While Mallos is discovering the capabilities of their
Stand, he hears a groaning sound and feels a rumbling. He heard this rumbling not 24 hours ago, when the enemy
Stand High Priestess was attacking. Mallos doesn't have much time to react as he is
forced to Roll to Dodge!
- Counter
He sidesteps where he hears the creaks coming from, and summons Bastet to that spot to act as a trap.
High Priestess must now Roll to Dodge!
- Critical Hit
High Priestess directly strikes Bastet! Mallos took no damage from the assault, but it seems that the strike caused the user to suffer a nasty shock, as High Priestess withdraws from the area. A few seconds later, Mallos hears the clattering of silverware and an agonized scream coming from another room.
The Stand's user, Lovefool, is now critically injured.
Meanwhile, Ziizo is walking around the ship, keeping an eye out for enemies. He hears somebody walking around, and turns around to observe an unfamiliar face following him. They aren't wearing a Speedwagon Foundation uniform, and you summon your Sun to prepare to defend. While Sun is appearing in the sky above, the enemy sends out his own
Stand, a stag beetle, to attack first,
forcing Ziizo to Roll to Dodge!
- Compromising Miss
Ziizo regains his composure quickly and manages to sidestep the beetle, giving him a
+1 to his next Roll to Dodge. He counterattacks with the Sun's laser strike ability, although due to the sheer speed of the enemy
Stand, still misses. Regardless, the enemy runs away, not wanting to fight a losing fight.
Spend my time in the outside of the ship. Ships that shouldn't be here, marine monster or inexplicable fog will get shooted by the sun.
- 1 =

- Critical Failure
After your battle against the enemy
Stand user, your own
Stand accidentally overheats
you thanks to its ability to naturally raise the temperature of the surrounding environment. You are forced to retreat back to your room to recover.
(-1 to your next roll) While you are walking back, you spot a Speedwagon Foundation employee watching you. You ask him to help you back to your room, and he gladly obliges. The two of you begin walking back, although he is acting rather strangely for a Speedwagon employee...
You walk into a room that is certainly not your own. It's full of cargo, and your blood turns cold. You catch something moving in the corner of your eye... and see an enemy
Stand moving inside of the "Speedwagon Employee's" eye!
Ziizo must now Roll to Dodge!
+ 1 =

- Counter
"Did you really think you could trick me... you enemy
Stand user!?!"
Ziizo suddenly turns around and punches the "employee" in the face, causing his eyes to shut! The enemy
Stand is forced to retreat from the eye, allowing Ziizo to counterattack while it is in a vulnerable position! Ziizo commands his Sun, never withdrawn from the previous fight, to shoot a great heat laser from the sky into the ship to attack
the enemy Stand, who must now Roll to Dodge!
- Hit
It moves fast enough to avoid a fatal strike, although the laser does strike its legs,
injuring both the
Stand and its user! The fake employee retreats from the room, thoroughly outmatched, as well as another
Follower, who was hiding behind a crate this entire time.
(-1 to Doomblade's next roll)Tend to Ziizo's injury, and stay near him and protect him, in case any agent of Dio's attempts to capitalize on his injury and finish him off.
+ 1 =

- Critical Success
You hear some ruckus coming from nearby, and you enter the ambush room. The only person in the room is Ziizo, and he explains that he managed to survive an assault by two enemy
Stand users. You stand by his side and prepare to protect him as he recovers from both heat exhaustion and battle exhaustion.
(+1 to next roll)Suddenly, another person emerges from behind the crates in the room. He throws a small set of throwing stars at the two
Crusaders, who must now Roll to Dodge!OceanSoul's Roll to Dodge
+ 1 =

- Miss
Ocean notices the shurikens out of the corner of his eye, and Star Platinum begins punching them out of the air. The shurikens aimed at Ocean end up scattered all around, whether in the wall around him or on the floor.
Ziizo's Roll to Dodge
- Hit
Ziizo attempts to dodge, but lacks the ability to avoid the attack due to his prior injuries. He is struck by some shurikens, and he falls to the ground,
critically injured.
Holiday stays alert, looking to dodge any attacks and attempting to trick enemies into coming in contact with Bastet.
+ 1 =

- Critical Success
After your successful attack on Lovefool, you decide to go two-for-two in terms of injured
Followers. You set up Bastet on the side of the boat and notice an enemy running away from the scene of an attack. This enemy is...
#2: Doomblade
Doomblade must now Roll to Dodge. (Also, +1 to your next roll)
- Miss
Unfortunately, the
Follower appears to be more concerned about his burn than about a random electrical outlet. He runs past it, not touching it.