Our heroes never seem catch a break. Their brief moment of peace was shiftily shattered as the sound of someone banging on the back door, rising violently over the music. Any assumptions that it was one of the brainless denizens of the city are shattered when the camera focuses on a red fire axe splintering the door near the handle. They are further suspended by the entirely, unmistakably human sound of a chainsaw revving on the other side of the front door, performing the same action as its lower-tech cousin.
In moments the doors are in shreds and a group of young men begin flooding in. Most of them look like the standard street thugs...but they have taken obvious advantage of the current situation, pilfering the stores and bodies for supplies. The urgency of the world must not have caught up with them, they are all wearing fancy designer shoes, baggy loose pants with a massive price tag back when that mattered, and assorted jewelry that often doesn't quite fit its owners. Three take the gang's gaudiness to the extreme, dressing like they spent all their free time since the Apocalypse fell finding the fallen pimps of the world and taking the flashiest parts for themselves. Four other men look completely out of place, calmly walking behind the excited street thugs. Clean suits. Black shades, black hair. They mean business, and not the kind they're dressed for.
Not to say vanity was the only benefit of the gangster's looting. All things considered they are well equipped, three of the "breaches" have melee weapons. One with a chainsaw, one with an axe, and one with a crowbar. The rest have guns. Four have shotguns, ranging from sawed-off double barrel to full sized pump action. The pimp-wannabes kept up their look with a gold-plated desert eagle, AKM, and M1911. Two more have assault rifles, the real deal that look like they where picked off some soldiers. P90s are in the hands of all four suits-much more uniform than the mish-mash of the rest of the gang.
Two of the Suits followed Six gangsters through each door. A pincer attack, they seem to have at least a little planning. They might be more dangerous then the look.
One of the Suits through the front door raised his glasses with his hand, peering at the group with his dark beady eyes. After a moment he gives an order, even as the fight explodes around him.
"No survivors. That is priority number one. If it comes down to torching the loot and letting them get away, torch the loot."
((Alright! Ready for our first real fight? Details and initiative rolls in the OOC. These are Kenneth's gang, or apparently a branch of it, so Kennneth can recognize as many people as he wants. Preferably he would recognize at least one of the suits.))