Now that you have a lot more money at your disposal, have you given any thought to paying scholars on things like historical crafting methods (or cooking, the tech tree, farming etc when you eventually revisit them) to consult for future changes to those respective systems?
There's a lot of cool broke nerds out there that would enjoy seeing their niche field of study and related books exposed on steam, especially as academic labor strikes start up again in the fall. But I can also understand if the studying you put in is part of the fun of your job, or if that would throw off your long term calculations for all the staff you've got now. Thanks for the answers and for the game!
Obviously, Tarn should hire an actual wizard as a consultant come Myth and Magic.
How else will the developers know how to differentiate KAlSi3O8 from the radiant Gork metal, that has been blessed by the shining hand of Ol'Gork?
Of course, I nominate myself for the position.
Fortunately for the members of the Bay12 community, and Tarn, my services will include the provision of fine expertly crafted IRL wereworm charms, which are made out of... lets see here... the uh...
Ah yes! The finest thistle, BBQ horseradish sauce, and uhh... ordinary pocket lint! Which is all definitely not stuff that I just happened to find within the immediate vicinity, and should provide the developers with more than ample protection, in the event they are attacked by wereworms.
Which are real! And whose diets consist largely of uhh, successful indie start up developers, and people that look like Tarn Adams. (Yes, that'll do.)
As not hiring me would be insupposable, I would be only too happy to charge a
usurious *cough* modest consultant's fee.