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Author Topic: Ägashfamthut, "Bandithorses," Where we steal everything and die to caves  (Read 63393 times)

Derpy Dev

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oh sorry bout that i don't think I would LAVA it either if that happened (sorry for the pun) but really i'm really sorry for you

That pun is terrible and I love it :D

It's fine though, everything's cool. It's mostly just something big that's happening that's also worryingly close to home.


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  • I bring hell (aka eternal PUNishment)
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oh good I was kind of wondering if that would not be ok with you glad to know it was ok
everything is fine
 everything is on fire
I see no difference between these two phrases.
only at modded hell does this make sense


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youngbab, an Atom Smasher, or at least the kind I was asking for, is a levered raising bridge with a garbage dump Zone in a hole over it, used to destroy any junk you have lying around, such as damaged clothing, and sentient non-citizen corpses which are pretty much useless for anything other than decoration and museum pieces.
These garbage-smashing Atom Smashers are useful for keeping FPS down, and making one is a priority for most of my forts.
dwarf 4tress from scratch
The Pikachu revolution!
Thank you NatureGirl19999 for the avatar switcher at

A warforged bard named Gender appears and says"Hello. I am a social construct."


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Short OOC in Spoiler
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Life is merciless, isn't it?

Log 3
The Autumn Months

My luck is nonexistent it would seem. A mere fourteen days into the season and the quiet of late summer has come to a bitter end. It's time once again to take up arms, so let's get to it.
I've received instructions from reliable sources on how to operate the fortress's defenses, and I'll be following these instructions as best as I can, so with hope our fortifications will serve me and my warriors well.

A few more names to add to the casualties, hm? Our friends from the mountain homes are not the best at timing, and our liason is even worse at positioning.

Those bits near our bronze friend are the liaison's teeth. There's little I can do for him now.
Or is there?

I cannot explain it, but I am overcome with an unrelenting urge for vengeance. If I retreat into the fortifications, every single dwarf and animal will be crushed beneath this bronze fiend's strength. It falls to me, then, to put him down... or at least buy some time for our friends from the mountain homes.

That was... surprisingly easy. The creature didn't even manage to land a hit on me before he perished and left this thing behind:

It's a bit large, and the imagery isn't particularly compelling, but I feel like it might look quite nice in my personal quarters.
Unfortunately, no one thought it was a priority to carve out a reasonable lodgings for me, so I'm forced to make it for myself.

Nice enough? I think so. While we're on the topic of carving things out, our engravers have finished smoothing out the grand tombs.

Wags's tomb is furthest to left, Hun's lies in the middle, and Petrel's sits at the right. And as promised, I displayed the artifact crown Eshonsakrith in Petrel's final resting place.
Along with the tombs, our miners have nearly finished mining out the museum space, and nearly all of the needed pedestals have been completed

Here it is as it stands. I figure by the end of the season it'll be smoothed out nicely, and fitted with plenty of display furniture and artifacts.
Beyond that, there's little else to report.

Aside from the fact that the whole of the mountain home has dispatched to trade with us, of course.

Eighty different travelers. Quite the entourage, if you ask me. Hopefully they brought something worth trading for along with them.

With the colossus dead, and nothing else worth documenting, I think it's time for a raid. I'll be sending out our speardwarves this time around.
Forddawned, the target of our last pillaging, will be their goal. Wolves were a nice addition, but they can't be turned into proper war beasts. And if the last elf siege is anything to go by, there should be plenty of grizzlies to go around, and those can be trained well enough. If they prove themselves on this raid, I might send them off fight the giantess Namdi Matchcontrol, and take back Blindphantoms, a rather fancy copper gauntlet.

While I was organizing the raid, our liaison and his troupe of traders finished unpacking, and it appears he's brought news from the mountain homes with him.

It's a truly flattering request, but who to appoint if I agree?
Honestly, I think it best to keep away from the homeland for the time being. The next time the opportunity arises, if it's during my time here, I'll be sure to appoint someone if a consensus on who to appoint has been reached.

And our speardwarves have already returned! Let's see what they've brought us.

More wolves. Disappointing. At least they did their job properly.
Before I send them off to retrieve that gauntlet, I believe they need further training. Some are barely novices, and there's no chance in hell that they'll succeed with skills that low.
While we wait, why not give a status update on our museum? Our carpenter finished off the last of pedestals, bringing the project to a close.

As well as the museum, construction on my personal quarters has completed

Quite nice, wouldn't you agree?

And with that, it would appear autumn is but a few days from its end, which means it's time to conclude this log. It's been quite the season, and I have a feeling winter will be just as exciting. Wish me luck as usual, and farewell for now!



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If that bug wasn't fixed, if you send them to search for a held artifact, they won't know where to go, and won't return until months later, if at all.
Also, if on the World screen it says "explore", including on lairs, it probably means that your explorers won't actually come into contact with the megabeast if you send them, so any artifacts there that are not held are easy pickings.

Also, being bandits, I think we should keep our distance from the homeland.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2018, 04:15:47 pm by pikachu17 »
dwarf 4tress from scratch
The Pikachu revolution!
Thank you NatureGirl19999 for the avatar switcher at

A warforged bard named Gender appears and says"Hello. I am a social construct."


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If that bug wasn't fixed, if you send them to search for a held artifact, they won't know where to go, and won't return until months later, if at all.
Also, if on the World screen it says "explore", including on lairs, it probably means that your explorers won't actually come into contact with the megabeast if you send them, so any artifacts there that are not held are easy pickings.

Also, being bandits, I think we should keep our distance from the homeland.

Yeah, I'm learned that sending guys off to take artifacts is broken the hard way. I was just using that screen for reference more than anything.

Also, I agree with the last part. Seems a little off to have a snobby baron when our whole shtick is stealing and killing.


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Huh. You've changed my mind while agreeing with me. Now you have caused me to think of a robber baron, who is literally a robber and a baron. And also snobby.
Probably robbing places because they upset his snobbish sensibilities.
dwarf 4tress from scratch
The Pikachu revolution!
Thank you NatureGirl19999 for the avatar switcher at

A warforged bard named Gender appears and says"Hello. I am a social construct."


  • Bay Watcher
  • I bring hell (aka eternal PUNishment)
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so the places he goes are BARREN of treasure :D
sounds like a normal baron
everything is fine
 everything is on fire
I see no difference between these two phrases.
only at modded hell does this make sense


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My vote for DerpyDev as the baron.

Hey, he is struggling with the lava irl! That's dorfy as hell.


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I'm watching this.
Imic's no longer allowed to vote.
Quote from: smyttysmyth
Well aren't you cheery
Quote cabinet
Regrets every choice he made and makes, including writing this here.


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I love how Tomb raider has got his own side story going on whilst our fortress is being besieged by elves.

Whats the status of all our name dorfs?

Had a more indepth reply in the works but Falout:NV froze and forced me to restart my PC, and lose all my progress.

Basically, everyone is doing well. Only three of the name dwarves (Mottlepetrel, Hun, Wags) are dead. The ones who are alive are almost all legendary in their respective skills. Two of them, Bearskie and Pikachu17, are newly enlisted recruits.

Nothing new about Tomb Raider so far, though I'll keep an eye on him as my last season progresses.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2018, 06:52:31 pm by youngbab »


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Log 4
The Winter Months

So winter has come again, and my year as overseer here is drawing closer and closer to its end. The past three seasons have been truly hectic, and I expect winter to be equally eventful. Though I'm kind of hoping things are a little gentler...

Anyways, let's get into the thick of it.

So far, things have been pretty quiet. And because of that, I think it's time for a raid.

Well, a raze actually. I decided against attacking Forddawned again to keep things fresh. Our speardwarves are going to go out this time around. They should be able to handle ten crumby elves, right?
While they're away, I should mention that I've started up another small project.

A library! Exciting, isn't it? Not really, but we get a lot of books brought to us from raids, so I figure we need a place to put them. I've carved it out just across from our museum to keep things tidy. All of the bookcases are nearly done and our engravers are hard at work smoothing things out, so it should be finished in no time.

It looks like our raiders made haste. It must've been quite the success, then, I'd wager.

Not at all.
Truly disgraceful. If reports are to be believed, a trained and well armed militia was routed by a party of simple elves. Commoners. It appears I put far too much faith in their abilities. They're going to need a lot more training before they're ready to go out into the field it would seem.

While they're trai-

Humph. So much for peace and quiet. Another fire breather, too. Hopefully this thing will be a push over like that bird.

It looks like the beast has put a torch to our livestock, rabbits and all. Damn. Better than our civilians, I suppose, but still quite the pisser.

All it takes is one jet of flame to set the world alight around here. I have a feeling this fire will rage for days.

I'm not certain what this creature's game is, to be frank. It's been sitting up there sulking in its own mess for some time now, not moving. Perhaps because its blind? Or maybe because I locked everything up? I'm not certain, but it has to go. It might be a little reckless, but I'm going to send myself and my men up to surface to slaughter this beast.

Or not.

Just as we tried to climb on up, it decided to climb on down. The defenses are blanketed in smoke and blood already.

Though I don't believe much of it is ours.

And... It's dead. Killed by none other than MrLurkety's brother, Tirist Rosatasmel. Helmets off to him.

And helmets back on for this dwarf. Sleeping in the heat (no pun intended) of battle.
While this fool was dozing, the rest of us were fighting for our lives. And unfortunately, two of my men didn't fight well enough.

Lokum and Stukos. Our two axedwarves. They will be remembered for their bravery.
As is typical, with casualties come vacancies, and there are now free spots in my squad. I'll be bringing two new dwarves under my wing. A herbalist by the name of Urvad, and a soap maker known as Aban. They'll serve this fortress much better slaying beasts and slashing elves then they would making soap and picking parsley.

With the creature dead, and a massive corpse sitting in our defensive hallway, I think a neat display of our victory is in order. There's still an unused display case in our dining area, and with our museum up and ready, why not move it and the beast's body there? Sounds good to me.

Speaking of the dead, it has come to my attention that there's a ghost spooking around in the barracks.

I can't say I know how this guy died, seeing as he was a fisherdwarf. Carp, perhaps? Who knows. Either way, he needs some form of burial, and since I have no idea where his corpse is, I've ordered our masons to make slabs. They should do the trick just fine, once they've been engraved.

Just as the last month of winter hits, our blacksmith has been possessed.

Metalsmith's forge, eh? I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a tad bit excited. He's requested bones, thread/cloth, metal/bars, stone/rock. All of which we have, and yet he's still sitting idly. Huh. I suppose I'll order some ore to be dug and bars to be forged. And if that doesn't work, I'm afraid he'll be someone's else problem, as there's but ten days left in the year.

While we wait for our smelters and miners to get working, I should give a status update on some of our projects.
Firstly, the library:

Yes, that is indeed a dead turkey.  Our engravers have gotten rather proficient at their jobs, so construction took less time than I anticipated.

The museum has the titan's skeleton on display. It rotted surprisingly quickly, for something its size.

And... Spring has arrived. Faster than I expected. Before I part from my position as overseer, I think I should give a debriefing on our stocks and population, and maybe a few other things.
To start things off, here's a peek at our stocks.

Our stores are piled high, and our brewers are on a perpetual order for drink making, so there's little to worry about in that regard.

And here's our wealth. We're not the richest of fortresses (yet), but we're pretty well off.

Finally, our population. It hasn't gone up a whole lot since I started here, despite the fact that we had around three migrant waves. We have a startlingly large amount of farmers and craftdwarves, and though our grazers were decimated by the last beast assault, we still have plenty of creatures alive.

And... That's about it. I couldn't for the life of me get the barracks bridge to work (it's burned down now), so my successor will have to fix that if they'd be so kind. Beware of wood cutting. The ash from the fires tends to be very dangerous, so cut with caution.

Also, don't forget about our fey blacksmith! I couldn't figure out what he wanted. Hopefully our next overseer can accommodate him.

Well, that's just about everything, so I won't hold you any longer. Here are the needed papers ( You should find everything you need in there. Good luck with this place!


Derpy Dev

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Unfortunately I'm gonna have to pass my turn to Stoat.

Also, I vote that YoungBab should be the mayor, because they're the one who killed a goddamn bronze colossus.


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We should dig to the caverns, then wall it off or whatever, then have an enclosed dirt space that we'll let grow fungus and put our animals in. Or wall off part of the cavern from the rest. That works too.

How many traps we got, especially cage traps? Cage traps are good for live-training.
dwarf 4tress from scratch
The Pikachu revolution!
Thank you NatureGirl19999 for the avatar switcher at

A warforged bard named Gender appears and says"Hello. I am a social construct."


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We should dig to the caverns, then wall it off or whatever, then have an enclosed dirt space that we'll let grow fungus and put our animals in. Or wall off part of the cavern from the rest. That works too.

How many traps we got, especially cage traps? Cage traps are good for live-training.

IIRC we don't have any cage traps set up. We have a lot of mechanisms and I'm pretty sure we have some spare cages though.
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