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Author Topic: Future of the Fortress  (Read 3248085 times)


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: Future of the Fortress
« Reply #945 on: September 19, 2018, 06:54:00 pm »

1. Will villains and their subordinates try to manipulate other faction's/peoples motives, to play people against one another or get them to do dirty work without realizing it?
2. Will villains have more occult motives (i.e. subverting/changing a religion, finding knowledge/enlightenment, etc.) or will it be more focused in material, concrete stuff for now?
3. Can NPCs be in a romantic relationship without it being sexual?
4. Will bi-, a-, and homosexual orientations make it as a minority of the population?
5. In the previous Future of the Fortress reply, you mentioned that permanent "death" for souls that have an afterlife is unlikely. However, will there be situations where a soul could be temporarily/indefinably contained or consumed without being obliterated?
5b. Could there be situations where a living creatures soul is altered or corrupted so as to affect it's natural fate, like lichdom, Nirvana-style enlightenment, demonic/angelic pacts, etc.?
6. Are night creatures planned that will psychically drain a life-force or soul to feed, as opposed to physical feeding or immediately killing their prey?
7. Will vampire cults be adopted to fit with new night creatures, or will some new system likely come into play? (if it comes into play at all?)
7b. If there will be night creature cults in the future, will there be any cults based around creatures that cannot transform followers like vampires can? What would motivate these cults?
8. In the magic update, could there be two magic systems that draw upon one type of mana, allowing one to power the other? (Like an innate wizard "charging" a magic item that would normally requires exposure to the same power the wizard uses, but through different means.)
9. Will certain symbols become recurring and socially relevant? (ex: in various ancient real-life cultures, horns are considered a sign of power, and some speculate that crowns symbolically replicate them)
10. Will people try to perform symbolically relevant actions? (such as the ancient Egyptians destroying the name of certain criminals post-execution, because they thought the name was a part of the soul)
11. You've stated that the initial method of restricting mythological knowledge will be to have races know about stuff that directly relate to them. Will we see "folk-tales" develop to fill in these gaps? Like humans blaming weeds on fairies because they don't know anything about them except they're nature-y and they exist?)
11b. Would these folk-tales (if they exist) be local (but spreadable), or on a broader scale, like a whole nation or race?
« Last Edit: September 19, 2018, 07:06:30 pm by Renarin21 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Future of the Fortress
« Reply #946 on: September 19, 2018, 09:14:49 pm »

Oh jeez, that's a lot for Toady to answer... the magic-related stuff is pretty common in fantasy stories, so it could randomly turn up.
Don't trust this toaster that much, it could be a villain in disguise.
Mostly phone-posting, sorry for any typos or autocorrect hijinks.


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Re: Future of the Fortress
« Reply #947 on: September 19, 2018, 11:10:08 pm »

Oh jeez, that's a lot for Toady to answer... the magic-related stuff is pretty common in fantasy stories, so it could randomly turn up.
4 happens already. So that's one less to think about.

2. Will villains have more occult motives (i.e. subverting/changing a religion, finding knowledge/enlightenment, etc.) or will it be more focused in material, concrete stuff for now?
You should make it clear what sort of time frame you're talking about. Most things you can think of are planned eventually.

In this one, you say "for now" so I assume you're talking about the next update, in which case, no. Religion and stuff will be post-mythgen. Of course, this update will make all such cunning, mystical plans possible in the future.
« Last Edit: September 19, 2018, 11:19:17 pm by Shonai_Dweller »

Eric Blank

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Re: Future of the Fortress
« Reply #948 on: September 20, 2018, 01:21:33 am »

So the new devlog (9/19/2018) paints a pretty crazy picture of how relationships can now go on throughout a persons life in the game, so what are the new limitations on relationships going to be like?
Has the age range changed?
Are interspecies relationships like those in one particular threetoe story (minus the childbearing i know thats going to be a nightmare for you) possible now?
What determines now when relationships will begin producing children (because it sounds like that can now happen out of wedlock)?
Is there a limit to the number of times a hist figure will marry?
with crazy families like the same woman producing many children with many different men, will those children see one another as (half)siblings?
If a historical figure has a claim on an artifact, and multiple children of multiple spouses, will each childs inheritance of that claim be tracked separately or together as if they were one family? If i gave it to the child of her first union would that be recognized by the child of her last union as being "returned to their family?"
Can extramarital affairs happen now? Its not clear in the devlog if that one particular elf was actually married to any of the relations they were involved in. I immediately see the potential of having multiple affairs breaking down into jealous murder of one another, and thats a fine starting point for a story or villainous revenge plot.

To what extent will modders be able to control relationships, at creature or entity levels?
I make Spellcrafts!
I have no idea where anything is. I have no idea what anything does. This is not merely a madhouse designed by a madman, but a madhouse designed by many madmen, each with an intense hatred for the previous madman's unique flavour of madness.


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Re: Future of the Fortress
« Reply #949 on: September 20, 2018, 12:23:34 pm »

I didnt see it in the  recent blogpost: Will people adopt other people as family/succession?

Adoption even with adults was long time a way to safe the line of succesion if a leader died and given that a ton of parents die in WG it would be nice to see some "lucky" children.
Also peoplemake friends now but what about enemies? Childhood abuse and such so they hate theyr parents?
[sarcasm] You know what? I love grammar Nazis! They give me that warm and fuzzy feeling. I am so ashamed of my bad english and that my first language is German. [/sarcasm]

Proud to be a Furry.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Future of the Fortress
« Reply #950 on: September 21, 2018, 03:19:39 pm »

All of those options require an excessive amount of work,  planning,  and/or cheating. I know some like the challenge but given that aquifers tend to dominate most of the landscape it would be better if there was just an easier way to work with them.  Maybe when the magic system gets implemented we can summon lava or something, I guess.

You may be influenced here more by your typical choice of locations than you realize.  Aquifers only appear in a limited range of loosely-consolidated sedimentary layers (generally, soils and sands), and usually only in layers that are not exposed to the surface on the side.  So, if you embark in a lot of flat bottomlands or floodplains, sure there is likely to be a water table near the surface, as would be the case in real life.  Civilizations that live in such areas don't tend to excavate much below ground level (see the rarity of basements in Florida, New Orleans, Dale, etc.) because it's a lot of extra engineering. 

However, if you embark in more dwarvenly settings much higher up in elevation, digging into the side of a hard igneous rock cliff or hill above the level of whatever local stream you have, aquifers themselves are rare, and when encountered are a mid-game problem rather than an early one, after you've had plenty of time and space to set up industry and defense. 

To put it in Tolkien terms... if you deliberately choose to settle in something more like Laketown rather than the Lonely Mountain, don't expect to be delving vast caverns without elaborate water-control measures. 
« Last Edit: September 21, 2018, 03:22:50 pm by Miuramir »


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Re: Future of the Fortress
« Reply #951 on: September 21, 2018, 07:37:54 pm »

When will improvements to the speech engine be made?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Future of the Fortress
« Reply #952 on: September 21, 2018, 08:15:22 pm »

When will improvements to the speech engine be made?
As in?
Don't trust this toaster that much, it could be a villain in disguise.
Mostly phone-posting, sorry for any typos or autocorrect hijinks.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Future of the Fortress
« Reply #953 on: September 21, 2018, 09:20:41 pm »



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Re: Future of the Fortress
« Reply #954 on: September 21, 2018, 09:52:08 pm »

When will improvements to the speech engine be made?
As in?

In General
What kind of improvements? It's fine as it is.
Don't trust this toaster that much, it could be a villain in disguise.
Mostly phone-posting, sorry for any typos or autocorrect hijinks.

Urist McVoyager

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Re: Future of the Fortress
« Reply #955 on: September 21, 2018, 11:51:43 pm »

What kind of turn based Adventure mechanics are we going to see in the next release? I know we can use multi-move for most of it, but from what I've seen there are moves we can make, like actually moving to another tile, that can set off a turn. Will we get a way to hold off a turn until every member of our party has set their actions?

I plan on forming a D&D style party of my friends after I get comfortable with making parties in Adventure mode later on.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Future of the Fortress
« Reply #956 on: September 22, 2018, 05:50:59 am »

What kind of turn based Adventure mechanics are we going to see in the next release? I know we can use multi-move for most of it, but from what I've seen there are moves we can make, like actually moving to another tile, that can set off a turn. Will we get a way to hold off a turn until every member of our party has set their actions?

I plan on forming a D&D style party of my friends after I get comfortable with making parties in Adventure mode later on.
Lime green is the convention.

Adventurer Mode isn't turn based. Everything takes a specific amount of time to happen. If your speed is higher than normal then moving takes less time. You can see this in action by moving through a crowd of talking NPCs. If you crawl then they talk more during a single movement - if you sprint then they talk less per move.
Ironblood didn't use an axe because he needed it. He used it to be kind. And right now he wasn't being kind.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Future of the Fortress
« Reply #957 on: September 22, 2018, 07:32:13 am »

When will improvements to the speech engine be made?
As in?

In General
It is not only about speech, but language system in general. I remember that Toady has had interest in linguistics and there are lots of future goals that are language related. (different languages having actual impact; places named after actual features; new words generated in-game; words having enough metadata to be used in prophecies; etc.)
Only after that, it is possible to start to grow some meat on the bones and fill it out enough to have more meaningful and unique speech related interactions. Right now, you can consider current system more of a placeholder.

When it's going to happen? I don't think we see much of it in nearby years because other development goals are more in focus at this point.


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: Future of the Fortress
« Reply #958 on: September 22, 2018, 12:20:38 pm »

Will it ever be possible to control non-civilized entities?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Future of the Fortress
« Reply #959 on: September 22, 2018, 07:27:59 pm »

Will it ever be possible to control non-civilized entities?
Probably? Sounds interesting.

But "ever" is a long time, be more specific to get something other than an exact copy of my reply.
Don't trust this toaster that much, it could be a villain in disguise.
Mostly phone-posting, sorry for any typos or autocorrect hijinks.
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