((Alright. Looks like everyone is about done with the Tsunami. Lets finish up here and move on to the next scene!))
The apartments are just as safe as they appear to be, offering temporary sanctuary for those who decide to take it. The camera cuts several times between the view of the outside, with thousands upon thousands of undead continuing their charge, and the heroes as they cautiously explore the apartments. Each time, the camera shows a new threat for the future surrounded by its lesser kin. First is a massive zombie, three times as tall as everyone around it. Its "wearing" a car like a suit of armor, with tires acting as pauldrons. Its lower jaw fell off, and their are pieces of exposed bone and torn flesh throughout the creature's body. Its so massive that its every step shakes the camera, rattling nearby buildings. The camera cuts back to the heroes in the apartment, noticing the shaking and noise while preparing to deal with it, only for the threat to pass. Back on the street, the third type of zombie shows its face. Literally-the camera is focusing on what appears to be a shrunken head with its mouth wide open in a scream. Its head turns 360 degrees in a move made famous by The Exorcist, before the camera pans out to reveal half a dozen of these things traveling in a group. The entire body is emaciated, they have to move on all fours either like a dog or in a crab walk due to their body's decomposition. The camera focuses on a red bricked building-with one of these zombies scurrying across the side like a spider. Again showing contrast-the camera focusing on the inside of the "zombie fort" showing a red-headed woman in her well-defended position. It then goes on to show a fourth species of zombie, a man in a gas mask and SWAT-style armor. Unlike the others, he isn't surrounded by the normal zombies. He is alone, shambling down the street. Appropriately menacing music is played. Nothing seems particularly off about him otherwise-until he walks by the zombie fort. Several of the protectors spontaneously run away while he passes. Not joining the horde, but running in the exact opposite direction of this new arrival adding to their strange behavior. The menacing music intensifies as the camera focuses in on this zed's shoulder patch - a green Chinese style dragon. The music fades, the camera cuts to a Enma mask half-hidden in darkness. It lingers on this image but a moment, before showing a birds eye view of the horde. Many of these abnormal zombies can be seen throughout the group, alongside other strange mutations and aberrations of whatever caused this mess.
((And back to you guys! If you have nothing else to do, you can "Notice the end of the horde" and move on with your lives. If you have any conversations that you want to do while the army continues to march past, now would be the time to have them.
You can show up at any moment Ocean!))