The goal of the game is to win, of course. How do you win? Well, the main win condition will be based on gaining points. The main way to get points is to play cards...but all the cards we have here are blank. Well, technically we don't have blank cards over here on the internet. But, in real life, there are sets of 1000 blank, white cards (
sounds familiar?) for people to write card effects on, usually with a name and a drawing of some quality or another. They may start the game with the cards in their deck already drawn, or the cards can get made as the game progresses. Perhaps they start somewhere in the middle, with only some of the cards completed. Regardless, by the end, there'll be a whole deck of personal, unique, and somewhat unbalanced cards.
Before the game starts, I'll ask everyone playing to make at least 3 cards each. I'll include 2 copies of each in the deck, and if this isn't our first game, I may include cards from prior games in the deck. I'll randomly determine the turn order, then deal everyone an amount of cards based on the size of the deck.
The workings of a turn is simple; the turn player draws a card if it isn't the first round of the game, then they can play a card in their hand. There's no limit to the amount of cards in your hand, but effects can still make you discard cards to a discard pile. They can end their turn any time after their draw, but if they take too long, the other players can end their turn early with a popular vote. Chances are that certain effects of cards can or will activate during specific parts of the turn, but things should stay relatively simple if we make our cards well. Rounds consist of an amount of turns equal to the amount of players, including skipped turns, so, unless there's major turn manipulation, everyone should get one turn per round. I'll keep track of all the points everyone's accumulated and cards in play, and post a summary of it all every round or so. I'l end the game after 20 rounds, and whoever has the most points then, wins.
Cards can be played to the center of the table, where they effect everyone, or in front of a player, where they mainly have an effect specific to them. When a card is played or otherwise revealed (such as being discarded or revealed by effect), if that kind of card has not been seen in the thread yet, its image must appear in a post. Some cards can reasonably be played in either place, while others might only have one viable way to play them. Similarly, cards on the field can be destroyed by card effects, sending them to the discard pile. Other than all that, the limits of a card are chosen by the card itself, but other cards can even affect those, too. The sky's truly the limit for what can be done in this game.