Nixie Glow
I'm a fan of using the non-graphical tilesets, so as the new release happened I was on a lookout for a new tileset to try. I really liked the look of the screenshot of Cheepicus's 16x16 tileset with, what I can only assume, JPEG compression artifacts that gave a subtle glow to all the glyphs. The actual tileset wasn't like that, so I opted to create my own. This tileset is (obviously) inspired by Cheepicus's 16x16 tileset, but also Google's Nixie One font, but otherwise made completely from scratch in a vector graphics program. As a result, I got a 32x32 version for free as well.
I am still tweaking it as I get more experience with it in game, comments and suggestions welcome! A few current issues are that all the curves are noticeably darker than straight lines, readability is a tiny bit low, not sure I'm a fan of the dug out rock glyphs.
Screenshots:32x32 variant:
Tilesets:v1.2 16x16 variantv1.2 32x32 variant!!Note!! For best results, switch minecraft tracks to the single width borders (you'll get nice railroad ties this way). Here's the d_init.txt modification for that:
Old versions:Also, set the pillar tile to 255.