I kind of tried to imply that the spirit was a bit of a mean one and had moved your body to its tree so it could watch you fall out for laughs.
Not everything is serious. Sometimes it's hilarious.
As it turns out, patrolling the block area, finding any suspicious looking people and noting them under your list, and promptly returning to the spirits sanctum.
It doesn't seem that mindful of your presence, very tolerant, considering the circumstances. After around an hour or two of just, calming down and reflecting from the practical spirit journey you had just went through, you decided one the things you had gained an astonishing
control over the Matrix and Astral, allowing impossible feats of magical prowess or matrix break ins in areas where enough mana is found or a connection could be gathered.
Just as you leave the spirits domain, declaring a goodbye to the... to it, you managed to get around halfway to your safe house before a single man followed by a group of six, buffed up and augmented dwellers of the slum approach you. The one in front is an exception to the "minor augments", with plainly visible set of prosthetic limbs, beefed up with the stolen pneumatic of what appears to be an construction exosuit. To put it lightly, they dwarf over you, and although there is no spark of Mana in the sleeper, you can assense that they hold a cold and calculating outlook towards you, similar to that of a shark and it's prey. Finally, they stop, looking you up and down, before issuing their demand.
"Your shoes. now."
The gang-members in the back appear to be observing more then anything else, but are not shocked at what he asks for.
To be exact, your assensing has also revealed the extensive amount of previously owned cyber-ware that corrupts and lines his holistic form. It is more metal then in you, but no bio-modified tissue. the implants cover his limbs, his eyes, his heart, and several regions in his torso, most likely various forms of modifications to his metabolic, cardiovascular and blood system. The exosuit pneumatic muscle system probably puts his strength above yours at the expense of being a jury rigged set of pipe scaffolding that is plainly terrifying.
In short, you think it'd be an equal-ish fight if the gangers behind him don't participate, and that's if you don't use your impossibly powered Astral Might.
A. "But my shoes don't even fit you!", Fight back.
B. As above, but maybe a little non-lethally.
C. "F...Fine then," give him the shoes.
D. Run away!