Moonstone_Flower is still not here, and ZM5 didn't update the mod yet. Well, all it is just due to the summertime! I hope.
Let's go, to keep the ball rolling. I aready feel guilty for that huge time gap.
I updated the save to 44.11, but play with the mod of 44.10 version (seemingly works fine).
Just to remind: we had to cancel the turn of Moonstone_Flower, because we can't grab the save. Sorry!
Wait, I thought I was dead? The very feeling of tearing muscles and broking bones was with me just a second ago... But here I am, in the body of a veteran marksdwarf. By a gift of almighty Armok, I was given a chance to oversee this fortress again! I will try not to give in easily to the circumstances, like at the last time.
I did some walking on the floors, talking to dwarves here and there. The place doesn't seem to change much. I can recognize most of the stuff I've seen before... After some time, the plan for nearest orders started to cristallize in my mind.
1. We need military changes. Someone kicked out "The Shooty Guys" from the old barracks, and they have nowhere to train. "Guys with big sticks" are well trained and equipped - they are absolute elite of our forces, but other squads are incomplete and mostly unequipped. We still suffer from lack of any weapon metal ore here in Bandithorses... Maybe we still have something to melt.
2. Somehow related to that - let's organize Cavern Outpost with one squad on duty, and build emergency bridge-gates. It is rather irresponsible not to observe, what's going on there, in the dark caves.
3. Another thing, I heard that our graze animals (especially precious bunnies!) were constantly being butchered in the past by the surface adversaries. Let's do a luxury and safe penal with the glass roof for them!
4. Finally, so many complaints about terrible corpses all over the place... We need a spacious and closed refuse stockpile, at the very least. Or better, a refuse destroying scheme of some sort. We have tons of crappy evlen equipments that would be great to burn as well.
So lads, let's go to work, and stick to that plan!
Massive construction works on the surface revealed the fact that almost all population of the fortess have pretty deep cave adaptation. Nausea surely doesn't add to everyone's happiness. But so far no tantrums, although several dwarves look really unhappy.
We finished a new refuse stockpile, but there are tons of rotting corpses here and there, especially on the surface.
I'm afraid that even this huge room is not going to be enough. The best thing to do would be to create a small magma-pit nearby, and burn everything in it. But that has to wait - we haven't even found magma yet.
We have a new artifact. This time - a worthy one. The pig iron hammer - it is a shame that we didn't have a single steel ingot at that moment!
The situation gets a bit hotter. First two guys didn't handle seeing stacks of rotten remains and felt into depression:
DerpyDev is also on the edge of misery.
It is a shame, she is our baron, manager and bookkeeper. A lot of stuff depends on her! I absolutely need to cheer her up.
Among other stuff, I heard she likes gems, cages and scepters. Do you think a collection of cages and pedestals with scepters in the bedrooms (all encrusted with gems) would sooth her? I must try!
It is still spring now, I will continue tomorrow or at Monday.