Some progress has been made. I started a in a new world, which has some positives (huge freaking mountains that appear to be snowcapped, and loads of fire clay within easy reach) and some rather large negatives (namely, no reeds anywhere near my spawn point which slowed down the start of the game some). Found some copper (finally!), got my first metal tools done and immediately mined out the nearest copper deposit for more. Next on my list is to try and kit up for exploration - a proper weapon, some armor, probably a hide backpack or two if I can ever scrounge up enough reeds - and go looking for some good high-quality soil so that I can start growing food instead of hunting and gathering.
Had some hiccups. While I never saw a single bear in the last world, this one seems to be swarming with them. I've seen at least four, and killed one after suffering multiple deaths. Dumb thing was hanging out in a cave not too far from spawn so it wasn't a huge deal, and the cave appears to be partly manmade so I'll need to do some exploring sooner or later. For some reason I was under the impression that peat was the ideal fuel for the copper age, and spent a good fifteen minutes hunting for it. Turns out it falls short by more than 100 degrees so I have no idea what the hell peat is good for. Wolves apparently spawn near my shack, and two nights in a row now they've come howling and snarling around my front door. Though, they seem to leave when Drifters show up.
Speaking of whom, there is a portal like ten blocks away from my front door and so they are everywhere come night. I've killed a few in the mornings but thus far none of them have dropped anything at all.