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Author Topic: VIRGATER  (Read 3979 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • if you must die, die spectacularly
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« on: January 04, 2018, 11:45:55 pm »

You live in the village of Virgater.

It looks like this, surrounded by deep and impenetrable wood.
Each week is the same. Every day the people work the land. On Saturday, the women of the Sewing Circle conspire about the men. On Sunday everyone gathers to the church to hear Vicar Partridge preach. And on Monday, the tithe collector drives down in his car and collects his due.

Sometimes someone does something wrong, and Vicar Partridge has to send his sextants out, and then there's another grave on the church green.
All to keep life as it is.

And at the peak of the Hunter’s Moon, it shall end.
The Mother of Wolves is coming. She whispers in your dreams, and her howls echo throughout the night.
Prepare for the worst, and beware the woods.


This is an unusual RtD, focusing more on making stories than optimal gameplay. This might seem silly, but I'd put your character's well-being at a low priority. Play your character's like stolen cars: they're fun to drive a while, but even more fun to crash and burn.
But first you need a character to destroy. First, roll two six sided dice to determine your class. Not like rogue or mage, your social position in the society. Compare the results to the chart below and write down both of them. If you get doubles and don't like the result, roll again.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I'll make a character too, so you'll understand better.
I've rolled 5 and 3. I can be a virgater or a halfman. I like being rich so I'll be a virgater.

Now, we roll qualities. This is stolen from Maid RPG. Some of these ask you to roll on tables. Don't worry about it, I'll do that for you since I have the book. Roll 2d6 twice, then choose one number to be the tens and the other to be ones. So a roll of 3-5 could be 35 or 53.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
I rolled 2-3 and 6-3. I could be a shy spider shapeshifter or a cat eared devil. Or any combination therof. Eh, I like the shy spider. Spiders are very shy so it makes sense. Let's do that.
Now take one of the last rolls and apply them to your desire. This is stolen from Fiasco, specifically the Last Frontier playset.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
So my shapeshifting spider virgater could be looking for a missing child (2-3) or trying to defraud the tithe collector (6-3). I like the idea of looking for the missing kid, having the spider be the good guy is pretty rare. Unless her goal is to eat the kid. That would be also good.

Almost done, I promise. Now take the last roll you picked and apply it to this. A and B indicates it's for the first die you rolled and the second respectively.
This is basically a fairy tale, and every fairy tale needs a lesson at the end. This is the point of your character’s story. Tie it into everything you just did beforehand. These are all clichéd, but it's your job to make them new and interesting.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
We picked 2-3, so our options are “the secret to happiness is acceptance of yourself” and “being kind is better than being correct”.
I think this is a bit of a deh-doi moment. We’re going with acceptance. C'mon, spider girl, you don't have to be ashamed of yourself. I kind of wish I wasn't arachnophobic because this character is just plain adorable to me now.

And now, you've got a character with special qualities, a clichéd theme, and a goal. So why don't they just do it? Everything on the needs list is possible with a bit of daring do. What makes this much more complicated than it should be? What makes this personal. Now come up with a misbelief: something your character is wrong about but earnestly believes. Make sure it ties into your lesson and your goal like a knot, and drill down. Don't pick the easy option: “she doesn't want to steal the gold because she's afraid of being caught” is bad because everyone would be scared of getting caught: what we want to know is why your character would be scared of getting caught BE AS SPECIFIC AS YOU CAN. And never stop asking why. This is the story of your character: desire and belief smashing into each other.
By the by, this is also all stolen from the book Story Genius. I highly advise checking out everything I rip off in this game they're all great.

Okay, so let’s look back our spider shygirl. I think the misbelief is obvious: “my true self has to be hidden at all costs”, which means I have to dig deeper. I'm thinking her rich family couldn't have a child, so they got a forest witch to enchant a spider into a daughter for them. From then on, they indoctrinated spidergirl into never ever revealing her identity. She does so in private, but with loads of self loathing and guilt. I'm thinking she's just been betrothed to the baker’s son, and on their wedding night a local kid sees her transform into a spider. She freaks, worrying all night the boy will spread the rumors. When she hears he's disappeared the next morning, she's even more scared. She was the last person who ever saw him, and the more people dig the more likely they are to discover her secret. Spidergirl resolves to go into the woods to find the child, but comes to realize that to find the kid to stop the secret of her true identity getting out she's gonna have to be keep revealing her spider self more and more…
In summary, “I can't reveal my spider identity because my family and the love of my life will abandon me”

And you're set. Give them a name and use this format when you post.
Once upon a time, (Name) had a problem. She was a (character qualities) (character class). (Summarize desire and misbelief). And from the woods, the Mother of Wolves watched closely…

Once upon a time, Fair Annie had a problem. She was a shy spider in the form of a virgater. On her wedding night, clothed in dark, she took the form of a spider. Her love did not see her, but a child watching from the window did. The next morning, the child was gone, and in her dread of being discovered she vowed to find the child and bind him to silence. And from the woods, the Mother of Wolves watched closely…

And that's that. I'm looking for three players. Maybe more if I like what I see.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2018, 11:49:28 pm by Fniff »


  • Bay Watcher
  • if you must die, die spectacularly
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« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2018, 12:06:13 am »

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« Last Edit: January 05, 2018, 06:33:00 pm by Fniff »

Harry Baldman

  • Bay Watcher
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« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2018, 12:57:56 am »

That sure is an eclectic set of random tables. Sign me up and gimme them rolls. oh wait we roll for ourselves. Lemme do this on my own then:

actually nah, not really feeling it on second thought. Grab the next person instead.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2018, 01:26:33 pm by Harry Baldman »


  • Bay Watcher
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« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2018, 01:02:19 am »

I'm also interested.  Reserved for future sheet.
 Scratch that, I'm having a bit of trouble coming up with a good character that I want to play with. If inspiration strikes me in the future, I might try again but for now, I'm giving up my spot.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2018, 02:06:17 pm by Yottawhat »
(1) You start forward with determination and certainty. You carry this determination with you right into the gaping crater that opens under your feet. You fall into a pit. The sounds of combat above dim, along with the light from the suns. In the quiet below, you hear some other noises instead.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Also known as the Chroniqler
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« Reply #4 on: January 05, 2018, 01:05:39 am »

Seems interesting. Reserve me a sheet, if you would.
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


  • Bay Watcher
  • if you must die, die spectacularly
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« Reply #5 on: January 05, 2018, 02:11:10 am »

Keep submitting, folks, I'll be taking sheets until midnight tomorrow.
Edit: Oh man, that awkward feeling when neither you nor your players are sure who are rolling. Oh well, you guys can take these ones or roll for yourselves if you don't like the look of em!
Class: 4-5. Guildsman or virgater. Pick one.
Qualities: 5-5 and 1-4. Dark Past (Runaway), Quiet or Clothes (Kimono). Pick two.
Desire: To Get Out of a Dangerous Obligation with an Outsider or To Get Even With The Mother of Wolves For What She Turned You Into. Pick one.
Lesson: Fear is the root of all evil or an eye for an eye makes us all blind. Pick one.

Class: 1-6. Forest Folk or City Slicker. Pick one.
Qualities: 3-1, 4-4. Elf Ears, Sickly or Accent (Pidgin English). Pick two.
Desire: To Get Respect From The Town By Bringing Down The Sewing Circle Down or To Kiss Anyone You Find During A Drunken Stupor. Pick one.
Lesson: Every Man Should Choose His Destiny or the Truth Shall Set You Free. Pick one.

Class: (heh) 4-1. Guildsman or Forest Folk. Pick one.
Qualities: 3-4, 1-5. Easygoing, Relationship with other player (Sibling), Vampire, Delinquent (Permanently Bad Expression).
Desire: To Get Respect From The Vicar, by turning in your own kin or To Get Even With this village and all the most people in it
Lesson: Follow your instincts or love can trap you. Pick one.

« Last Edit: January 05, 2018, 02:16:07 am by Fniff »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Wannabe Shitposter
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« Reply #6 on: January 05, 2018, 07:48:05 am »

Once upon a time, Boruta had a problem. He was a Monster Forest Folk. At birth he was... different from other children and that didn't escape the attention of village gossips. Conversations that went quiet when he or his mother passed, the hostile stare from the other end of the field, the stone thrown from behind a shack in the night had driven him and his mother into the forest. She had passed away recently, unable to survive in the harsh wilderness in her advanced age. Boruta desired revenge for his deceased mother, and he decided to strike at those who had exiled him from his home. He believed that exacting his vengeance would bring calm to his mother's soul. Little did he know, that death is not the end for her and her suffering... And from the woods, the Mother of Wolves watched closely…

1,2 - Forest Folk

64 - Monster

31 - Get respect by destroying the Sewing Circle

6b - Death is not the end
« Last Edit: January 05, 2018, 04:54:33 pm by SaberToothTiger »
I gaze into its milky depths, searching the wheat and sugar for the meanings I can never find.
It's like tea leaf divination, but with cartoon leprechauns.
There are only two sure things in life: death and taxes and lists and poor arithmetic and overlong jokes and poor memory and probably a few more things.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Also known as the Chroniqler
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« Reply #7 on: January 05, 2018, 09:42:01 am »

Class: (heh) 4-1. Guildsman or Forest Folk. Pick one.
Qualities: 3-4, 1-5. Easygoing, Relationship with other player (Sibling), Vampire, Delinquent (Permanently Bad Expression).
Desire: To Get Respect From The Vicar, by turning in your own kin or To Get Even With this village and all the most people in it
Lesson: Follow your instincts or love can trap you. Pick one.
Can I take easygoing and vampire? Please?
« Last Edit: January 05, 2018, 10:51:27 am by Glass »
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Tired and Lazy
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« Reply #8 on: January 05, 2018, 10:50:18 am »

I would like to try.
GG, Ziizo. May my spirit live on in your boobs.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Come on, just a taste of your soul?
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« Reply #9 on: January 05, 2018, 11:36:48 am »

Ooooh, time to find my dice!

Class (4,1) - Guildsman
Qualities (2,4 & 3,3) - Opposite Gender and Android (I'm a crossdressing android in a Late Medieval setting? This'll be... interesting.)
Desire (3,3) - To get respect from your lover by proving your devotion.
Lesson - Every man has a right to choose his own destiny.
Misbelief - She believes that if the woman she loves discovers her secrets she will want nothing to do with her.

Mmmm! So...

Once upon a time, Sisa had a problem. She was a guildsman, born into a working family to a father who wanted a boy. Her mother died shortly after she was born, and begrudgingly her father taught her the ways of coopering, but constantly reminded her about how she should have been born male. One day, a day she barely remembers, she was suddenly and spontaneously attacked by her drunken father with a knife, who killed himself after. When she next woke up, she discovered that she was not entirely human - her damaged organs had been replaced by strange chunks of metal that seemed to perform the same functions as her normal ones, allowing her to survive even when the village thought she had surely passed. Fearing that the village would discover how she had survived and would call her a witch, she assumed a new identity as a male, crossdressing constantly, and had others refer to her as "Adam", somehow remaining in the guild class. One day, she observed a beautiful woman and felt very attracted, soon falling in love with a lady she later came to know of as Adeline, also a guildswoman. However, despite Adeline's mutual interest in "Adam", Sisa was afraid to get too close to her, out of belief that if she knew her secrets, Adeline would want nothing to do with her. However, every man (and woman) had a right to choose their own destiny, and from the woods, the Mother of Wolves watched closely…

(Tell me if I took a little too much liberty with my character. I also didn't really know how to tie in the android thing to the whole medieval storyline, so I left it intentionally vague.)
« Last Edit: January 05, 2018, 12:12:38 pm by Coolrune206 »
"You are a shameful gaggle of cowards who has made a mockery of the challenge, but you have avoided death. Sit and eat."


  • Bay Watcher
  • if you must die, die spectacularly
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« Reply #10 on: January 05, 2018, 03:05:25 pm »

So, not everyone's submitted their character sheets so I won't make judgements on what's going in. However, I'll comment on them and roll for folks.
(Tell me if I took a little too much liberty with my character. I also didn't really know how to tie in the android thing to the whole medieval storyline, so I left it intentionally vague.)
Don't worry, they suit just fine. Crossdressing is a common fairy tale motif, and I like what you did with it. As for the android thing, we can explore it in play.
As a note, this isn't explicitly medieval. I'm basing this off works like City of Lost Children, Brazil, or A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night, where you can't quite tell when or where this is set. The village is medieval but you don't have to be. All it has to do is match the weird fairy tale aesthetic and have it be a good character, and I'm open for it. If you're stuck, check out the inspiration fuel spoiler in the first post.
Once upon a time, Boruta had a problem. He was a Monster Forest Folk. At birth he was... different from other children and that didn't escape the attention of village gossips. Conversations that went quiet when he or his mother passed, the hostile stare from the other end of the field, the stone thrown from behind a shack in the night had driven him and his mother into the forest. She had passed away recently, unable to survive in the harsh wilderness in her advanced age. Boruta desired revenge for his deceased mother, and he decided to strike at those who had exiled him from his home. He believed that exacting his vengeance would bring calm to his mother's soul. Little did he know, that death is not the end for her and her suffering... And from the woods, the Mother of Wolves watched closely…

1,2 - Forest Folk/Blow-In

64 - Monster

31 - Get respect by destroying the Sewing Circle

6b - Death is not the end
Aha, interesting twist! Also, nice job catching the reference. This'll work just fine. Do remember to pick between either Forest Folk or Blow-In (not that you can't be both, it's just how the society views you). Also, I rolled for what monster you are. Would you rather be a shinigami (psychopomp or representative of death, ala the grim reaper) or a merperson (mermaid, merman, etc).

I would like to try.
Then let's give it a try. If you don't like this character, feel free to roll your own.
Class: (6-5) Virgater OR City Slicker.
Qualities: (4-3, 1,3) Pick two of the following: Vampire, Delinquent (You're always smoking a cigarette/cigar OR you're always wearing sunglasses, even at night), Sickly, Elf ears
Desire: To kiss an old lover to see if sparks fly OR to get even with a sextant
Lesson: Fear is the root of all evil OR it's better to be kind than to be correct.

Class: (heh) 4-1. Guildsman or Forest Folk. Pick one.
Qualities: 3-4, 1-5. Easygoing, Relationship with other player (Sibling), Vampire, Delinquent (Permanently Bad Expression).
Desire: To Get Respect From The Vicar, by turning in your own kin or To Get Even With this village and all the most people in it
Lesson: Follow your instincts or love can trap you. Pick one.
Can I take easygoing and vampire? Please?
Sure thing! Remember, you pick two qualities unlike the others, and they can be any combination.

I'm also interested.  Reserved for future sheet.
 Scratch that, I'm having a bit of trouble coming up with a good character that I want to play with. If inspiration strikes me in the future, I might try again but for now, I'm giving up my spot.
That sure is an eclectic set of random tables. Sign me up and gimme them rolls. oh wait we roll for ourselves. Lemme do this on my own then:

actually nah, not really feeling it on second thought. Grab the next person instead.
Fair enough, dudes. Let me know if you change your minds!


  • Bay Watcher
  • Also known as the Chroniqler
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« Reply #11 on: January 05, 2018, 03:16:35 pm »

Class: (heh) 4-1. Guildsman or Forest Folk. Pick one.
Qualities: 3-4, 1-5. Easygoing, Relationship with other player (Sibling), Vampire, Delinquent (Permanently Bad Expression).
Desire: To Get Respect From The Vicar, by turning in your own kin or To Get Even With this village and all the most people in it
Lesson: Follow your instincts or love can trap you. Pick one.
Can I take easygoing and vampire? Please?
Sure thing! Remember, you pick two qualities unlike the others, and they can be any combination.
Alright, grand. Gimme a moment to do a thing.

Blood prey eat where run
Times of change were coming.
There it is there it is prey
You could hear it in the rustling leaves...
Its head jerked up and fell slack
...and the howl of the wolves.
Deer blood filled his fangs...
The church held too much power...
Tarsin calmed down.
...enough to kill anyone "different".
He drained the rest of the deer's blood.
Or rather, the church itself didn't.
It was empty now. He took out his knife.
The Vicar did.
Off came the two hind legs. They would be enough.
Ah, yes, that faithless, all-powerful bastard.
The rest was going to the village food stocks.
Tarsin hated him, of course.
Anonymously, mind you. It's good to be careful.
He also knew that if anyone saw him, there'd be an Inquisition.
Few people had seen him; fewer knew him...
At least marginally justified.
Fewer still knew what he was.
He drank blood, after all. Just not humans'.
It was best to keep it that way.
But it didn't matter. He'd make his change soon enough.
Best to stay in the forest with the wolves.
He'd drag this village into a newer, better life.
Their Mother was coming, they said.
Even if he had to drag it by the throat...
A new era would dawn with moonrise.
...kicking and screaming the whole way there.

Class:Forest Folk
Qualities: Easygoing, Vampire
Desire: To Get Even With this village and all the most people in it fucking vicar.
Lesson: Follow your instincts
Name: Tarsin
« Last Edit: January 05, 2018, 05:38:40 pm by Glass »
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Tired and Lazy
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« Reply #12 on: January 05, 2018, 03:48:09 pm »

City slicker.
Sickly and elf ears.
I have no idea how I would get even with a navigation instrument so I choose Kiss the past lover to see if sparks fly.
And fear is the root of all evil as lesson.

So I am a city elf dying of a sickness. Life in the city wasn't good and left me as someone that doesn't trust easily (fears what people would do if he trusts them) and tends to follow the crowd (fear of what would happen if he was too different)
I am coming to Virgater to find an old lover because now that I am dying of I realized that leaving her was a mistake but at the same I am scared of what her reaction would be  so I procrastinate in meeting her . And have to learn that sometimes you have to not let fear guide your choices and either be brave or to trust in other people without wondering how they will hurt him.

So does this works?

Edit: as name dunno does Arthur works I always was bad choosing names.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2018, 04:18:26 pm by ziizo »
GG, Ziizo. May my spirit live on in your boobs.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Also known as the Chroniqler
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« Reply #13 on: January 05, 2018, 03:57:03 pm »

I did the thing.
Quote from: FallacyOfUrist (on Discord, 11/15/21)
Glass is, as usual, correct.
Yep, as ever, I bestow upon Glass the expected +1
I'm gonna say we go with whatever Glass's idea is.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Wannabe Shitposter
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« Reply #14 on: January 05, 2018, 04:54:19 pm »

Yeah, shinigami sounds fitting. Just to clarify, I chose Forest Folk, I just left the blow-in part in there. Editing now.
I gaze into its milky depths, searching the wheat and sugar for the meanings I can never find.
It's like tea leaf divination, but with cartoon leprechauns.
There are only two sure things in life: death and taxes and lists and poor arithmetic and overlong jokes and poor memory and probably a few more things.
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