Indeed, the last time you slept has felt like years ago. For a moment, the spirit rattles the tree, before trilling and receding into the astral realm. It's clear that it won't offer you any amenities, but none the less, you follow the spirits action and climb up the tree, and somehow manage to fall asleep. This is a little surprising, considering the terrors that usually prelude to your awakening, but it seems that the creatures of the night stay at bay in this sanctum.
You dreamt of a created mind, thinking on paths of circuitry and positronic membranes. It feels strange, disturbing and all too unfamiliar. When you awake, the spirit had long been tending to its garden, moving the massive boulders and pieces of debris into a state fitting its enigmatic mind. Somehow, it feels a little more claustrophobic.
It ignored your protests in the rude hours of the morning, and began shoving you into a small pit in the middle of the sandy, almost claylike surface of the floor.
Unlike the Prophet who had simply cut your soul out into the astral, the Spirit
pulled yours through with a gateway straight to the deeper parts of the Astral Realm.
Like a cold bucket of water, you were immediately immersed into the Astral, and despite all the metal in your veins, the raw immense power of a dead god's mojo in your soul, you were surprised. Rushing through the ebbs and flows of the metaplane, pushed down forcefully into unknown pathways at the speed of thought, the feeling of blood rushing to your head came to your soul, and you felt dizzy at the speed until, at the snap of the spirits whim, you stopped. If it were the physical realm, all your laced bones would've broken to powder and all the synthetic sinews would snap, the speed at which you ceased moving would've broken anyone in the "real" world.
This place was brutalized, almost desicated in the onslaught. The background mana of this place has been utterly decayed, cut to ribbons by two impossibly powerful world-bending spirits that had made this area of the Realm a battleground. Bolts of Mana, long and impossibly thin, or thick, bulky and cubed block many paths, and they are shaped in what may possibly be a graveyard of bones shape the otherwise formless realm, making a floor of decay, and paths forward.
This is not a pleasant place to be, even now, you can smell the watchers, the crawlers, and all the other spirits of the dead, dying and bloodied moving through this place, in the grief of the terrible, terrible war that had been done here. The rot has not begun to cover the corpses, either, foreign thoughts slam into your head as you peer deeper, echoes of incoherent hunger, or the determined and impossibly bent mind focussing on an extermination.
A. The path of the long, thin bones calls to you.
!!B. You must Watch, see the inhabitants walk, before you may walk.
!C. Weep to the sight corpse of your dead Pact-God.
D. The Path of the bulky blocks of spirit-flesh must be walked.
E. Attone for the sins you had committed against all life.