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Author Topic: Arms Race: Iron Behemoths - Nogrania - GAME OVER  (Read 52942 times)


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Re: Arms Race: Iron Behemoths - Nogrania - Turn 9, Spring 1953
« Reply #405 on: March 11, 2018, 02:24:57 am »

Combat Phase
Spring 1953
Turn 9

Economical Developments:
As the war grows more heated, foreign powers begin to grow more and more invested in our little patch of nowhere.  This, in turn, has sparked some economic investors to consider our fledgling nations for exploitation investment.  Both Nogrania and Toskesh have the opportunity to attract a foreign investor to open a new Oil production facility.  These investors, despite being remarkably shady corporations, are interested in acquiring patents to cutting-edge weaponry.  You will need to choose which piece of technology to woo them with: you must pick one piece of weaponry you've developed to present to them.  Assuming the investors are adequately impressed with the technological capabilities of your nation, they may open a new Oil refinement facility in your capitol.  This extra resource will require TC to be utilized, but could be a much-needed boost for your economy.

The United Nations War Crimes Council
Nogrania has brought the UNWCC's attention to two of Toskesh's inventions: the Xi-52 Yīfānfēngshùn Artillery Rocket and the "Jin Na" SMRL X-52b.  They claim they are both a violation of Protocol V on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Fixed-Wing Aircraft, of the Geneva Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May Be Deemed to Be Excessively Injurious, Have Indiscriminate Effects, or Greatly Enable and Encourage the Pursuant of Armed Conflicts Between Nations.  The UNWCC has taken this claim very seriously and called both Nogranian and Toskesh officials to the War Crimes Tribunal to determine whether or not a violation has occurred.

Both sides have until the Strategy Phase of next turn to submit a 500 word argument explaining why the Xi-52 Yīfānfēngshùn Artillery Rocket and the "Jin Na" SMRL X-52b do or do not violate Protocol V of the Geneva Conventions.  The UNWCC will listen to both sides, examine the accused instruments, and come to a just ruling.  Should the ruling be to find the instrument in violation, the offending side will receive a fair sentence proportional to their violation.  Should the ruling be to find the instrument not a violation, then the case will be dismissed; depending on how frivolous the accusation was, this may hurt future cases!  Limit of 1 submission per player.  Best submissions from each side will be used.

Technological Developments

This turn Nogrania has built the NAF-AFW-52 "Rhino" Hexapod.  It is virtually identical to their Hippo Hexapod Tank-Walker, but features an increase in armor and cannon size for a correspondingly slower top speed and reload rate. 

For their revision they have developed the NAF-UH-51-A "Draught", a combat variant of their existing Draft helicopter.  Notable changes include forward-facing Emu's, detachable floats, and mountings for a pair of 110-pound bombs.  It also comes with a snazy black paint job.

Nogrania Military
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After several turns of dedicated work, disastrous testing accidents, and tedious rework, Toskesh unveils their Project Suànpán to be the Xi-52-02 Xīwàng Kèzhì Xuá-Zhí - literally the most advanced dedicated attack helicopter in the world.  It features two in-line cockpits; one for the pilot, and the other for the gunner/radio operator.  The engine is their new Xi-53 Xìnlài de-series Turbine Engine, which was developed during their revision this turn and features a new innovative heat exchanger and intercooler system to produce a staggering amount of horsepower.  The exhaust is directed out the rear of the helicopter to bolster speed and the twin intakes are located above the cockpit to avoid taking in the exhaust from the Jin Na rockets mounted on either side beneath a pair of stubby wings.  It is a remarkably nimble helicopter despite being fully clad in Thin armor, though it does require a very skilled pilot and has a rather limited ammo supply.  Armament can vary from eight Jin Na rockets to a pair of 45 mm Repeating Grenade Launchers. 

Toskesh Military
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« Last Edit: March 11, 2018, 02:43:23 am by evictedSaint »


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Re: Arms Race: Iron Behemoths - Nogrania - Turn 9, Spring 1953
« Reply #406 on: March 11, 2018, 02:31:00 am »

Combat Report

Nogrania has elected to push the Fjords and Eastern Seas.
Toskesh has elected to push the Badlands and Eastern Seas.

Combat in the Mountains

The weather in the mountains is quite lovely in the spring, if you don't mind the light showers.  Nogrania takes advantage of the pleasant weather to re-establish artillery positions in otherwise inaccessible locations using their Draft helicopters.  Despite the preparation, there is no conflict here this turn and the soldiers are left to sip tea and shoot at tin cans.

Nogrania maintains their hold on the Mountains and generates +1 to their Economic Development Track.

Combat in the Badlands

The Xi-52-02 Xīwàng Kèzhì Xuá-Zhí Attack Helicopter is a terror in the wide-open badlands.

The strafing runs are brief, brutal, and devastating. Any Nogranian without an Emu in his hands learns quick that once the distinctive staccato of helicopter blades can be heard, the best thing they can do is scatter.  Toskesh attack helicopters fly in quick, empty their rocket racks and RGL's, then turn around and fly home to rearm.  They're difficult to hit due to their high speed and small size, but Nogrania's .50 caliber Emu's can be quite damaging when they do hit.  Nogrania manages to score a few kills, and the fact that the Xīwàng Kèzhì Xuá-Zhí is Very Expensive means each loss is painful - especially considering how effective the attack helicopters are.  Nogrania's Draught is a poor comparison, with lower speed and nonexistant armor, but it does have a few small advantages over the Xīwàng Kèzhì Xuá-Zhí - loitering ability and an Expensive cost level.  Toskesh still relies on rifles for anti-air capabilities, but during Nogrania's raids they can hover outside of their effective range before dropping their bomb load.  Even in closer range engagements the small-caliber guns struggle to land lethal shots, and infantry tend to rely the Jin Na SMRL as it is by far a more powerful anti-air weapon - if they can land a hit.  Lining up the fast-moving helicopter with the slow-moving rocket can be tricky though, and unlike Toskesh's attack helicopter the Draught's mounted Emu's don't run out of ammo in a single pass.  Despite this small advantage, Toskesh still barely hangs on to their air advantage - even managing to score the worlds first helicopter-to-helicopter unguided rocket kill.  Air-to-air combat rarely happens, since Nogrania's helicopters are more plentiful and have the more versatile Emu NMG's and Toskesh's helicopters are fast enough to pick-and-choose their battles.

Both side's Hexapods are Very Expensive this turn, including Nogrania's new up-armed and up-armored Rhino.  The Medium armor on the Rhino can turn most HE rounds that Toskesh can field, and even deflecting solid shot when properly angled.  The Light armor on the legs is still a problem, and they can be knocked out of commission with Toskesh's anti-armor weapons.  On the bright side, the 4" Duke mounted in the turret has a much higher velocity and range than Toskesh's knock-off Piāoqiè guānsī Hexapod.  The four-inch round is certainly overkill for the Lightly Armored Hippo-clone, but Nogranian tank crews feel a certain sense of justice each time they scratch another skull into the paint on their turret.  Most Rhinos are knocked out by rocket barrage or air assault rather than armor-to-armor action, and at Very Expensive costs they certainly hurt to lose.  The Paradigm performs its role as mobile artillery admirably, though the machine is certainly starting to show its age with its slow speed.  Sadly, its duties this turn generally involve covering retreats.

Toskesh still suffers from not having any sort of NMG (or corresponding knock-off) of their own, or any artillery larger than a light field gun.  Their rocket artillery, SMRL's, and RGL's help make up the gap, though, and their Qi-Chu's are still the fastest thing on the ground.  Qi-Chu barrages have become rarer now that Nogrania's Draft and Draught are able to chase them down, but the harassment role has been handed off to the Xīwàng Kèzhì Xuá-Zhí Attack Helicopter.

By the end of the season, the two sides are fairly matched.  Toskesh's helicopter is more expensive than Nogrania's, but much more adept at its role.  Nogrania's mobile armor is better than Toskesh's, but they have better infantry support.  The combat seems doomed to be stalemated, but…

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Due to the actions of one pilot, the scales have tipped in Toskesh's favor and allowed them to make progress in the Badlands.

Toskesh has pushed south and gained a section of the Badlands!  Nogrania has failed to hold the Badlands and will not generate +1 on their EDT this turn.

Combat in the Fjords

Nogrania pushes the Fjords this turn to break Toskesh's EDT development.  It's spring, so the fertile landscape has sprouted into dense foliage with the rains.  This is bad for the Paradigm and even worse for the Qi-Chu, so the turning points in this theatre generally revolve around armor-to-armor games of cat-and-mouse, interspersed with air assaults and artillery barrages.  As with the Badlands, Nogrania's heavier armor means they can usually survive the Piāoqiè guānsī Hexapod's attacks.  The slower-loading cannon is an unfortunate side effect to the increased round size, but Toskesh Hexapods make lovely fireworks when the four-inch HE shell blasts through to the ammo supply.  That being said, even the two-inch shells in the Hippo are a bit overkill; the Emu can knock out Thinly armored legs and crack Lightly armored hulls at close range, and this advantage is critical when playing peek-a-boo around hills and through bushes.  The coaxial mount means the commanders don't have to expose themselves through the cupola, and the higher rate of fire on the Emu over Toskesh's RGL's can be a deciding factor in many battles.

Toskesh supplements their stolen Hexapod designs with copious amounts of air, artillery, and infantry support.  Nogrania still doesn't have anti-tank equipment for their infantry, and though their artillery is still the furthest-reaching thing on the island their air support isn't as well-developed as Toskesh's.  In a straight fight a Nogranian Hexapod can win four times out of five, but with support involved it becomes a much more even fight.  Even worse for Nogrania, Toskesh has naval support in this section of the Fjords.  Their MRRL's dominate shorelines and limit Nogranian movements.  With their control of the coastline they can send Qi-Chu's loaded with soldiers behind Nogranian lines uncontested, often to devastating effect.

By the time summer rolls around, the Nogranian offensive has been repelled.

Toskesh maintains their hold on the Fjords and generates +1 to their Economic Development Track.

Combat in the Eastern Seas

Following up on their push out of the harbor, Nogrania makes strikes as they take back the ocean.

The Red Herring is Cheap with the addition of Nogrania's latest EDT advancement, and with the optional floats for the Draught they can now bring air support out over the water.  The waters are fairly calm in spring, meaning the Draught can land without fear of capsizing.  Supply and rearmament is a difficult task for the helicopter and generally involves setting down near a Whale tender, who then supplies the craft with fuel and belts of .50 ammo.  Resupplying the 110 lb bombs, however, is not a task that can be performed on open water and would require an actual landing pad. 

Toskesh's Yāngē-class Citadel Destroyer is down to Very Expensive this turn, and with the MRRL's now in larger bracket size and greater accuracy they are in better shape than they were a few turns ago.  Despite this, there is little they can do against 110 lb bombs being dropped down from beyond rifle range and 4" guns that out-range anything they can bring to the fight.

Nogrania easily pushes up another section of coastline this turn and is now in position to provide off-shore bombardment in the Fjords next turn.

Nogrania has regained a section of the Eastern Seas!

Russian Espionage:
We have been approached by an American contact from the West with some disturbing news.  They've recently intercepted USSR communications that seem to imply Russian operatives have in infiltrated our nation to enact some manner of espionage on Toskesh's behalf.  While they sadly did not have any specifics, this forewarning is at least better than nothing.  After a rather clandestine conversation about our espionage capabilities, the American contact was quite shocked to find that we had none.  He mentions something about possibly helping us set up a spy network, but he was unable to elaborate at this time.  In the mean time, security has been tightened and all individuals with Russian accents have been put under an increased amount of scrutiny.

Other News:
The U.N. discusses whether or not Hydrogen Bombs violate protocol IX of the Geneva Conventions.  They conclude that yes, it most definitely does, and the U.S. states for the record that they are certainly not building one, at all.  Reports of Stalin's failing health continue to grow, and a number of doctors are arrested in what would be called the Doctor's Plot.  Under torture those arrested confess to the plot, affirming the allegations.  Those arrested were allegedly plotting to assassinate top Russian officials, and by coincidence the majority of those arrested happened to be Jewish.  It is around this time the USSR severs relations with Israel.  Stalin dies soon after on March 1st, 1952.  Albert Einstein announces his revised Unified Field theory.

Theatre Progress:
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EDT Progress:
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« Last Edit: March 11, 2018, 03:15:04 am by evictedSaint »


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Re: Arms Race: Iron Behemoths - Nogrania - Turn 5, Spring 1952
« Reply #407 on: March 11, 2018, 05:19:25 am »

Spoiler: Spring (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Summer (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Fall (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Winter (click to show/hide)


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Re: Arms Race: Iron Behemoths - Nogrania - Turn 9, Spring 1953
« Reply #408 on: March 11, 2018, 06:24:19 am »

NAF-RR-52 "Coppercaster"

The Coppercaster is a 2” Recoilless Rifle, the same caliber as the Ironcaster from which it was derived. It's principle of operation is very simple, when the weapon is fired, a small bag of sand (equivalent in mass to the shell) is launched out of the back negating the recoil. Air friction quickly stops the sand, preventing undue harm.

Most of the innovation of this design is not focused on that however, but on the shells it fires. The Coppercaster launches a HEAT shell, which uses high explosives to create armor piercing jet that can penetrate armor much stronger than currently in operation. Because the Coppercaster is derived from the Ironcaster, it can also fire the Ironcasters HE shell (with reduced range because of lower muzzle velocity), and the Ironcaster can fire the HEAT shell(with additional range).

Fixed-Wing Aircraft:
Protocol V on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Fixed-Wing Aircraft prohibits the use of air-borne vehicles which use stationary wing planes as their primary method of generating lift for offensive military purposes.  Such vehicles may not be fitted with offensive or defensive armaments, including but not limited to: bombs, guns, rockets, or flechettes.  Additionally, the use of fixed-wing aircraft itself as a weapon against enemy targets is prohibited.  The reason is that the imprecise nature of bombing results in unacceptable amounts of collateral damage against civilian objects, and such vehicles do not permit chance for military personnel to surrender during combat. This protocol does not recognize the pilots signal flare as an armament, nor does it prohibit the use of unarmed fixed-wing aircraft for observational purposes.

It is our contention that the weapons mentioned above are in violation of Protocol 5. The rockets in question are machines capable of flight, and therefore fall under the rules of the Protocol.  Perhaps our opposition may try to argue that their devices do not posses a pilot, or are too small to be aircraft, or are powered in a different way and therefore not vehicles, but the protocol does not require aircraft to be manned, large or powered by conventional engines.

Protocol V was written "because the imprecise nature of bombing results in unacceptable amounts of collateral damage against civilian objects, and because such vehicles do not permit chance for military personnel to surrender during combat". We have photographic evidence of the widespread and random destruction caused by the enemy artillery rockets, including the complete destruction of a former fishing dock in Autumn 1951. Given that information, it is clear these weapons were always intended to fall under the rules.

The last question is whether or not these rockets utilize stationary wing surfaces to provide the majority of their lift. Both weapons are equipped with fins, which can fold to be stored. Once unfolded, these fins are static and locked in place. In that configuration, these wing planes provide aerodynamic lift, which is essential to the functioning of the rocket. No other source of lift is present.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2018, 10:46:19 am by 10ebbor10 »


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Re: Arms Race: Iron Behemoths - Nogrania - Turn 9, Spring 1953
« Reply #409 on: March 12, 2018, 12:22:41 am »

Here's my UN argument. I'll probably do designs and whatnot at a later point.
Ladies and Gentleman of the Council, we regret to bring you the proof of Toskesh's war crimes; for they have created a terrible, terrible weapon.

Here, is Toskesh’s rocket. It has found itself a mainstay in Toskesh’s arsenal. It may seem ordinary, but we can assure you that Toskesh’s engineers knew full well of the laws they were breaking as they designed this, hoping that no one would notice; or even hoping that the nations of the world would be afraid to ban such a flagrant violation against our established conventions for the humanity of war.

In particular, I would like to call the council’s attention to the fins. The source of this weapon's illegality.
Article V of the conventions “prohibits the use of air-borne vehicles which use stationary wing planes as their primary method of generating lift for offensive military purposes.” And before I continue, I’d like to state my assumption that the council is aware of the definition of a wing – a type of fin that produces aerodynamic lift.

Toskesh’s rocket matches this definition perfectly. It is, of course, an air-borne vehicle; it flies through the air delivering its lethal and hazardous explosive cargo. Its fins produce aerodynamic lift (fitting the definition of wings), in order to stabilize, guide, and extend the range of the rocket.
The fins are clearly the primary generator of lift. The rocket body itself serves as a primitive lifting body but, unlike the fins, isn’t intentionally designed to generate lift; its provided aerodynamic lift pales in comparison to that produced by the fins.

I hope that my attempt to summarize our argument has been effective, but I believe this requires a finer understanding of what exactly lift is, and how finned rockets use it to stabilize themselves.
Thus, I direct you to this short explanatory article on the matter from the Nogranian Aeronautical-Space Agency, going into further detail about the matters.

Toskesh may attempt to argue semantics. Their engineers may attempt to claim that their rocket isn’t technically a vehicle. That their fins aren’t technically a wing. That their rocket isn’t technically air-borne; that it isn’t technically military purposes. They could even ignore conventional definitions and attempt to claim that the rocket's thrust somehow counts as aerodynamic lift. But the people of the council can surely see past their deflections and look at the facts.
Toskesh has created an airborne weaponized vehicle, using fixed-wings as a primary generator of lift, to increase their capacity to indiscriminately bomb civilians and soldiers alike, without the opportunity for surrender, with immense collateral damage, at such a range that their soldiers won’t even feel a thing other than the pressing of a button.
Quote from: RAM
You should really look to the wilderness for your stealth ideas, it has been doing it much longer than you have after all. Take squids for example, that ink trick works pretty well, and in water too! So you just sneak into the dam upsteam, dump several megatons of distressed squid into it, then break the dam. Boom, you suddenly have enough water-proof stealth for a whole city!


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Re: Arms Race: Iron Behemoths - Nogrania - Turn 9, Spring 1953
« Reply #410 on: March 13, 2018, 04:34:09 am »

Okay, designs.

NAF-BFG-52 "Vicious"  Equipped with a powerfull scope, the Vicious is a high velocity, long range anti-material sniper rifle. It fires a powerfull 20 mm round, wit a recoiling barrel and other tricks to allow it to be easily handled by soldiers.

NAF-NG-52 "Steelcaster" The steelcaster is an extensive re-engineering effort of the original Ironcaster. The new gun features a longer barrel and higher muzzle velocities, in addition to a semi-automatic loading system. This allows for a far greater firing rate. The Gun is intended to fit in Red Herring's, Hippo's and Rhino's as well as an elevated mount on Paradigm for anti-air use.

NAF-IFV-52 "Toad" An infantry fighting vehicle, the Toad is suspiciously also the most armored vehicle in the Nogranian arsenal. It's equiped with Medium armor on it's legs and hull, with Frontal Heavy armor protecting the driver and engine. Additional slat armor and an internal anti-spalling layer provide defenses against all Tokeshian armaments. The Toad is lightly armed, with 2 turreted EMU's instead of a main tank cannon.  Thanks to this light armament, it's reinforced propulsion system is capable of propelling it at higher speeds.

NAF-UH-52 "Brabancon" – A heavy transport helicopter, the Brabancon utilizes a twin rotor setup to greatly increase it's carrying capacity and stability. It's equiped with a forward facing EMU gun controlled by a gunner (who in this case can se where he's shooting) and has wide sideloading doors from which 2 EMU's can be mounted on either side. By default, it has thin armor only on cockpit and engines, but it also includes slots where additional armor can be fitted for combat applications. When used to transport troops or goods, this armor can be left out to increase range and payload.


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Re: Arms Race: Iron Behemoths - Nogrania - Turn 9, Spring 1953
« Reply #411 on: March 14, 2018, 11:43:24 am »

Quote from: Design Vote Box
NAF-IFV-52 "Toad" (1): Stabby
This seems like it'll be the most useful since we can revise it to further roles decently easily such as if we get a Crank-cannon.
Long Live Arst- United Forenia!
"Wanna be a better liberal? Go get shot in the fuckin' face."
Contemplate why we have a sociopathic necrophiliac RAPIST sadomasochist bipolar monster in our ranks, also find some cheese.


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Re: Arms Race: Iron Behemoths - Nogrania - Turn 9, Spring 1953
« Reply #412 on: March 14, 2018, 12:36:46 pm »

Quote from: Design Vote Box
NAF-IFV-52 "Toad" (2): Stabby,Frostgiant


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Re: Arms Race: Iron Behemoths - Nogrania - Turn 9, Spring 1953
« Reply #413 on: March 17, 2018, 04:05:59 am »

NAF-TS-53 "Percheron"

A highly advanced derivative of the original Shire, the Percheron is a very powerful yet efficient turboshaft engine. The utilization of a multi-stage compressor, combined with intercooling of the air between stages,  allows the engine to reach an unparalleled pressure ratio without overheating the engine. This results in a vastly lower specific fuel consumption, but a significantly higher mass throughput, which translates into a higher total power output. We've also redesigned the core gas generator, which now uses a more efficient and reliable reverse flow combustion system. The last changes can be found into the turbine generator. Here we have mechanically seperated the power turbine from the rest of the engine. This allows us to remove a large amount of heavy gearing systems. In addition, we replaced the simple turbine with a 2 stage design allowing for vastly more efficient energy recovery.

As should be obvious, the Percheron is designed to replace early engines in Draft and Draught, as well as being used as 1:1 replacement on Condor to increase it's speed and ability handle high winds. Use in ground vehicles (Rhino,Hippo,Paradigm) is also considered.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2018, 05:03:27 am by 10ebbor10 »


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Re: Arms Race: Iron Behemoths - Nogrania - Turn 9, Spring 1953
« Reply #414 on: March 17, 2018, 04:36:00 am »

Would do us a lot of good in a lot of areas. We should also just use our research credit that's been lying around.

Quote from: Design Vote Box
NAF-IFV-52 "Toad" (2): Stabby,Frostgiant
NAF-TS-53 "Percheron" (1): Chiefwaffles
 -  Use Research Credit (1): Chiefwaffles
Quote from: RAM
You should really look to the wilderness for your stealth ideas, it has been doing it much longer than you have after all. Take squids for example, that ink trick works pretty well, and in water too! So you just sneak into the dam upsteam, dump several megatons of distressed squid into it, then break the dam. Boom, you suddenly have enough water-proof stealth for a whole city!


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Re: Arms Race: Iron Behemoths - Nogrania - Turn 9, Spring 1953
« Reply #415 on: March 17, 2018, 05:15:45 pm »

Quote from: Design Vote Box
NAF-IFV-52 "Toad" (2): Stabby,Frostgiant
NAF-TS-53 "Percheron" (2): Chiefwaffles, 10e
 -  Use Research Credit (2): Chiefwaffles, 10e


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Re: Arms Race: Iron Behemoths - Nogrania - Turn 9, Spring 1953
« Reply #416 on: March 17, 2018, 10:47:50 pm »

Quote from: Design Vote Box
NAF-IFV-52 "Toad" (2): Stabby,Frostgiant
NAF-TS-53 "Percheron" (3): Chiefwaffles, 10e, Happerry
 -  Use Research Credit (3): Chiefwaffles, 10e, Happerry
Forenia Forever!
GENERATION 11: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


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Re: Arms Race: Iron Behemoths - Nogrania - Turn 9, Spring 1953
« Reply #417 on: March 18, 2018, 04:23:41 am »

Quote from: Design Vote Box
NAF-IFV-52 "Toad" (2): Stabby,Frostgiant
NAF-TS-53 "Percheron" (4): Chiefwaffles, 10e, Happerry, BBB
 -  Use Research Credit (4): Chiefwaffles, 10e, Happerry, BBB
Proud Juraki/Cannalan/Kasgyr/Ertexite/Karikhitan/Nogranian/Aratam Engineer.


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Re: Arms Race: Iron Behemoths - Nogrania - Turn 9, Spring 1953
« Reply #418 on: March 18, 2018, 08:23:01 am »

Quote from: Design Vote Box
NAF-IFV-52 "Toad" (3): Stabby,Frostgiant, Kot
NAF-TS-53 "Percheron" (4): Chiefwaffles, 10e, Happerry, BBB
 -  Use Research Credit (4): Chiefwaffles, 10e, Happerry, BBB
Stop votiiiiiiiiiiing
Kot finishes his morning routine in the same way he always does, by burning a scale replica of Saint Basil's Cathedral on the windowsill.


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Re: Arms Race: Iron Behemoths - Nogrania - Turn 9, Spring 1953
« Reply #419 on: March 18, 2018, 02:49:53 pm »

Quote from: Design Vote Box
NAF-IFV-52 "Toad" (3): Stabby,Frostgiant, Kot
NAF-TS-53 "Percheron" (5): Chiefwaffles, 10e, Happerry, BBB, 3_14159
 -  Use Research Credit (5): Chiefwaffles, 10e, Happerry, BBB, 3_14159
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