixed now, and dwarves will carry two different stacks without issue. I checked the dev notes and it's true, so let's set up a training range when we get the time.

Quote from: onciblu link=topic=169807.msg7748902#msg7748902
The ponds tawned and some globins entered the water ducts, despite not having access to the fortress that way, and the brigdes being open.
Did the ducts get filled with enough water to avoid evaporation? Did it rain at all?

Quote from: onciblu link=topic=169807.msg7748902#msg7748902
The alert was lifted to allow the wounded to be recovered.
We lost:
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And more people that were lost in the announcement page. I recorded most of the battle and will upload latter to youtube, I addmit that the globins hit harder than I expected and i quite new to invasions.
Did anyone got too dismembered to keep on the military? Does anyone have Gx on the health screen?

Quote from: onciblu link=topic=169807.msg7748902#msg7748902
Bronze now will be made if there is less than 10 bars left, no more cancelation spamm for the lack of bronze.
Did the reservists gear finish already though?

Actually, I also noticed unusually high number of legendary immigrants. I rarely get them in my games, yet here they come in every other wave? Are we just lucky or what? :o

After ~100 world gen they start showing up, in my experience.
In a time before time, I had a name.
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