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Author Topic: Simple Fort... Succession game... Resident clowns  (Read 56570 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Simple Fort... Succession game
« Reply #255 on: July 25, 2018, 01:45:46 pm »

Careful with grouping the reserve dwarves, the reserves only train a season of the year (reserve 1 - 4 ; spring - winter), so you might run a few hands short during construction.
Is there a benefit to doing that instead of a squad of 10 training 2 at a time (or whatever)? I know it says minimum, but I've never seen more than the minimum training.

The squads are set to be unequipped when out of duty, so that they can haul properly and not drag themselves forever(since they have next to zero armor user skill). When you need a few extra hands you can call them, and there comes the difference:

If you call the squad active for that season the are all armored and armed, and all together near the entrance where they train, leaving you with a squad on the ready while the three other squads run around picking up their equipment (Which I tried to keep in the barracks so that they group when equipping, but there's always a straggler that remembers there's a shinier gauntlet down the forges.

On the other hand, if all squads are training simultaneously but only a few dwarves at a time, you have to station all the squads in a same place to wait for their out of sync colleagues, slowing response, and the dwarves spend the whole month putting and removing armor due to the way the game changes their current job when eating/drinking/sleeping/whateving.

I'm just trying to prevent us from getting brutally murdered by goblins or forgotten beasts that can enter our living area and I can't do much about it because it's a bunch of stairs down into the third cavern level...

I guess we do need to leash a few dogs there...
In a time before time, I had a name.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Simple Fort... Succession game
« Reply #256 on: July 27, 2018, 02:06:51 pm »

Hey guys, I just figured out why the water is still frozen despite it being summer, I forgot to turn temp back on (I had it off to improve FPS in my fortress)


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Re: Simple Fort... Succession game
« Reply #257 on: July 27, 2018, 02:35:46 pm »

Hey guys, I just figured out why the water is still frozen despite it being summer, I forgot to turn temp back on (I had it off to improve FPS in my fortress)

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Yeah, there's plenty of information out there, but you don't need that information to form an opinion and then defend it to the death.
Hey, don't be like that. Your life never had any meaning in the first place!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Simple Fort... Succession game
« Reply #258 on: July 27, 2018, 05:45:31 pm »

Another issue, we have unengraved slabs, but they keep saying there are none, so they won't engrave any


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Re: Simple Fort... Succession game
« Reply #259 on: July 27, 2018, 05:52:07 pm »

Check for workshop/stockpile links?
In a time before time, I had a name.


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Re: Simple Fort... Succession game
« Reply #260 on: July 27, 2018, 06:23:53 pm »

I think the problem might be that the bookkeeper died at some point...


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Re: Simple Fort... Succession game
« Reply #261 on: July 27, 2018, 07:04:22 pm »

I think the problem might be that the bookkeeper died at some point...
I'm not sure the bookkeeper affects this kind of thing. A skilled bookkeeper can maintain his stocks update even after death.
Unless you mean the manager, since when he dies the workshop profiles stay locked until a new one is appointed, so maybe there is some weird activity restriction in place? Have you tried dumping the existing slabs next to the workshop and reclaiming them?
In a time before time, I had a name.


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Re: Simple Fort... Succession game
« Reply #262 on: July 27, 2018, 07:57:29 pm »

Some thing weird must have happened at some point in the fort, there's a bunch of random forbidden items (something like 80%(Note: This is a completely random number that felt right, I have done no math) of them are either clothes or armor, with various seeds, bins(most of the rest were those, quivers, and buckets) scattered around the fortress, and I have no idea why, the tavern also has large piles of clothes on the tables and some of the forbidden items are in piles with non forbidden things
EDIT: Actually it's more like 60% clothes/armor and there are also many mechanisms forbidden for some reason
EDIT2: Update will be out tomorrow probably


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Simple Fort... Succession game
« Reply #263 on: July 28, 2018, 02:39:50 pm »

Build chests and cabinets in all of the rooms? Or if stuff is actually F forbidden, just reclaim everything? Are you running DF Hack or The Rapist? They both can screw up the game pretty bad.


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Re: Simple Fort... Succession game
« Reply #264 on: July 28, 2018, 10:55:43 pm »

I'll be honest, completely forgot I was supposed to do this, so here we go

So this happened, so now we got a bunch of these, so that's pretty cool

Why does this kind of thing keep happening to me...
Also this kind of thing

Oh yeah the humans, I traded them some junk clothes and some gems (I also created gem stockpiles on the surface for trading, only for those to be filled with rough gems instead...) mostly bought bags to stop the sand collection spam

Oh yay, so this won't be useful at all

Yay more military dwarves

All we need is a male and we can have an army of super soldiers

So I may have unfrozen the water at a bad time

My plan for a stone piling catapult operation is beginning

And there goes a legendary mason

This has been my announcements for awhile

I don't know what killed this guy

Well that's not good

I'll be honest, at this point I had completely forgotten about her, so the fact she didn't go insane was luck

So this ghost has been on the same tile as it's child for the whole month I think, it might even still be there

Who did this

At first I didn't actually know what happened, blamed it on the ghost and moved on.

Only for me to discover it was in this mess a bunch of random forbidden items, a dead cave crocodile corpse and a rotting body

Also this idiot has just been there since the water unfroze and last I checked is still there, not growing hungry, not tiring, eternal

this looks like a bug to me

I also found this


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Simple Fort... Succession game
« Reply #265 on: July 29, 2018, 08:33:37 pm »

It's an adventurer training swimming until he inevitably gets encased in ice.
In a time before time, I had a name.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Simple Fort... Succession game
« Reply #266 on: July 30, 2018, 07:29:31 pm »

I'm just going to let these serve as a representation of the ghosts I put to rest

... no point even asking why does this keep happening to me. Raise the bridges, forbid the doors

Luckily they're kind of dumb, but on the other they also learned how to not drown, but on the other other hand they also also didn't bring any trolls or beak dogs, just goblins and dwarves, but on the other other other hand, several dwarves are trapped outside, and others are trapped between bridges, but hey, at least we have some caged goblins, I also forgot to take a screenshot of this, but we caught a herd of camels at one point.

I don't even know if this is one of ours or one of the enemies, but this happend.

and this.

and this as well.

Why does this keep happening to me..

Oh good.


Why are so many children just left out on the surface, it's inconvenient for me.

Seriously why tho.

I honestly don't know how this one and it's buddy (who died of I have no idea) got up here, the whole thing had an overhang so they couldn't climb up, there are some stairs onto that wall, that lets you get into the fort, but it doesn't seem interested in going to them, and no one else has gotten up there. It was around this point I realized that there was a big thing of goblins near the corner of the map that I hadn't noticed, I had thought most of the siege was just in the water for some reason

Another dead child... it was inevitable

The trader died because he was one of the ones locked between bridges I think, and I have literally no idea how the goblin died.

You did this to yourself, and you have no one to blame but yourself.

One of the tantruming dwarves (mine actually) killed this one.


Another one dies of being trapped between bridges.

Oh not this again....

Yeah I couldn't fix this..

Luckily this FB is suicidal

Notes for the next overseer, 1. I think something wrong with the pathing in this save 2. Don't open any of the bridges, the siege can't get in, and neither can the forgotten beast. 3. Speaking of the forgotten beast, he's probably gonna kill himself, that report was from his habit of flinging himself off of ledges and falling, he also exploded one of his feet from that, he just wanders a small section of the caverns, occasionally leaping multiple tiles, you know that blue background things get when falling/ being propeled by great force, he does that, and goes flying to the side for a bit, I don't know WHY, only that he does. 3. I also don't know why all the goblins and dwarves are having a pool party in the pointless water features with a dead camel corpse, but they are, there's also another camel corpse in a different section with last I checked two enemies. 4. When I tried to make a tavern on an area filled with invaders, so that guests would come and fight, they moved, every time I tried that they moved again. 5. I made a little pump area for training willpower. 6. I made a lot of bridges. 7. I  apparently somehow managed to fix the spot that let the last FB in, and I don't remember when I did this or where it was. 8. I got the space for the "Stone Piling Catapult System 9001" in place, but we don't have any logs I guess, so the SPCS can't actually be built atm. 10. We also somehow have no non-economic hard stone according to the dwarves. 11. We also don't have any bags for sand. 12. We also don't have any cages. 13. I repeat, do not open the bridges. 14. We manged to get no migrants, and not even a "Your fortress has attracted no migrants this season" message, so apparently sieges block migrants. 15. I made two levers, one opens all the bridges I built, and is named "All the Bridges" and has a note on it, the other does nothing and has no info on it, it was supposed to be used to slowly lower the bridges that weren't needed, but they decided there was no path to the one you can get to from the entrance ramp to the fort. 16. The second fort is fine. Save is here

Fleeting Frames

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Re: Simple Fort... Succession game
« Reply #267 on: July 31, 2018, 12:00:35 am »

"Cancels handle crocodiles: Too insane x325."

Hahaha, I can almost take it as personal opinion of the job.

Catapults, these oldfangled qsp systems.

...I didn't know ghosts did that. Or were psychopaths!

Jeez a ridiculous mess. Did a ghost kill the croc or did tantrumer?


Ghostly Corpse handler. Wish they kept handlng corpses like with animal training and fishing, that'd be neat (I read once that this needs them being killed on job without being interrupted, i.e. by being atomsmashed). They'd probably still go insane though?

I'm not sure what you complain about, but there's a lot of blood in the walls.

The goblins love the pools. They're using an old strategy, called the carp - highly effective on non-freezing maps.

Tho srsly, it seems invaders are picking up visitor pathing strats there.

I spy some trees near those "how did those get up there" corpses. I think that answers your question?

Why keep bridges closed if the siege won't come in?


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Re: Simple Fort... Succession game
« Reply #268 on: July 31, 2018, 10:53:48 am »

1. I don't know who killed the crocodile, or what made the mess, it just kind of happened.
2.They don't come in BECAUSE the bridges are closed, so they can't get in that way, and they seem to have no interest in going up to the stairways, also I think something in the entryway broke because the dwarves won't use those ramps that lead into the tunnel thing


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Re: Simple Fort... Succession game
« Reply #269 on: August 02, 2018, 08:25:39 am »

hmm, if you pull the floodgate leve I think they will path to the watterfall resevoir. If you fill it with water and close the exists of it you may drown then all
Ô_ quack
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