With all the gentle handling of a dangerous, possibly unhinged cyborg, they put you into a mag-clamp restraint harness and put you into one armored truck, while shoving the 3 goons, corpse-in-a-bag included, into a second armored truck, which arrived shortly before yours. Pretty much bolted to the floor, you were very surprised at the lack of magic-related restraints; it seems they have never even heard of a cyborg so thoroughly burned out at even having a chance of magical potential. the few prods they had on your dormant astral presence made you figure as much, judging from the mages recoil in horror.
The drive itself wasn't that noteworthy, as you didn't have a chance to admire the scenery as it passed by, shame.
You almost began entering some more self-destructive thoughts before you were once again lifted out from your some-what comfortable position, pushed out from the van (when did the bag went on your head?) and pulled and pushed around like a wild animal on a stick for around ten minutes, before they eventually gave up and put you in a cart, after the third wall you slammed into.
Unceremoniously dumped into a small isolation cell, they took the bag off your head and left you to rot.
Unsurprisingly, the mag harness did not disengage, nor did its vice-like grip onto your neural hub, but at the very least, it did let you have use of your limbs to stand and sit down in the cell.
By your shaky count, you waited in this cell for around two and a half hours, including the low baritone of no less than four dull thrums, the tail-tale sound of explosions, pierced through your cell walls. After the waiting was up, you were carted out of the cell, with the bag replaced, and through the hallways of the police station once more, until you are dumped into a metal chair, and restrained to it. The bag was removed, and the two militarized corp-sec officers leave the room, leaving you the only alert and attentive individual, the other four seem to be in just the same predicament, only unconscious, on one end of a rectangular, metal table with you.
The individual to your immediate left appears to be slightly less augmented then you, which is saying a lot. His augments appear to be much bulkier than yours, and the pneumatic "exosuit" (with its individual motors disconnected) seems to be both a permanent fixture and military grade; It's likely he could rip a car in half. His facial features could be described at chiseled and almost military, indeed, his bare-chest bares the logo of some kind of military group, you can guess. All his limbs are cybernetic as well, though you cannot tell how augmented his legs are due to the set of cargo-pants.
To your right is an almost delicate-looking man, scruffy and unkempt; not really that notable, besides the loud snoring. He's even wearing a business suit, something cheap that a 9-5 could get with a weeks pay. Prodding with your astral senses, you could faintly detect a signature.
One chair further to the right is a lightly sleeping woman, in what appears to be a light set of ceramic plates, and wearing a foreign government issued set of BDU's, Probably a mercenary. You could even see their data-jack on the back of their head, unplugged but ready to spool out.
A.Try and wake one to your immediate left or right
1. Left.
2. Right.
B. Politely wait for one to stir, best not to make a fool of yourself.
C. Pretend to sleep, like you've been knocked out with the rest of them.
D. Assense them with your astral senses in-depth. (List who you want assensed in order.)