Elian Script Tileset, built from
This super old post, A nice rendition of Elian in a small pixel format. Credit goes to the original creators, who are now non-existent accounts, for A-Z and 0-9 as well as their addition of separating the capital letters, most of the rest of the set is my effort to fit the rest of it into a similar look.
This was a silly tileset I put together about a year ago, but never uploaded, it is it the
Amstrad PC1512 Font, always thought it would look neat, and I do enjoy it at times, even though it is heavily vertical. I'll probably do one or two other oldschool PC fonts that I kind of like the look of.
Continuing the line of interesting throwbacks you don't see too often, next we have the
ATI Small Wonder Font, it's a small as shit 6x8 for those who like their micro typesets.
Now for something standard, the
IBM VGA8 Font, full of standards and practices.
The colorscheme shown is my Soyuz colorscheme I made for one of
Taffer's more experimental variants of his tileset, check his stuff out if you haven't, it's easily one of the best ASCII sets for DF.
Bonsai Colors
These colors are based off of Cyprinodon's work that you can see
HEREI really liked his color scheme at the time and made a handful of tweaks years ago to try some things out while still keeping the original BG color.
More to Follow Soon
PS: I am Vherid, but I do not, nor have I used that handle for years now. This is a fresh start for fresh boys.