For a brief moment, as you pick up the pair of pistols, a flash of the realm of the matrix swills into your mind.
Although you never had the money or the will to get a data-jack installed before you were captured, you had a set of "Trodes"; A simple red headband which fits snugly around your head, outfitted with dozens and dozens of sensors for sending and receiving information to the brain. These are made obsolete both by the data-jack some-what crudely implanted into the base of your spine, and the fact that even though your not even using the datajack, flickers of the Matrix and the guns smart-link system echo throughout your mind. It only taks a couple distracted moments before the gun adjusts to your new persona, and opens its entire software to your own soul.
The utter liquidity of the weapons becoming a part of your persona was surprising, perhaps most similar to getting dunked in a bucket of cold water. It's munition count and its internal circuitry are both like sensory outputs and a tertiary brain respectively, as if it was a direct part of you.
the follower coughs awkwardly, as you're pretty much a couple moments from drooling, and after it becomes apparent that it hasn't cause you to stir, a small, but sharp elbow to the sternum took you to of your revere.
It was a simple affair to quickly and efficiently shove all the rest of the gear from the box into a satchel and change into a nice set of operator clothing, and then leave the temple out into the real world. Walking out of the temple reveals a very simple and neatly decorated cafe, and as you pass out of the cafe, a small pastry is forced into your hands, it stayed in your hands all the way until you made it out of the Cafe, and into the streets of the Arcology itself.
The astral realm, the teeming horde of life throughout these streets and their accompanying matrix signatures perhaps overwhelmed you for a second before your instincts came to be, and you set out to set up Maslovs hierarchy of needs.
~~Cycle 2 Sub-Cycle 1.6~~
By the time that you finished setting up in an abandoned building with all the security systems you could muster, you had begun thinking about the immediate future itself.
What is there to do now?
A. Perhaps it's time to go back to the old business and find a Fixer?
B. Maybe I can find the grave of Mu in the Astral?
C. It isn't impossible for a half machine-half god to just go out and wage war against the Duros Corporation, is it not? Someone must pay for there failures sooner or later.
D. The corporations are always interested in hiring the equivalent of a super-soldier, any day, and you might get leads and power by it.