~~Cycle 1 Sub-Cycle 7~~
Although there were several moments where the network wasn't stable enough to commit to the actions you needed to do, the entire "regiment" of security drones had been subverted.
The systems in question
Standard humanoid Riot Control Units. Each is equipped with a durable but outdated sensor system, and a varying load-out of either a shield and electrified Baton with a side-arm, or a semi-automatic rifle in a bull-pup configuration, P9000. their most problematic feature is their rather awful network systems, which have only gotten worse with age. It is likely they will need a stronger communication system to support them if they are anywhere near a battlefield or operation, as they are autonomous with a problematic artificial intelligence.
their use in infiltrating the factory is actually incredible, as they are used in the standard patrols of the facility, including some of the high-security fabrication control systems that connect directly to the various multi-use nanofabricators. besides the manufacturing division, the factory itself is centered around avionics parts, particularly those bound to heading beyond the stars. multiple electronics cleanrooms and high-tech casting furnaces are in place, working for twenty-seven hours a day. It is surprising how light security is considering the valued goods and the threat that has come to it of late, but most of the actual industrial equipment is hidden underground; the factories shabby exterior is acting as a facet for what hides below. The actual goods themselves are moved back and forth by an underground freight train.
It will be sometime before you could access the nano-fabricators, but it opens up a whole world of possibilities.
A particularly intense war between all three ganger factions has resulted in an entire city block being leveled by police affairs. It seems that this sudden boiling point has resulted in martial law in the entire district. It has put the black-site guards on alert, as it appears a riot is brewing against the office building, no doubt due to the Duros Corporations activities as of late in the world.
A. A few anonymous tips and an active surveillance routine could suppress things long enough for it to not matter.
B. Violence can be incited with just a few timed releases of Intel, and a riot could be initiated in mere hours.
C. No real intervention needs to be done, as it doesn't matter much in any form or fashion.
D. the Taboo could gain from this, gun-running and intelligence swapping could be done at a thousand miles a second, and all in the name of profit if you put your full brunt to it.