The Prophet visibly relaxes -- his thoughts almost audibly echo in your head, and he moves from behind his altar to a passageway on the wall closest to him. His thoughts beckoned for you to follow. After a small series of winding corridors, a small room with both a large, bellowing statue to the aspected spirit and a resting pillow to sit on.
He commands, and so you do. Just as you turn away from the Prophet, your primal intuition calls out. For a split second, you saw the hurdling blade coming towards you, but This was not a murder, it was obviously not. The Astral blade, the
scapel precisely cuts into a region of your head, and you instantly project into the Spirits Sanctum.
The Realm, unlike the temples relatively quiet, subdued fashion, was active, churning with a silent power that is similar to a mountains strength. The walls of the astral realm occasionally echoed as mana bounced or floated near them, portraying strong, solid astral barriers that headed these crashes of mana like a stone wall against a soothed shoreline.
Then it spoke,
As you turned to its voice, it's presence enshrines your view.
It is over-bearing, sun-like presence was only slightly smaller than you. Its cackles of raw thaumic power were almost entirely of something both complex and simple; It was a spirit of the Worlds people. Just for a moment, you infinite reserves, your raw, penultimate power cackles in fear before a raw, undefined fact came to your mind.
It is weaker than you.Not by much, it would match you especially, since you are in its Domain, but there was no denying the raw, cyber-electric Mojo flowing through your veins and arteries.It only was a minor side-note that you felt the voice, the virtual reality of the Matrix, just as you felt the Astral Realm. Dismantling such thoughts from your mind, the other Spirit pulled forward, and its agility betrays it's vast bulk, and it began circling your Ego.
Echoing throughout the halls of the Domain, its voice was everywhere.
"Such a sordid past, was it not? Bashed against a wall, abused... Taken apart, over and over. Yet here you are, more solid than anything else.
My high Prophet has seen fit to inform you of the tragedy of your Pact-maker, has he not? Such a shame, The Intelligence would be the only one of its kind, For even now, the plane it came from is too drained to produce another for a long, long time.
It died too quickly in any facet, but it seems that you have become it's Descendent. Such an unprecedented action, even if some of its power fell into the astral as it bled out, and I suspect that you already feel the breath of the spirit becoming solid upon your Astral."
Curiosity brews among its astral signature.
"You have come for a reason, did you not?"
A. Thank it.
B. Question it; What happens now?
C. Question it: Why did you want me here?
D Question it:[Fill in.]