The engine room was the largest chamber in the ship, at the utmost anterior. Adjacent to it was a workshop, containing a suite of equipment including lathes, CNC, 3D-Printers, and good old manual workbenches. The rest of the lowermost level consisted of the hold, some ballast tanks for adjusting the Ithica's center of mass, a small hangar bay, and a few docking ports/airlocks. The hallways ramped up gently to the next level, where they entered into the galley, though it looked more like another kind of workshop or some kind of lab, with machines fed by pipes running through the wall from the adjacent room. This was the life-support center, which was filled with various sealed, cylindrical modules connected to each other by tubes and pipes.
"The design is modular," explained one of the Kirics, "we may configure it to accommodate a variety of crew and passengers."
"Please perform all eliminatory functions into that one by the door."
Clustered around this area were several mostly empty rooms, some of which were set up as cabins. The Earthling crew found in their rooms large, tubular devices fitted to a bigger drum at each end: centrifugal beds, the answer to microgravity health problems on non-spinning ships. V'ralis found in their cabin an aquarium of double-layered plexiglass panels, set up to encompass most of the room.
"You will need to use the pipe system to enter. We apologize for the inconvenience."
Said pipe system seemed to converge on a large, ovular enclosure in roughly the center of the Ithica, into which the Kirics led the group via a rather reinforced door. By the banks of interfaces running along the walls, it had to be the bridge, and in the center, within a pod connected to the pipes above, there floated a R'talis, engrossed in a spread of tablet screens arrayed before them.