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Author Topic: A succession world  (Read 8623 times)


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Re: A succession world
« Reply #60 on: March 18, 2018, 04:21:57 pm »

Alright, so I'll keep the save as it is for now, unless OP or general consenssus wants to keep in 44.05, in which case I'll need some two days.
By the way Sanctume, do your dwarves could consider giving some shelter to an absolutely normal human traveller ? He'll work, fight and teach, and will keep secrets. He's on a quest, but needs some time to pass before he can step it up to stage two.


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Re: A succession world
« Reply #61 on: March 18, 2018, 06:32:22 pm »

The Sword of Talons aren't at war with anyone yet, so it should be fine.


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Re: A succession world
« Reply #62 on: March 18, 2018, 06:35:09 pm »

Alright, I have done some legend digging, and found a good adventure setting ! And the adventuring is motly done already (just leavingsome time to end things in a way that make sense storywise, which will depend on Sanctume). Only problem is, like an imbecile I updated to 0.7... I don't mind starting over with an earlier version, but since it was written we might update for better raids, does it matters to OP?

Fine with  me to update


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Re: A succession world
« Reply #63 on: March 18, 2018, 06:41:58 pm »

I meant that question in a roleplay/ personal preference perspective. If you want your dorfs to keep to themselves I can just leave them alone, doesn't bother me. Else, you'll have a local human that'll go on and on about regional happenings among your little people :3
The region you settled in is...actually a hot mess, and the Talons might be dragged in local power struggles in the near future, and my little character will try and find circumstancial allies. Local humans seem cool, but are losing badly in the area, so standing with dwarves until the situation evolves, is his best bet right now.

Alright, I have done some legend digging, and found a good adventure setting ! And the adventuring is motly done already (just leavingsome time to end things in a way that make sense storywise, which will depend on Sanctume). Only problem is, like an imbecile I updated to 0.7... I don't mind starting over with an earlier version, but since it was written we might update for better raids, does it matters to OP?

Fine with  me to update

Awesome, thanks ! I'll settle unfinished business with local rivals tomorrow and start writing.

Edit : lunchbreak is about to end, but Ill start writing after work. In the meantime, have my reference for Pado "Beam of light piercing the iron plated sky" Styleamused, one of the last men of the Equal Nations, in a quest to find his folks a place to live

Not only he is the face of true love, but people with massive scars are trustworthy because they are less dangerous than the one who made those scars

Edit 2 : Alright, now it's completely done, crew retired in Talonblade. I played one month, but one month in adventurer mode is a lot of happenings. Story and save to come very soon
« Last Edit: March 20, 2018, 08:14:58 am by Cathar »


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Re: A succession world
« Reply #64 on: March 20, 2018, 07:39:09 pm »

So first off, The save.

I haven't drawn at all, but I think having the story's done first is probably for the best. I'll add doodles as we go

Encounter at sunrise

It  was a morning of Marsh. Blend has been in Talonblade for over a year now, living above ground in wooden houses, not dissimilar to those of humans that inhabited the region. The transition from the undergrounds of the mountainhome wasn't painless. His eyes, used to the dim light of lanterns had a hard time to get used to the brightness of the outside world, and life was harder and more frugal in the small outpost. Dwarven alcohol, especially he missed. It required ingredients that could only be found and cultivated undeground ; and while Talonblade had devised ways to make an exceptionally strong cider of the apples that thrived in the region, it simply wasn't the same.

The newcommers and especially their children had the hardest time. The light was like a poison to them - and as heartbreaking it was to see the strong offspring of the Sword of Talons made retched and sickly, there was nothing anyone could do, but to wait until their bodies adapted.

Blend was on guard duty this morning. He was sitting on the wall, as usual, with his crossbow and a quiver full of iron bolts. He wasn't expecting anything - it was just a routine guard duty, but he was nevertheless keeping both his eyes open. The area - he has been told, was the home of a number of bandit gangs and the elves of the Jaws of Clasp was using it as a foothold in the region.

Elves. Their presence alone made the operation more delicate.

So, when he saw in tne raising morning light, three silhouettescutting themselves out of shadows, he was very quick to react.

At this distance, he could only see vague shadows, but he was confident he could poke holes in them regardless. Three men were not a deep concern for Talonblade, protected by two sets of walls and housing twenty warriors - but he wouldn't take any chance.

"I'm Pado Gicasteni" the first one answered. Male voice. Human name. To Blend, it was somewhat reassuring : the contacts he had so far with humans were amiable. Back in the mountainhome, humans were seen as the happy go lucky farmers - there weren't much of them and they were no threat. He lowered his crossbow, as the three figures approached.

"Got any weapon ?" he asked.
"No, we don't". They lifted their hands and shown their palms. "We're just travellers in need of a place to stay."

Blend already met humans travellers. Some would come to the tavern, stay for some days, stock up and go on their way - it wasn't an unusual situation. The dwarf made a sign inviting them to enter. They past the trading post and proceeded into the fort.

But when he came close to greet them inside, he lifted his crossbow again in a reflex move : one of them was a goblin. She was wearing a chainmail coat, and had her face hidden behind a copper, featureless mask.

"You better explain real quick before I press the murder trigger"

"Don't shoot, don't shoot" repeated the first human - a man in his early thirty. "I'll explain everything."

The squabble bringed more dwarves into the scene. Among them was Whiskeyjack, the local commander. Now, Blend thought, the wind is blowing in our backs ; if some happen, we'll come on top.

"What's going on here ?" asked the commander, weapon in hand.
"Bandits probably" answered Blend. "There's a goblin among them. That dude says he'll explain."

Wiskeyjack turned to the human and lifted a eyebrow. "Alright, son, why don't you just go ahead."
« Last Edit: March 20, 2018, 09:27:46 pm by Cathar »


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Re: A succession world
« Reply #65 on: March 20, 2018, 08:09:28 pm »

mm, this looks like fun.


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Re: A succession world
« Reply #66 on: March 20, 2018, 09:22:17 pm »

Chapter 1
Rising from the grave

The least that can be said is the man wasn't inspiring trust. His copper breastplate had spikes protruding out of it and his face was split in two by a massive scar. Everything in him cried "bandit".
The female goblin behind him started to get agitated by the crowd of dwarves coming their way - but he calmed her quickly. That situation was only to become dangerous if they made it so.

"The story started one century ago" Pado. Two days of walk to the west, that was the land of the Equal Nation. We were free men, cultivators mostly... Back in the days, we'd just work  the soil around the deltas and stick together, with not much contact with the outside world. Or so I've been told. The day I was born, it was already over.

Barbarians came from the southern forest, claiming...I believe, that we killed their brethrens. As we were farmers, with no idea why they had such hate in their heart, having killed nothing but wild game, we were not ready to face them in battle. In two years, the whole country was in ruins - the royal family escaped. Hamlets were burnt to the ground, and cities occupied. What was a thriving country is today reduced to a band of survivors. Eight men, hiding in the tomb of our ancient kings - that's what's left of our people.

I grew up in that small band - we had to organize ourself as a small warrior society to even survive, hunting game in groups at night, foraging for cloth and water everyday. I was the weakest of the bunch, and would often stay in the tomb as the other go in their daily scavenging routine. They'd leave at the morning, and come back a few days after with enough to survive another month.

Until one day, they stopped coming back.

I was alone in that tomb. Food and water getting scarce. When they ran out completely, I assumed my comrades were dead, and understood that I'd be next inline if I was to do nothing - so I packed everything I had and left the very last place we ever owned.

The light was burning my eyes and I was lost in the middle of nowhere. I havent left that place of death for a very long time, and I had to take some time to recall memories from the stories my friends told me about the outside world. Villages still standing here and there - I thought, if I could find one, that would be a good place to start."

"You got to understand" Pado continued. "At this point, I had a knife for a weapon, a ragged tunic for an armor, with one day worth of food and water stranded in the wild. The situation was dire and I was stressed out of my mind"

"I knew there were villages along the rivershores, so my plan was to follow them, try to catch some game along the trip. I went tothe west first. I managed to kill an eagle and made some makeshift armor out of his bones. Some crown, bracelets,anything that I could use to protect myself. Butchered and smoked the meat and resumed my travel. My deepest immediate concern was to be caught by the night in the wilderness alone...Something I've been warned against on multiple occasions.

I walked a few hours before I saw signs of civilizations. I came accross that sign with a village name written on it ; Simoathur. The sight of wooden houses amazed me at first. First time in my life I saw something of the like ! Surely that place was beaming with life, maybe I could find some people of my kin, that would have survived the war by joining another kingdom !

However that hope was cut short very soon. As I came closer, I saw ruined houses everywhere. Those who would be intact, empty.

Not a living soul around. The old abandonned fields were invaded by grass, but I managed to find some edible plants among them. I restocked, slept in an abandonned building that would be my house for a time, and tried to think. Here at least, I was safe from the darkness, and had enough to eat for the time I'd choose to stay here.

I remembered the war was still going on, and people of my kin were sought after, so maybe laying low until I can recollect myself was the best plan.

In the morning, I decided to visit the meadhall, see what I could scavenge out of it, and to my surprize, it was inhabited. By a single person, the first living person I saw since I left the tomb. There were some survivors after all !

Her name was Iguk, a beautiful young woman. We talked for hours, she was as excited as I was to meet someone who would not try to kill her.

She told me everything I had to know about the area. Bandit camps, wandering gigantic monsters, and the whole area is now under the maws of elves of the Jaw of Clasp, which they rule either directly, or by proxy. Iguk herself was just that ; a proxy administrator sent to rule over the ruins of Simoathur.

We had a pleasant chat, but I understood I could not stay here - in this elven controlled ruins. At least I had to understand what happened to my friends, and at most - find a way to rejoin civilization.

Iguk didn't mind having me look into the local stocks and keep a leather armor I found there. I stood a time with her before resuming my travels

My next objective was to explore the area around Simoathur. I knew it was controlled by elves, but at least maybe I could find some temporary employment as a mercenary, the time to get back on my feet, or to find some misery companions to be able to travel further without fear of the darkness."
« Last Edit: March 22, 2018, 02:54:51 am by Cathar »


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Re: A succession world
« Reply #67 on: March 20, 2018, 11:14:17 pm »

This is so cool and exciting.  I wish I have time to learn and play adventure mode.  For now, reading adventures is such a treat!


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Re: A succession world
« Reply #68 on: March 20, 2018, 11:31:24 pm »

Heh, I am reading the legends.  It looks like Bearskie stole a TON of books, from the necromancers but also from a nearby dwarven city, and stashed them all in RackAbbey.  I hope he writes up his fort and adventures at some point.


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Re: A succession world
« Reply #69 on: March 21, 2018, 03:55:13 am »

Edit : Thanks a lot ! This is coming together a bit slow, but I'll do a bit everyday so it'sdone after my week. However, if you guys wantto continue to play as I write, I can forfeit the time I have left so we have no waiting period

Chapter 2
On the meaning of life

"Hold on" interrupted Whiskeyjack. "This is going to be long, is it ? You should introduce your companions, and we'd continue around a mug.
- Sure thing, answered Pado." He pointed first to an old man with a dark toned skin, wearing a very heavy scale armor made of copper alloys, leaving only his eyes and nose visible.

- This one is Ekul. He's a wandering mercenary that accompanies me. From what he told me, he's the hero of Grandfloor.

- Ekul of Grandfloor ?" The commander's eyes opened wide. "Ral, holy patron of mountains have my beard, I know this man ! You're the one who..."

The old man in armor lifted his palm. "I am certainly the one you're thinking about" he said in a half muted voice. "But it is better for everyone if we talk about that in private.
- You're right. I'm glad it turned out well for you. Let's have a drink, finish that story and then we'll see to it." He then turned to the goblin woman, still wearing her copper mask. Her skin was a shade of dark green close to gray, but her messy long hair was of an aggressive fushia that made her really stand out in the crowd.

"What about you ? And take out that mask will you."
- I would raFer not." her lisp gave some of the dwarves a nervous laugh. "Fere is noFing you want to Fee behind it... but Fe name if StoFu
-Stofu...that's an unusual name for a goblin
-No, not Stofu. StoFu. With a Z."

The little group made its way to the little tavern. The crowd, now ever growing, joined in with the scholars that had made a break in their studies to have a drink. The group sat at a table, drinks were ordered, and Whiskeyjack turned to the man in copper breastplate again.

"Alright, so where were we ?"

"I was parting from Iguk, the administrator of Simoathur, and about to continue my exploration.

Now, it seems quick to tell, but long to do. I had to spend some days around the ruins foraging, hunting and otherwise preparing myself. I knew I was in a dangerous territory, and Simoathur was the extent of my universe at this point ; the only place in the world were I could be relatively safe. Knowing I had a place to rest gave me comfort, and I wouldn't want to leave that place to the wilderness unprepared. I made a makeshift stone axe out of rocks...Still not a real weapon, but better than my wee knife, and I used it to hunt small game for a few days.

When it was done and I deemed myself ready, I resumed my travels to the west.  The travel was made difficult by the topography. The area is full of rivers, and bridges are very scarce. To cross them, I had to climb to trees that were growing entangled branches from both sides, forming some kind of natural bridges. It was hard, but nevertheless a good training. To cross a few kilometers I had to spend half a day, but soon after midday I arrived in the first living town in my trip,the city of Ropewarosp.

It was not only living, butalso extremely animated. Some scuffle was happeningin the town center. When I saw the glimmer of the sun reflecting over metal weapons, I understood the situation was dire and I decided to hide. However, it was too late. Before I could do anything, the armed men spotted me and came from all sides, quickly encircling me.

I thought my end had come and I started making peace with The Moral of Helms, god of Mercy, but as they came closer and closer, I realized I knew those guys.

They were actually the only people I knew to this day.

- Pado ?! a girl of the name of Gel exclaimed. She was wielding a bronze hammer, I had no idea she could even lift. What the hell are you doing here ?
- I could ask you the same question ! I answered. I thought you were dead ! Why didn't you come back to Sugkesmel?
- Well as you can see... - she looked embarassed - we're a bit busy. This operation takes more time we thought it would.
- What operation, and why didn't you told me anything?
- Pado, we like you and all, but at this point you'd just weight us down. We were to get you when it was over."

I stood in disbelief for a second, trying to understand what was going on.

"Hold on, are you pillaging this village?
- Nah. We're not pillaging anything - she answered with determination in her voice. We're taking control."

The remaining people of the Nation of Equals have tan skin, pale brown hair, their eyes are slightly close set and their irises are amber

It was one shock after another. The rest of the group resumed their activities and I took a walk with Gel, so I could at least understand exactly what it was about.

- See, she said, there is no guard around. Nobody here can even fight. This village is right up for the taking. This place is ours and we'll have it back.
- But, if you take that place, the Jaw of Clasp will come clasping your way, big time. Do you know who you're poking by doing that?
- And when they come, we'll be ready for them. It makes no sense living as we did so far...We'll probably die here, but we'll die free men. Living in Sugkesmel, that's not a life : we're halfway dead, and all the way in the tomb
- And in here you'll soon be totally dead and totally outside the tomb grilling in the sun, what's the big difference ?
- See Pado, that's why we have not told you anything about that."

And I stood there, so to say, between a rock and a hard place. I wanted to be useful to my friends, but I didn't wanted to die stupidly. So I did what I usually do when I'm unsure - I asked her.

"Okay, what am I to do now?
- Take a hike for starters. You can't fight for shit, and you don't have a weapon. You're not useful here..." she stopped to think, and then turned to me again.

"Here what you can do. There's a city of Ulomuthe. Its another historical place of ours, now under occupation. Communication from the elves probably transit to and from this place. You go there, you make yourself useful, and you come back when you have something we can use, alright?"

And so I had a plan.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2018, 08:34:57 pm by Cathar »


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Re: A succession world
« Reply #70 on: March 22, 2018, 12:38:15 am »

Chapter 3
Kings of the ruins

"Well, at least now we know in what turd we walked on" remarked one dwarf. "A ghost civilization living in a grave, barely surviving humans scattered among century-old ruins and elven overlords. Can this get any worse?
- That's pretty much the state of affairs, the man answered. But it can get worse indeed."

"Even while knowing where Ulomuthe was, my travel was extremely hard. Places to sleep are few and far between, and the darkness impose a very tangible limitation on a lone traveller. I know if I can't reach a village before the night falls, I'm as good as dead. Besides, even if I start, at this point, to be used to hide in the vegetation and to catch game easily, I'm still far from being a real soldier, and I still don't have any weapon besides my makeshift axe.

There are rivers everywhere. Thewhole area near the sea is like a swamp - some water arms being too thick to even cross by climbing trees. Finding ways around took me time, and time I was  lacking. More than once, I found myself trying to overreach, being caught by the setting sun and having to rush back to find shelter for the night. I don't want to spend too much time on that, but this was pretty much my life for one good week.

On the ruins I found along the way, they were always more or less the same : ruined and abandonned buildings, and the meadhall occupied by a single elven administrator.
I knew each and every one of them was working for the enemy, and more often than not I thought about killing them in vengeance. It would have been easy... One slice accross the neck and it's a done deal... Couldn't really have myself to do that, tho.

I'm not a killer... And when they saw me, they all said the same thing ; they were living a very lonely life, and received no support nor real care from the elven empire, set deep into the south. Having me keep them company for a night was received like a gift, so I decided I wouldn't go against them. At least not at this point.

(doodle of elven administrator to go there)

It took me a good week to arrive at Ulomuthe, the only place under elven control that is not completely dead. It took a beating it hasn't be able to recover from in one century, but it was still inhabited. It's stores were opened by what seems to be giant animals, burnt buildings were abandonned and left to be reclaim by the vegetation. The temple itself was in very bad condition. But near the town center, between the temple and the castle, there were still some souls running around and conducting business.

This place I thought, would be a good point to start arming up, find some companions, see what the elves were up to, and maybe make a name for myself.

First thing first, I needed a weapon. I had been trained in swordmanship by my friends in our native tomb. Having a blade in my hand would make me feel more secure... I explored the town, found the warhehouse half destroyed, and decided to take alook inside.

Now I'm not proud of it one bit, but I had to do what I had to do. This knife and this stone axe wouldn't carry me very far. So I scavenged the  place, and found the gear you see me in, as we speak. I also found a beautiful ornemental copper sword, that would not be used by anyone. This blade was a bit heavy and was not designed to be used in combat, but I couldn't find a better one. This would be my weapon for the restof my adventures.

Now I had a blade, a armor, greaves, metal boots. Pretty much as you see me today. Outfitted and ready to go, I went into town and I started asking questions.

One of the characters that stood out the most to me was the chief priestess of the temple. Small dwarf, blonde hairs, dark skin, going around her business completely naked. I talked to her, walking on eggshells not to sound rude or anything. I asked for guidance, information about people around, and maybe how I could make myself a bit useful, since I was going to stay here for a time. She told me about a legendary silver sword that has been lost in the area, and she would be extremely grateful if anybody could bring it back to her. Apparently it has been stolen by an elven monster, that has profaned the temple and ran off with the legendary sword. I say I'd see to it.

I spent a lot of time in the town indeed, but hadn't any real success. It was getting late, nobody knew anything. But as I was meandering in the temple, one man finally came to me. A bit younger than me, bright fiery hair, broad body, long nose. Obviously not a fighter, but someone who would be up to something for sure.

"Hey, you're new here are you?"
No need to lie about it.

He had harsh words for the  city, and as the discussion went forward, he told me he wanted to leave this place at any cost. I was looking for help, but I quickly understood I wasn't the only one in town to. Leaving...fine, but to go where ?

Thefin, that was his name, didn't care. Anywhere : this place was like the rest of the area : a place of death and misery. I shouldn't have say yes, this man was no fighter and I would end up putting him in situations he couldn't deal with... but I was desperate myself. We agreed to travel together, and he would be my first companion.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2018, 01:06:34 am by Cathar »


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Re: A succession world
« Reply #71 on: March 22, 2018, 07:41:35 am »

Chapter 4
Shodown by the river

"Now I had one companion, a place to sleep, food, water and acceptable gear. I was only missing onething : a way to be useful. However small was the town of Ulomuthe, it was the regional capitaler city. If I couldn't find anything there, I wouln't find anything elsewhere. So Thefin and I started oogling around for the rest of the day.
- That's a bit confused, remarked Whiskeyjack. What were you looking for, exactly ?
- I don't really know myself. A way to shine, to get our name known. We're just a small, very small bunch of people, on the verge of extinction. This move we're doing, is probably our last attempt at an hail mary. If we don't succeed now, our kin will go extinct and be forgotten... So I wanted to have our name known, so people knew we were here. Maybe this way, people would see the legitimacy of our claim on the region.
- I fail to see the logic.
- To be frank with you, I was confused, desperate and eager to do something. Anything. And that "anything" would soon come crashing down on my face."

"We decided to visit the local castle. Very animated place. Lots of bards, travellers, mercenaries. People who has been outside this enclave of nothingness we live in. So we started to question them ; what's happening in the world, how can we be of use, this kind of thing. And soon enough, we had an answer.

"So you're death seekers, eh?" it was an elf, in full wooden armor, wearing a shield and a wooden sword. I knew he was an elf only by the shape of his ears and the look of his armor, else he was nothing like that.

He was towering and obese, a tall body totally engufled in fat. His nose was pointing to the sky, his eyes were of a piercing blue. Golden locks tried to escape from his wooden half helm. He was absolutely nothing like the elves of the Jaw of Clasp.

"If so, I have some for you. I've been looking for other fighters to solve a problem that need fighting skills."

Sounds like a job for us. This problem had a name : the Scorpion of Doom. A group of bandits that were harassing the few survivors of the region. They needed to be dealt with, one way or the other.

"There's a lot on the shoulders of the locals" the elf said. "Populations are displaced, hamlets are burnt, and war against the Radiant Kingdom is creeping its way north. Soon, the region might have to suffer another war. And like it's not enough, bandits are coming here to plunder whats left. "

We agreed to team up, at least for a time, to take a shot at those bandits. It seemed to me, at the time, as a good way to get my name known for the day I would take on the Jaw of Clasp...So when the fight against the elves take place, they'll know our names.

Besides, I was genuinly concerned about my friends. Didn't wanted them to have to face yet another enemy. It was decided : we'd march against the Scorpion of Doom - Me, Thefin, and that fat elf whose name was Fewetha.

Team second thought

Like an idiot, I thought we could do this without blood being spilled. Like...intimidating them into submission or something. With tree dudes, one being a non combattant and another having a wooden gear. Reality hit me hard.

Fewetha knew where their camp was. We took a good night of rest and moved at dawn. The camp wasn't very far per say, but again, the rivers we had to cross made the travel very, very long. There is not a single bridge around Ulomuthe.

We were halfway to their camp, having just crossed another one of those damn rivers, when it happens ; as we were looking for them, they were also looking for us. We thought we were the predators, we actually were the preys.

They jumped us in the middle of nowhere, taking us by totale surprize. A band of fully armored goblin bandits. Their bodies were covered by mail, their faces by masks. Hands and feet were covered by metal boots and gauntlets, leaving almost no gap.

Thefin lost his shit, tried to beg and negociate, which only enabled the gang of goblins to go at us harder. Three of them were armed ; one with a big axe, another with a pike and the third with spear and shield. Two other tried to grab us to have their armed friends finish us quickly.

Thefin took the axe in the leg and fell on the ground. Now we only had two options ; fight or die.


The axeman and the pikeman were going to town against Thefin. The poor guy survived for a time having a pike set firmly in his throat,  but I knew he wouldn't survive at this point. But as long as he was living, two of our foes would keep going at them, leaving us only two against three. We had to win this fight as quickly as possible. Fewetha took on a wrestler ; the other one and their leader - the spear female goblin were for me.

I managed to catch her with my free hand, throwing her away in a swift rotating move, in hope not to be surrounded. Her friend advanced toward me, I had a good serie of strikes against them. My copper sword failed to penetrate the armor. Slashes were not effective, so I decided to switch to halfsword strikes. One of those strikes went finally through, piercing his liver.

By the time their chieftess came back to her senses, her friend was holding his guts on the floor. I tried my best to keep my cool. Thefin would not distract the other two for much longer. I turned to the bandits that were hacking Thefin to pieces, aiming for the neck from behind. I had to strike with full force a number of times before his head finally popped out. This was probably the most horrifying experience of my whole life.

The death of one of their companion struck the bandits with fear and they started to weaver... However Thefin died soon after, and they regained their senses, charging us again.

I was begginig to be tired. This was exhausting as hell but my head was still cool. Later for tears.

The situation was as such : one wrestler was seriously wounded, another dead. The pikeman and the chieftess moved to engage me, the axeman went to Fewetha. Two against four. The situation was getting more and more desperate.

I tried to finish off the wounded goblin before the two armed ones could reach me. I grabbed his hand, broke it in a swift move, and  as his body was paralyzed with pain, I landed a serie of heavy strikes through his chainmail. His body eventually caved in. I felt more confident fighting the other two, now - jumping on the chieftess and striking her spear wielding arm with a blow so swift she lost hold of her weapon. She immediately turned heels for good, followed soon after by the pikeman. Now, the axeman fighting Fewetha was the only one left.

I ran as far as I could to save my fat companion, but came too late. By the time I dispatched her, Fewetha had already bled out.

Now I was alone, surrounded by bandits about to regroup, and the sun was already setting. I took a number of blows during that encounter that will never heal ; that's were I got my face split. There was so many things that could kill me at this point I had to book it and return to Ulomuthe in an absolute hurry.
« Last Edit: March 22, 2018, 06:11:13 pm by Cathar »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: A succession world
« Reply #72 on: March 22, 2018, 12:29:53 pm »

Some doodles were added, more to come when the story is done. Two more chapters and I'm done for good !
Sorry for the novel, I hope it doesn't bores you to death. It'll be more readable with the coming pics I swear.

Chapter 5
With vengeance

I ran back to the ruined villages immediately after that. Even more than the bandits, the darkness was my worst concern. If I was to get caught in the night... something would happen. Stories run about people disapearing like that, and I didn't wanted to find out what happened of them. It was pitchblack when I arrived to one of the nearest ruined village, and found shelter in an abandonned house.

I couldn't sleep right up ; I was shaken, and I needed to think. Now - now it was personal. I havent know Thefin and Fewetha for long enough to be really attached to them. Fewetha was just a two bit mercenary anyway... Thefin however, didn't deserved the end he got. I couldn't let this end like that - not only that defeat, left to rest, would have me lose all credibility, but the souls of my companions wouldn't find rest. Moreover, the safety of the region was at stake. How could we hope to rebuild anything with a band of do no good goblins harassing the villages? For all those reasons, I decided to go back and end it. If I was to die in that, at least I would have tried.

However, I couldn't go back like this, and do the same mistakes again. I learnt a lot during this encounter, and I had to learn from alesson so dearly paid for. This time, I was alone, so I decided to play it smart. I would attack soon in the morning, as most of them would be sleeping. The trip was too long to be done from this village for this kind of plan, so I would have to travel to Ropewarosp, report to my comrades, take a good night sleep, and have another go at dawn.

The travel took another day, but I was there before sunset. I was expecting to get scolded by my comrades, still patrolling in arms in the streets, but as I told them my story, they seemed extatic. They were all "Look at you in full armor ! Man you look great ! How many did you killed?" this kind of thing.

They even gave me an honorific name ; Istraequo Iki. This is the names of the sparks of light that sometimes burst through heavy clouds. I didn't thought I'd make such an impression...surely their hopes were quite low to begin with. Nevertheless, this gave me the courage I needed to carry on getting our kingdom-to-be rid of banditism. I went to the meadhall to sleep and get otherwise ready..."

- And that's where we met for the first time, isn't it?  interrupted the man in heavy armor. You could have asked me to come with you at this point, I was looking for something like that.
- To be honest, I tought you were a local guard. That or a lord or someone with a job here. It didn't even crossed my mind to ask... but now it's done I'm glad I havent risk the lives of more people with my idiocies.

"Also, it takes just a second to say, and it may seem it was a quick process, one thing happening after another. But I took a lot of time to get ready again. Between the first and the second attempt, two weeks had past. Those weeks were spent mostly exploing, foraging and training : I was going on alone, and I wanted to be absolutely ready.

The trip was easier, much easier this way. Attacking from the west allowed me to bypass their patrols, and get straight up inside their camp.
My plan worked well. I sneaked in their base undetected. Most of them were still sleeping, and to those who were not, I gave the first strike.

This time, I had the advantage of surprize. They were unaware and spread out- by the time they understood what was going on, those who weren't dead were heavily injured. Only one really stood up to fight - it was that goblin spearwoman that escaped from the last encounter.

I asked her to yield, she jumped at me as an answer. I dealt her another blow to her arm which cut it to the bone. She booked it again, and I decided not to pursue.

Now I had free range to loot their camp. Is it...bad to steal from thieves? Maybe, I don't know. But practicality trumped everything at this point. I found another helmet, and a pair of sturdier boots I still wear today. I saw they impaled the corpse of poor Thefin on a wooden pike, which got rid of my guilt of having slain a dozen of them.

I left the sleeping goblins to their dreams. To me, the matter was over. Eleven bandits died in two weeks, they would not recover from that anytime soon.

But as I came back to my tracks, I noticed someone was following me. The same godamn spearwoman and another wrestler. Not eager to get jumped on, I stood my ground and faced them again. I slain the wrestler, and the spearwoman ran off for the third time. Now, I thought, this is really over. It was getting late, so I took shelter to one of those ruins' meadhalls, inhabited by Alu, an administrator I knew, who would allow me to sleep here.

...only to wake me up in the middle of the night, as he saw one of those bandits roaming around the building. Those guys won't give up. I told Alu to stay inside, took my sword and went outside to have a word with the bandit.

And low and behold, the same spearwoman as the three other times. I gave her her fourth and final chance to make it alive.

"Drop your spear, turn heels and don't come back" I said. "I'm done with you : but keep attacking and I will--"

And she jumped on me again. Now she has exhausted all of my options.

She was wounded and enraged. I dealt with her quickly and definitively this time, and went back to sleep.

Final chapter

Now the cider mugs were totally empty. The dwarves had, for the most part, returned to their obligations and the little tavern had emptied drastically. Remained Whiskeyjack, some of his friends and the band of travellers.

- So, the commander said, you can handle yourself in a fight and you slew some goblins, that's good. But that doesn't explain why you travel with a treasure hunter and a ...goblin actually.

The man nodded.

- I was keeping that for the end, happened at the end. Besides, if I told you that from the getgo, I wouldn't had the chance to brag about my deeds, nor to explain the situation in the west.
- Alright, enough already, get to the point.

"Okay, fine. I woke up in the morning. Alu was still here, a bit shocked by the kill I made in the streets, but nevertheless thankful. My mission was done, and I had a last thing to do ; make sure everyone knew about it. So I took a short walk to Ropewarosp and meet with my gang one more time.

I told them like I told you, and they were filled with joy.

"Everyone listen up !" Gel exclamed. "Today, the Nation of Equals scatters the Scorpion of Doom, tomorrow it crushes the Jaw of Clasp ! Soon we'll be free once again !"

I wish I could be that enthousiastic. They thanked me heartfully...and that was enough for me. I went back in the meadhall to spread the word, and that's where Ekul wanted to have a part in that adventure. I was looking for travelling companions, so that made for a happy arrangement."

- To be frank, said the mentionned Ekul, I'm the one who pushed you to finish off the bandits. Theres no so much occasions for glory to be easy to pick.

Pado nodded again.

"And I was to do that. We moved to the camp once again. But this time, it was different. We found the survivors struck with awe. None of them dared to fight. Looks like we can talk, now, I thought. So I took a few steps in the direction of the first one we saw and we greeted her."

- And I waF Fcared FiteleFF, remarked the goblin. I Fought you were going to Flay uF all
- I gave you options, right? You could die here, leave and never come back, or you could join us.
- WhateFer you Fay. Im juFt Fticking wiF the Ftronger ones

"So we resumed our travels, this time without a real goal in mind. Ekul, who travelled far and wide, mentionned that a bunch of newcommers had settled in the east, next to the great lake. With now two companions, I was confident we could undertake a trip to this place.

I needed to lay low for a time. I don't want to be in the legs of my companions as they try to take over that village and to give our Kingdom a second birth. In the same time, I didn't wanted to settle in an elven controlled ruin, as the wholeregion is starting to get heated, and if not by us, by the Kingdom of Stances, who is making a big push in the south. So, we thought, it would be a good idea to take a trip to Kidettarmid, and see what you're made of. Take some time off, and live a happy civilian life the time the situation settles itself.

We agreed on the plan, and we carried it on. The trip was very long, extremely unconfortable, and at times outright dangerous. We learnt the hard way that black furred gnolls were inhabiting the region. Travel was hard, but we were harder.

I had long, very long discussions with Stozu. Sometimes, we'd just sit there and talk for hours. Goblins - they are grown with terrible ideas. But since the travel was long, I had the time to explain to her how we do things among civilized people."

- Why don't you accept me like I am? she asked.
- Because you conscider that empaling corpses on pikes is even remotely okay.
- And FiF iF bad in reality. UnderFtood.

- So, remarked Whiskeyjack. You're not just travellers looking for a place to spend the night are you ? From your account, you sound like a ..rebel...patriot thing? You have some on your mind.
- I'm playing fair with you, commander. I want to see the Nation of Equals rise up once again. But what I want in the short term, is a place to stay, sleep and work. I can work, I can fight, I can teach, and I'll do that for you shall you accept. Besides...You might very soon receive a not so amiable visit from the Jaw of Clasp,and I thoughta bit of a warning would help you to understand who you'd be dealing with.

He marked a small pause.

"So, commander. Do we have a deal?"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: A succession world
« Reply #73 on: March 22, 2018, 01:07:22 pm »

I'm enjoying the read; and then again when I get home since reading from work do not load images.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: A succession world
« Reply #74 on: March 22, 2018, 05:54:24 pm »

Well I'm glad !I'llkeep doodling, and make some CGs if I have time, but I'd prefer to do that with other people's characters than my own.
Just some notes tho

• Ekul and Stozumight appear hostilewhen you unretire the fort, but don't worry they cool
• If you can possibly fix-ster fert my characterso I have a shot at having alegacy I'd be eternally thankful
• A pair of short swords would be an awesome payment for any service you'd have of Pado. His copper long sword just...disapeared. I assumed he lost it
• I'd take another turn after Sanctum's second turn, if this happens before Pado dies
« Last Edit: March 22, 2018, 06:05:57 pm by Cathar »
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