Formerly: Need 3D Tavern Render, preferably by a Baytwelvian
Thank you so much Daren Kazzarch!
Pixel Artist needed!The tavern conversion needs these things:
• Overall medium lighting. New details such as candles on the walls and so forth can be added.
• Thicker lines separating foreground and background. So when people draw their own characters it's easy to tell what should be in front of that and what is the background. For example rails having thicker lines on their outline.
• Final image will be 500 pixels wide, 300 pixels tall. Broken into 100 by 100 portals. (Pixel size is up to you)
Original Post:
I've got a small community art project I want to do for an image based portal, to be used over at FG and RP.
I just need a really basic non textured, empty medieval style tavern. From a dynamic position where you would be able to see many of the patrons and the bartender.
I will take this image and turn it into a kind of cartoon with all the characters needed.
I will then take that image and divide it into segments, and I will put a link on each segment so that it can be used as a hub to get to the prominent threads in the forum games and role-playing area.
I did a really simple version of this in
this forum game with the world map.
I can give some concept sketches though I am very flexible as long as it's recognizable as some kind of medieval Tavern and has plenty of space to put people in it.
This'll go in the
game list thread stickied in forum games and role playing.
I want to put a lot of effort into this so I would really prefer not having just some stock image I based it off of. I want this to be really made from Bay 12.
Can you help me? Here's my
DeviantArt gallery.