"I installed Dwarf Fortress, again. I Installed DfHack, again...
Why it complains not finding any plugins? ^^
So real question is how to fix this piece of shit, before I delete my Dwarf Fortress, again..."
Long story make short: HOW I RUN INTO THE SAME PROBLEM
O] I'm yet another pesky Windows XP user
I] donwload and unzip df_44_12_win32.zip
II] run Dwarf Fortress.exe and it's working fine
III] download and unzip dfhack-044-12-r1-Windows-32,
read the docs and install it on top of Dwarf Fortress
IV] run Dwarf Fortress.exe and fun ensues :|
(IOW I get a cascade of error warnings)
All plugins present failed to load.
If you are using Windows XP, this is probably due to a Visual Studio 2015 bug.
Windows XP is unsupported by Microsoft as of 2014, so we do not support it.
WTF? You must be kidding!
V] restart my laptop with Windows Vista
(because dual boot),
run Dwarf Fortress.exe and it's working fine
OMG! You WEREN'T kidding!
Now lets cut right to the chase: HOW I FIXED THE PROBLEM
0) back to Windows XP
1) download DwarfTherapist-v41.0.3-win32.zip
2) extract vcredist_x86.exe from the zip folder
3) run vcredist_x86.exe in order to update some Windows XP files
4) go to Dwarf Fortress main folder
5) rename the (now obsolete) ucrtbase.dll to piece_of.sht
(or just delete the sucker and call it a day)
6) run Dwarf Fortress.exe
Could not enable plugin: search
Could not enable plugin: stocks
Enjoy Dwarf Fortress!
Or you can also subscribe to some forum and brag about being a god among men...
Just for FURTHER FUN: dfhack-044-12-r2 on Windows XP is the worst. No console window, no GUI window, no error reports, no logfiles. It just refuses to work.