1.Right now necromancers can attack your fort at any time if you are close enough. Is that intentional?
2.What changes to traps can we expect before magic?
3.Will mothers stop bringing their babies to battle in the near future?
4.Do you plan to implement proper civil wars, and if yes, when would that be?
1) to take a guess at Toady's reply, i figure its not but it might be compounded into the "irritation" mechanic in the future or pilled with the additional new-player friendly tweaks. Theres a difference between wandering undead though dispersed from a overfull tower, raised from the ground and actual armies of undead though which are handed weapons from a anamalous source (presumably a lot of looting)
2) I don't think traps are a focus of the next few arcs, but there are moving fortress parts & mechanisms arcs in seperate arcs beyond that, and hopefully the map rewrite can open up design space for more inventive traps, such as having physical cavities in the cieling to drop rocks etc/tracks giant rolling stones. Depends what we get.
3) This issue got highlighted when babies hijacked the raw implementation of mount code to drive their mothers along which took baby-carrying to a new level, i think at the time Toady did say something about nursuries but im not sure if its on schedule for this pass at the graphical arc, there are child-chores (a new feature in the upcoming version) so there's some hope it may end up addressed.
4) I imagine about the Law arc where the framework for entities recieves a rewrite, but lets see what toady says.