Nodding once, you get straight to business by simply pointing your finger at him from underneath the table, tilting your head and asking "Who are you?", even if no voice actually comes out.
Adjusting his handcuffs into a more comfortable position before speaking again the one to your left seems to have given up some plan of escape, and is either giving up that methodology entirely or thinking of one that is more subtle.
He lets out a laugh, putting his head up hysterically as he pulls at his chains once more. you honestly cannot tell if it is sarcastic.
"Me and mine are a group of stars-damned Mercenaries, that's what, and if I didn't know nothing, I'd guess that you were one too!"
It seems his hysterical laughing had spooked the woman the furthest to your right, and her delicate awakening was further interrupted by the loud one.
"Hey Cee-Dram, fancy nap you had, huh? Don't let the Plinko's bite!"
besides the obscenities she mutters under her breath as she moves to an upright sitting position, she doesn't really say much, just preferring to look at a particularly interesting part of the ceiling. The unnamed mercenary turns back to you.
"I think we're gon get an offer we cant receive once the peons think we're buttered up enough, so how do you factor in this? Is all that ware for show or what?"
A. Awkwardly stare at him in silence.
B. Mime at him in an attempt to actually communicate.
C. Use a spell to try and communicate to him.
D.Try and attempt to override your implant locks and use your arm mounted screen to communicate.
E. Do something creative. (Fill in)
If you do try and communicate with him, add a number as well.
1. Explain to him that your role is basically a murder-cyborg who breaks into places.
2. Yeah. Your an unstoppable force of nature made from metal and astral might, and you know your gonna tell him all about it.
3. All the cybernetics is pretty much just for the purpose of corporate wetwork; not even gonna mention your previous occupation.
4. Maybe you can convince him that your actually a mage, but your gonna try and down play the whole thing.
5. Maybe the whole truth; You are in fact, a cyborg disciple of a dead spirit.
6. Something else. (Fill in)