A recent favorite of mine has been recreating the designs found in older DF versions:23a (
aka '2D') Since this ancient version doesn't have diagonal movement (orthogonal only!) the generated DF forts are very simple, almost a basic roguelike in layout and style. The "staircases" are really just doors that will rotate your view when you pass through them and the map is effectively "flat" Though the most striking feature however is the smooth walls on the cliff face entrance to the fort, which is exactly one tile more than the view distance a dwarf has (25 tiles from the character's position) that creates a nice effect with the end pieces. (visible because continuous walls are programmed to be visible at the edge of sight distance) I have never actually seen a 2D generated fortress reach the cavern river, likely because the river starts at 48+ tiles from the mountain face... Additionally, knowing that the game maps are partitioned into region tiles of 48x48 regular tiles, this fortress design is basically a nano-fortress fitting within 1 embark tile in modern DF. (Thus why i never saw a generated fort reach the river.)
Fun fact: the total embark area of a 2D player fortress map is roughly 10x10 when fully explored (ie: to the adamantine)40d One of the much more rigid generation styles, fortresses obey strict templates that are all 16x16 tiles, or 1/9th the area (1/3rd the width/length) of an embark tile. The fortress is sectioned into only a couple such templates, which are in the spoilers below:
Basic main hallway layout, straight piece with side hallways... Which they basically always do, unless it's a corner or edge of the fortress map or would intersect a map feature (though map gen "mistakes" do happen and parts can breach features, but
very rarely)
The same main hallway design as a dead-end, but also with a ramp on it. Fun fact: I've only ever seen ramps be placed next to the left or the right pillar pairs, never the north or south pairs. (The x's mark the alternate ramp position, which would have a wall between the two pillars most adjacent, so the ramps would work) They also always face towards the center of the template; this is so there's always open space above them and can also be walked around in case of the infamous 180-turn on the next z-level down.
What does a main hallway "corner" look like? Take the dead-end, paste another on top after rotating it 90 degrees, subtract walls that intersect with hallway floor space.
Basic side hallway layout, but with all four rooms added:
"Corner" side hallway, with three rooms:
... And really, that's all the templates there are. No furniture or shops in these fortresses either, despite the rooms obviously being the perfect size for them, or for workshops and surrounding stockpiles. The primary entrance to the fort is really nothing to talk about; it's literally very often as if someone designated a 46x46 up/down staircase pit in the middle of an embark tile (so if it was a nano fortress, it would be
THE ENTIRE NANO-SIZED EMBARK) and then placed the ramp-hallway in the middle of it once it was all dug out, with a ring of up/down staircases along the perimeter. Sometimes the entry pit is smaller (1/3rd as wide; a rectangle instead of a square) but not usually; only if some other feature forced it to do so.
The actual fortress generation rules are really very simple, and can be copied very easilly by a human:
- Make the entrance as described above; First template placed is always a dead-end ramp that leads to this entry.
- Pick another space some non-zero distance away in 16x16 chunks, and draw a "line" of hallway templates towards that point, and put a dead-end downward ramp template there if there's still more z-levels to go through; otherwise just dead-end the hallway.
-- Never ever place a downward template and upward template on the same 16x16 chunk, the shortest hallway possible is an up ramp template and a down ramp template.
- Place down the 4-rooms template out to a distance of 2-3 from the starting, ending, or every hallway segment. Turn the outside pieces into corners or 2-rooms if the site edge is reached.
- Try really hard not to put any templates intersecting map features like chasms- Fail to avoid intersecting the templates and chasms, and cause the fortress to flood with water or get murdered by inhabitants that spawn around the chasm.It's a very nice and straight-forward method of fortress building, and thanks to the 4-wide main hallway is actually time efficient by giving dwarves sidestep space (even though the 2-wides are often shortcut through rooms) Building supports between the stone pillars, and statues or windows between the pillars and walls (and one of the two doors of a room) and shrinking the rooms to a 4x4 so the walls will have engravings on the proper side (the room side!) are really all that needs to be done to "fix" problems with the design.
Modern Embark over an existing dwarf site and don't worry about it.