Playing in adventure mode i have noticed vampires are a bit currently dull. Vampires in mythology have always been powerful beings with many powers and abilities so Will Vampires get some new abilities like hypnosis, thrall creation, and polymorphism? And if so Would Vampire villians have different plot options from regular villians if they did have typical vampire powers?
Magic will be procedurally generated. So probably yes.
If they exists in first place. I suspect that curses will become more varied than just becoming a werebeast or a vampire (related to what Putnam said about vampire abilities ending up as properties) so there might not be vampires in every world (besides mundane ones, I mean). Even if there are not specific plans yet, Toady could probably confirm or deny the generalization of curses.
Edit: Just found this on the old dev notes:
Core96, GENERALIZED CURSES AND OTHER ALTERATIONS, (Future): "Zombie" and "Skeleton" modified creatures aren't really satisfying right now, since zombies, ghosts, and so on gain some of their interest from the details surrounding the transformation and the particulars of the creature so transformed.
Generalized curses and sphere-based alterations could vary from world to world and involve all sorts of changes to creatures (and other objects). Requires Core92.