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Author Topic: Insurrection | The Resistance  (Read 8433 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Insurrection | The Resistance
« Reply #15 on: January 06, 2018, 10:27:31 pm »

So what I'd like to be starting with is something like 'A thing that makes tokens', 'Something that buffs all your other creatures', and something like 'Blowblack - whenever a creature you control is removed from the field, deal one damage to target creature or player'. Lots of tokens for cheap chump blockers, then the blowback means that we can both damage them by said chump blocking and attack without a care because they'll end up doing damage even if they get blocked, and then the buff all your other creatures just makes the horde even harder to deal with.

Adding in something like 'Rampaging Mob - This creature's power and toughness is equal to the amount of creatures you control' is optional but potentially very fun. Or just letting a Millstone ripoff run behind the mobs cover.

So what kind of combos/set ups would everyone else like to see us starting the game with?

Edit : Cards for the described combo.

Resistance Provocateur
Color: Red
Art: Someone talking to someone else in some bar somewhere.
Type: Creature - Human Resistance
Effect: T: Place a 1/1 Human Resistance token into play.
P/T: 1/1
Flavor Text: "Everyone seems to have nothing to lose these days. Maybe you should do something about that?"

Color: Blue/Red
Art: Something
Type: Strategy
Effect: Whenever a creature you control is removed from play, you may deal one damage to target creature or player.
Flavor Text: "Every crackdown, live on TV!"

Rampaging Mob
Color: Red
Art: A mob
Type: Creature - Human Resistance
Effect: Trample. Rampaging Mob's power and toughness is equal to the amount of creatures you control.
P/T: X/X
Flavor Text: "AK47s for everyone!"

And then here's Firebrand reposted.

Color: Red
Art: Someone giving a speech
Type: Creature - Human Politician
Effect: All other humans you control gain +1/+1 as long as this creature remains in play.
P/T: 1/1
Flavor Text: "Do you hear the sound of angry men? I do."
« Last Edit: January 07, 2018, 12:10:48 am by Happerry »
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Insurrection | The Resistance
« Reply #16 on: January 06, 2018, 11:10:13 pm »

Information Processing
Color: Bleu
Type: Tactic
Effect: Search your deck for a non-creature card, reveal it, than add it your hand.
Flavor Text: "Modern computers have revolutionize the thinking mind, now only if we could apply this to things that mattered."
Distinguish From the Mob
Color: Red/Blue
Effect: Search your deck for a creature card, reveal it, than add it to your hand
Flavor Text: "There is always a crystal in the ruff, and as such there are always leaders in the masses."
Robotic Skyscraper
Color: Red/Blue
Effect: Crew: (6), Trample
Type: Gizmo - Construct, Mech
Art: Image
Effect: Trample, Crew (6)
P/T: 12/12
Fluff: "Is that a airplane, a bird, a building? Nope it's a mechanized skyscraper"
Yes the third idea is quite silly, but the entire idea of meming your opponent should never be underestimated. The first two ideas are still very much practical, the spell fetching card is designed to get our Strategy while the second idea has much synergy with deck-defining mechs or the skyscraper... entirely based of an idea off Discord.

Shotgun Pilot
Color: Red
Type: Creature - Human Pilot
Effect: Shroud, Defender
Art: Image
P/T: 6/1
Fluff: "With enough experience with the most risky planes in the business, she can pilot anything."

Of course we need a pilot for such a vehicle...
« Last Edit: January 09, 2018, 07:56:50 pm by Shadowclaw777 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Insurrection | The Resistance
« Reply #17 on: January 06, 2018, 11:42:50 pm »

Right. I'm open to going for a Token Spam + Crew Shenanigans. Still, the Token Spam should come first. As we have 2 cards, should we go for both at once or do a one at a time sort of thing? Either way, I'll be pitching in with two votes.

Quote from: Votebox, add the other cards you want to vote for here, I'm being lazy.
Resistance Provocateur (1): Jilladilla
Rampaging Mob (1): Jilladilla

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Insurrection | The Resistance
« Reply #18 on: January 06, 2018, 11:51:16 pm »

Also, on the subject of Robot Buildings, to go with the Skyscraper...

Dread Gazebo
Color: Red/Blue?
Art: Image
Type: Gizmo - Construct, Building
Effect: Crew: (2), Slick
P/T: 4/4
Fluff: "It's just a building, right guys? ...Right? Huh, where'd everyone go?"

Or just Killdozer their land.

Color: Red
Type: Gizmo - Vehicle
Effect: Trample. Crew 2. When Killdozer deals damage to an enemy player, they must sacrifice a land of their choice.
P/T: 4/6
« Last Edit: January 07, 2018, 12:21:29 am by Happerry »
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Insurrection | The Resistance
« Reply #19 on: January 07, 2018, 10:24:32 am »

Quote from: Votebox,
Resistance Provocateur (2): Jilladilla, Shadowclaw
Rampaging Mob (1): Jilladilla
Robotic Skyscraper: (1): Shadowclaw

Other Not Voted As Of Yet Cards:
Growing Nanite Swarm
Armory Raid
Prosthetic Assembly Line
Cyborg Enthusiast Punk
Jamming Signal
Tax Cuts
Protection Racket
Nanite Outbreak
Cyborg Arm
Cyborg Pelvis
Cyborg Head
Data Manifestation
Information Processing
Distinguish from the Mob
Dread Gazebo


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Insurrection | The Resistance
« Reply #20 on: January 07, 2018, 01:13:27 pm »

Alright, so it would be great if more than two people voted. I mean, you don't want the Authority to show you up already, do you?
I have a degree in Computer Seance, that means I'm officially qualified to tell you that the problem with your system is that it's possessed by Satan.
Q: "Do you have any idea what you're doing?"
A: "No, not particularly."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Insurrection | The Resistance
« Reply #21 on: January 07, 2018, 02:28:29 pm »

Quote from: Votebox,
Resistance Provocateur (3): Jilladilla, Shadowclaw, Happerry
Rampaging Mob (1): Jilladilla
Robotic Skyscraper (1): Shadowclaw
Firebrand (1): Happerry

Other Not Voted As Of Yet Cards:
Growing Nanite Swarm
Armory Raid
Prosthetic Assembly Line
Cyborg Enthusiast Punk
Jamming Signal
Tax Cuts
Protection Racket
Nanite Outbreak
Cyborg Arm
Cyborg Pelvis
Cyborg Head
Data Manifestation
Information Processing
Distinguish from the Mob
Dread Gazebo
Forenia Forever!
GENERATION 11: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Insurrection | The Resistance
« Reply #22 on: January 07, 2018, 03:33:08 pm »

I actually like the skyscraper and gazebo ideas.

Quote from: Votebox,
Resistance Provocateur (3): Jilladilla, Shadowclaw, Happerry
Rampaging Mob (1): Jilladilla
Robotic Skyscraper (2): Shadowclaw, Doomblade
Firebrand (1): Happerry

Other Not Voted As Of Yet Cards:
Growing Nanite Swarm
Armory Raid
Prosthetic Assembly Line
Cyborg Enthusiast Punk
Jamming Signal
Tax Cuts
Protection Racket
Nanite Outbreak
Cyborg Arm
Cyborg Pelvis
Cyborg Head
Data Manifestation
Information Processing
Distinguish from the Mob
Dread Gazebo
In any case it would be a battle of critical thinking and I refuse to fight an unarmed individual.
One mustn't stare into the pathos, lest one become Pathos.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Insurrection | The Resistance
« Reply #23 on: January 07, 2018, 07:11:38 pm »

I think that we really really need something to look at the enemy hand to go with our counterspell. We also need to be mindful of the enemy cards... Aki's direct damage is a pain, and five toughness is difficult for us to deal with.

We have a disadvantage in slick. We have a 3-cost 2/2 and they have a 2-cost 2/1. Toughness only matters if they get hit, and they can generally only hit each other, and will kill each other in that instance. So the toughness does nothing and the damage is the same so we are paying more for nothing. Also they have that lieutenant to get the damage up higher... Also their 2-cost 2-damage is common while our 3-cost 2-damage is uncommon? The numbers are the same so I guess not?

The lieutenant is just terrifying. Good news is that it doesn't apply to Aki or the thugs. Bad news is that just one is enough to get the robot killing, the sniper tearing apart our life(should this be, like, organisation, or coordination, or morale or funding or popular support or something?) and the lieutenant itself is going to be hiding. Two or more lieutenants will start murdering us severely. Snipers start being able to take out our agents without dying, or in many-to-one trade-offs. Robots will multiply the damage they deal and be nearly impervious to harm, while the lieutenants themselves will start to form a massive mob of roflstomping horror. All I can really see is to amp up our direct-damage killing spells, which only go so far if they can bring out multiple lieutenants in a single turn, or just draw more of them than we get killy spells, or start bringing out something that specifically weakens police. Like, I dunno, little old ladies who need help crossing the road or something... I mean, police really ought to require a uniform in order to get the benefit of the category, that should be exploitable.

Really, the creature front looks terrible. Their champion can kill ours without even fighting. It can kill anything of ours except the one-fight-wonder... Their robot can tank our brawler forever, and anything can trade with it, which is pretty sad given that the lieutenant is the only thing we actually want to trade with. Not to mention that a lietenant on the field lets a robot just execute them and Aki can murder them forever regardless.

Between Aki and lieutenants they have lots of ways to block or kill our one-turn-wonder 5/5 relatively cheaply and it can only attack every other turn so... Yeah... If we let them build u a front, then we can't crack it. And we can reasonably assume that they are getting even more police...

Blaze of Gory -Red
Deal damage equal to target creature's power to all creatures blocking it.
"Billy died a hero."
Probably too powerful, just to a one would be enough to upset things in many cases. But still, going full slaughterfest on a big stack of blocking robots that thought they were safe...

It is also worth noting that our damage output has somewhat of a focus on the number three, and none of their critters have that exact toughness...

Between Aki and assassins Tap the Mind can Easily be a 3-card draw for a cheap price, it could also be a bargain 5-8 card fountain. I would expect it to usually be a full hand refill. I assume that "were" being past tense at least means it doesn't count things that die after it activates.

Aki and Assassins can pick off our creatures to buy them time for a lieutenant stack. interrogation lets them watch our hand and snipe our most relevant cards... We are up for some serious suppression as it stands and, as I said, we have no answer to a lieutenant stat if they get one, and their cheaper critters give them somewhat of a rush bonus so...

I just don;t see a token-horde working. Crush The Sparks is pretty nearly a hard-counter, we can't win with tokens if we can't use them... And, really, white is the powerhouse for mass-buffing, they already outcompete us on that front and it is likely to get worse.

For us> Cade is nice but slow and vulnerable. The cost is high enough that you are drawing instead of playing and the haste only goes so far, while Cade himself can be easily sniped, is somewhat useless in a brawl unless we're desperate, and is probably going to be too busy card cycling to do anything else. Nice, but slow, and our deck lacks momentum.

Our creatures are just sad. The only good one is the Cobbled cyborg and unless we keep feeding it haste it isn't going to achieve much other than being assassin-bait.

Hack the system is expensive and the reaction system makes it painful to use unless we can see their hand.

Fran the Flames is about our only answer to Lieutenants, and it just isn't enough. For a specific counter is isn't fun to be paying equal card and mana costs and a resistance fighter token(I assume it is a token, unless it let's us play one from our hand or pants-pocket or something...) is, ehh, not so wonderful. Kill a lieutenant, unless there are three of them, or they have a heal-spell, and get a free single-use sacrificial blocker... I guess we could try to get a strategy about sacrificing resistance fighters...

Pursuit is nice. Kind of wasted on a Cyborg that is just going to lose it in a moment anyway.
Brain Damage Blue
Target Creature loses all {ummm, abilities? Card text? Use it on a cobbled to remove the return to hand stuff, use it on Aki to make her a glorified blocker until they find a way to cycle her...}
"While technically categorised as non-lethal ordnance, sonic grenades were never regarded as such..."
Or maybe try for a universal version of this? Their creature abilities seem to be consistently better than ours... Would make it difficult to build a slick-deck though...

All the rest seem to be card cycling and drawing. That would be nice if we had time to sit around playing cards but we have that whole Lieutenant of Damocles thing going on...

Not to mention, we are kind of loaded with card drawing. We don't really need tokens when we can play cards instead...

Anyway, might just want to stick to "when attacking or blocking, this creature's toughness can be no greater than 1", which seems mostly like what you want, right?
No. That might fail to reduce the cost, given that it makes them somewhat immune to surprise toughness-reduction. And it means that they can block trample damage, and the whole point is to not do that. It is supposed to fake 0 toughness but still be flexible so that toughness-reduction can kill them. Making a special exception for trample is sort of lame, it doesn't cover all the scenarios that I want from a zero toughness creature while still preventing them from fouling up toughness reduction effects in general by opening up infinite loops and such if something does something odd with its number of targets.
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I shall be eternally happy. I shall be able to construct elf hunting giant mecha. Which can pour magma.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Insurrection | The Resistance
« Reply #24 on: January 07, 2018, 07:30:16 pm »

Right, well, I'll be moving ahead pretty soon (~1 hour).  Provocateur and Skyscraper are in the lead, but those could change rather easily.
I have a degree in Computer Seance, that means I'm officially qualified to tell you that the problem with your system is that it's possessed by Satan.
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A: "No, not particularly."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Insurrection | The Resistance
« Reply #25 on: January 07, 2018, 08:25:49 pm »

Robotic Skyscraper
Roll: 5
Spoiler: As Described (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Alt-Art (click to show/hide)

Resistance Provocateur
Roll: 4
Spoiler: Card (click to show/hide)

I have a degree in Computer Seance, that means I'm officially qualified to tell you that the problem with your system is that it's possessed by Satan.
Q: "Do you have any idea what you're doing?"
A: "No, not particularly."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Insurrection | The Resistance
« Reply #26 on: January 07, 2018, 08:32:33 pm »

I just don;t see a token-horde working. Crush The Sparks is pretty nearly a hard-counter, we can't win with tokens if we can't use them... And, really, white is the powerhouse for mass-buffing, they already outcompete us on that front and it is likely to get worse.

Brain Damage Blue
Target Creature loses all {ummm, abilities? Card text? Use it on a cobbled to remove the return to hand stuff, use it on Aki to make her a glorified blocker until they find a way to cycle her...}
"While technically categorised as non-lethal ordnance, sonic grenades were never regarded as such..."
Or maybe try for a universal version of this? Their creature abilities seem to be consistently better than ours... Would make it difficult to build a slick-deck though...

I suggested this on the Discord yesterday to deal with Crush the Sparks.

Memetic Infection
Color : Red/Blue
Type : Strategy - Aura
Effect : Enchanted Permanent's effects are replaced by 'At the start of the turn, this card deals one damage to the player that controls it' for as long as Memetic Infection is enchanting the target permanent.
Fluff : "In the end the authority will fall not from any great acts of defiance, but when people realize they just don't have to listen any more."

And here's a few alternates or supplements to the provocateur.
You've Sparked a War
Color: Red/Blue
Type : Strategy
Effect : Whenever an opponent draws a card, place a 1/1 Human Resistance Token into play.
Fluff: "These sparks are harder to crush then you think."

Neighborhood Watch
Color: Red
Type : Creature - Human, Resistance
Effect : Defender. Whenever Neighborhood Watch would take combat damage, place X 1/1 Human Resistance token creatures into play before resolving the combat damage, where X is equal to the combat damage Neighborhood Watch was assigned.
P/T: 0/4
Fluff: "We're done living in fear. If they dare come again, we'll be ready."

Junkyard Replicator
Color: Red/Blue
Art: A replicator eating a junkyard to make robots.
Type: Gizmo
Effect : XXT or XT: Place X 1/1 Construct Creature Tokens into play.
Fluff: "There's all sorts of stuff just laying around, if you know where to look."

Also reposting this.

Televised Martyrdom
Color: Red
Art: Someone being killed by the police, on TV?
Type: Reaction
Effect: This card can only be played in reaction to a creature being put into the graveyard. Put X 1/1 red Human Resistance token creatures into play, where X is equal to the dead creature's converted mana cost.
Flavor Text: "One spark in the right place can bring about a revolution."

Also, yay, we got good rolls!

Edit : Anyone want to see if we can revise the Resistance Fighter into a 1/1 First Striker this turn?
« Last Edit: January 07, 2018, 08:43:50 pm by Happerry »
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Insurrection | The Resistance
« Reply #27 on: January 07, 2018, 08:48:44 pm »

I would prefer a brain damage card first, honestly. Even a single target common low cost would be nice.
In any case it would be a battle of critical thinking and I refuse to fight an unarmed individual.
One mustn't stare into the pathos, lest one become Pathos.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Insurrection | The Resistance
« Reply #28 on: January 07, 2018, 09:50:36 pm »

We probably do want fewer cards...
That is, we want to leave many cards out of our deck so that the draws will be more reliable.
Vote (1) for the Urist scale!
I shall be eternally happy. I shall be able to construct elf hunting giant mecha. Which can pour magma.
Urist has been forced to use a friend as fertilizer lately.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Insurrection | The Resistance
« Reply #29 on: January 08, 2018, 09:42:51 pm »

Since discussion seems to have died down, both here and on the discord, I'm just gonna put up a votebox.

Quote from: The Votebox
Dread Gazebo (1): Happerry
Rampaging Mob (1): Happerry
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