This means that Green is reserved for a secret research corp that will try to rule the Earth with 20ft bio-mutants and xenomorphic super soldiers grown in lab tubes? V:
* Haspen opens notepad.
Of course not. Don't be silly.
Please stand by at your current location for additional truth.
There have been a couple questions about how reactions work, and since they're likely the biggest change from vanilla MtG, I'll try to make them a little clearer here.
On your play phase, you'll be resolving your opponents attack and planning all of the cards you'll be play and all of the creatures you'll be attacking with. An example set of actions without reactions might look like...
Block Brawler with Robotic Officer
Take hit from Cobbled Cyborg
[---Beginning of Own Phase---]
Play Metropolis
Summon Yakuza Assassin (bb)
Use sanctioned raid on Hired Thug and Hired Thug. (bbw)
Attack with both Hired thugs buffed by Sanctioned Raid.
Now, lets assume that we have both a Hired Assassin and a Gun Scan in our hand, and that we had wb left untapped before our turn, and we'll have wbb left after out turn. We can change this turn in a bunch of ways. In the first part, where we're resolving our enemy's attack, it isn't actually our turn yet, so we can't play tactics. Because of this, we can't use sanctioned raid to buff our robotic officer so he can kill the brawler or tank the hit from the cobbled cyborg. However, we can still play reactions freely. Lets say that we know that our opponent has less than three mana at the beginning of their turn. We know they can't play Hack the System, which means that we have a shot at taking out their cobbled cyborg with a well placed doomblade. Likewise, we can lower the damage we take from 5 to 3 by playing gun scan on our robotic officer and having him block the cyborg instead of the brawler.
The advantage to playing reactions like this is two-fold, you get a lot of control over how they're played, and (more importantly) your untap phase happens immediately after. Effectively, this means that any energy you spend dealing with attackers will be returned to you immediately for your main phase.
The other way to play reactions is to play them attached to conditionals that can trigger during your opponent's phase- or when your opponent is dealing with attackers. For instance, we can modify the action block to read...
Block Brawler with Robotic Officer
Take hit from Cobbled Cyborg
[---Beginning of Own Phase---]
Play Metropolis
Summon Yakuza Assassin (bb)
Use sanctioned raid on Hired Thug and Hired Thug. (bbw)
Attack with both Hired thugs buffed by Sanctioned Raid.
If either thug would be blocked, use Hired Assassin on the blocker. (bb)
If either thug would be destroyed by damage and could be saved by Gun Scan, use gun scan. (w)
You don't need them to be used during the attacking/blocking phase. For instance,
Block Brawler with Robotic Officer
Take hit from Cobbled Cyborg
[---Beginning of Own Phase---]
Play Metropolis
Summon Yakuza Assassin (bb)
Use sanctioned raid on Hired Thug and Hired Thug. (bbw)
Attack with both Hired thugs buffed by Sanctioned Raid.
If the enemy brings out a creature with greater than or equal to 4 toughness, and has less than 3 mana in reserve, use Hired Assassin on that creature. (bb)
I'd really appreciate not having miles of conditionals, but it's however much you need. You can also specify more reactions than you have mana for, and I'll go down the list of those that trigger until you run out of mana.
Make sense?