With religion being updated should we expect inquisitions in the next release? ...
I have to assume inquisitions would have to wait until the law/status update which, if I remember right, is planned after the magic update.
I think at most we can hope for people profaning temples and shrines of religions that they don't like. Not sure if people can dislike (and sabotage) other religions because they see them as "rivals" to their own religion in the currently developed update, but it could be using the same framework that companies use when they sabotage rival companies, so maybe. Can you maybe confirm, Toad?
Abstractly that question is too wide ended in the way you presented it to answer quickly, but civilizations of opposite core spheres already pick that as a casus belli since followers of fire spheres will go to war with followers of water spheres but this is hardly represented in the game without actually modifying everything to fall into place.
I asked something similar earlier in the thread in regards to how civilizations cope or 'not cope' with having rival sphere religions settling across the road in the same city, nervously eyeballing each other or if someone in charge takes action. Inquisitions i have too little information availible to think about other than vampire purges at this current time.
Will religion have any standing to the static or variable hereditary noble positions for a requirement to holding a post/consideration of nomination?* *- Though the latter is a slightly more fluid majority thing it would seem from our current level of information in towns, pantheons are not so clear cut as saying 'your ruler needs [RELIGION:CHRISTIANITY]' to be egible to rule as much as sponsoring a particular god higher than others.
Yeah, unless inquisitions are somehow needed to add extra links for villains to make their networks (which isn't inconceivable, I guess with them roaming around looking for ducks to burn) there's no real need for all the extra mechanics that would need, even if it's only going on in worldgen.
Well as long as its politically/religiously just and not just the Frollo esque machinations of someone seeking revenge or a twisted sense of divine duty. Like said in the above paragraphs, there's definitely vampire purges in worldgen as a precedent for problems when things get out of control on a local level causing mass unrest and social problems.