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Author Topic: Arms Race: Iron Behemoths - Nogrania - GAME OVER  (Read 52966 times)


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Re: Arms Race: Iron Behemoths - Nogrania - Turn 5, Spring 1952
« Reply #285 on: January 25, 2018, 08:56:05 pm »

Combat Phase
Spring 1952
Turn 5

The United Nations War Crimes Council

The UNWCC holds its first major trial since the end of WW2.

The trial concerns whether Nogrania’s NAF-NMG-51 "Wictor" is a violation of Protocol VI on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Automatic Weaponry, of the Geneva Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May Be Deemed to Be Excessively Injurious, Have Indiscriminate Effects, or Greatly Enable and Encourage the Pursuant of Armed Conflicts Between NationsToskesh is prosecuting, claiming that the use of the NAF-NMG-51 "Wictor"  is a War Crime and that the offending nation should bear the appropriate repercussions for their development and continued use of said weapon.

 The article in question:
Spoiler: Protocol VI (click to show/hide)

The weapon in question:
Spoiler:  NAF-NMG-51 "Wictor" (click to show/hide)

The trial begins with opening arguments from both sides.
Spoiler: Toskesh (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Nogrania (click to show/hide)

Judicating the trials are representatives from the Soviet Union, the United States, China, France, and Britain.

A large portion of the trial consists of debating the finer points of what counts as an “activation” and where the line between semi-auto and full-auto lies.  Centermost is the Wictor itself, an un-tampered copy of the weapon brought in (unloaded) for examination by all in attendance.  The trials temporarily visit a shooting range for a practical demonstration during which the judging body could personally examine the weapon in action.  Despite being a NATO country, France surprises everyone by shifting their stance against Nogrania at this point, with the French representative even going as far as to issue the statement, “The recoil bruised my shoulder, which can happen if you don't know what you're doing. The brass shell casings disoriented me as they flew past my face. The smell of sulfur and destruction made me sick. The explosions — loud like a bomb — gave me a temporary form of PTSD. For at least an hour after firing the gun just a few times, I was anxious and irritable.”  It is around this point a fist-fight breaks out between the prosecution and defense, but the scuffle is quickly broken up by the U.N. security in attendance.

The crux of the argument comes down, ultimately, to whether the crank constitutes a single activation from the time it starts spinning to the time it finishes spinning, or whether parts of the rotation by themselves count as individual activations.  Toskesh argues fervently that the delineation between fractions of the cranks rotation is arbitrary, and then go on to insist that a trigger must stop between each round in order to provide a discrete method of activation.  “The correlation between activating the thing and firing it,” argues Chief Prosecutor RAM, “is completely incoherent.”

Nogrania’s defense is remarkably concise in comparison.  “The Wictor fires one bullet per quarter rotation of the firing crank. Each quarter turn is a distinct activation of the device,” Chief Defendant Nuke states.  “The Wictor requires constant input (turning of the crank) in order to fire.”

After several weeks of debate and careful deliberation, the trials come to a close.  China and Russia, predictably, openly side with the prosecution.  The United States and Britain side with the defense with likewise predictability.  France, who was one of the strongest advocates for the Geneva Conventions on Conventional Weaponry following WW2, is the deciding vote.

“After much deliberation,” the French representative says from his podium, “it has come down to this.  If we are to be a fair and balanced council, we must judge each infraction by the letter of the law.  In an ideal world we would go by the spirit, but when men are swayed by their own agendas and short-sighted desires the only security we have is that in the impartial judgement we make when the Articles are considered.

“With this in mind, France votes Nay – the Wictor is not in violation of Protocol VI.  The nature of the crank is such that the user must apply force in four discrete, alternating directions in a conscious, continuous motion in order to operate the weapon.”

The crowd murmurs among itself as the French representative goes on to point out that despite the ruling, the Wictor is clearly a vile, evil weapon designed to replicate the mass-murder capabilities of World War II machineguns.  He condemns Nogrania for using it, and despite admitting that Protocol VI has no limit on rate of fire he asks that the Geneva Conventions be amended to blanket this loophole.  While the other state representatives nod along with his request, legal analysts later admit they are pessimistic about the possibility of such an amendment occurring any time soon - if at all.

It was a close case, but ultimately the Wictor is found to not be in violation of the Geneva Conventions.  Due to the validity of their case, Toskesh is not guilty of filing a frivolous suit and has not hurt their standing with the UNWCC.

The United Nations War Crimes Council
Toskesh, not easily deterred, has brought the UNWCC's attention to another one of Nogrania's latest inventions: the NAF-BC-51 "Rabid".  They claim it is a violation of Protocol VI on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Automatic Weaponry, of the Geneva Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May Be Deemed to Be Excessively Injurious, Have Indiscriminate Effects, or Greatly Enable and Encourage the Pursuant of Armed Conflicts Between Nations.  The UNWCC has taken this claim very seriously and called both Nogranian and Toskesh officials to the War Crimes Tribunal to determine whether or not a violation has occurred.

Both sides have until the Strategy Phase of next turn to submit a 500 word argument explaining why the NAF-BC-51 "Rabid" does or does not violate Protocol VI of the Geneva Conventions.  The UNWCC will listen to both sides, examine the accused instrument, and come to a just ruling.  Should the ruling be to find the instrument in violation, the offending side will receive a fair sentence proportional to their violation.  Should the ruling be to find the instrument not a violation, then the case will be dismissed; depending on how frivolous the accusation was, this may hurt future cases!  Limit of 1 submission per player.  Best submissions from each side will be used.
« Last Edit: January 25, 2018, 09:28:03 pm by evictedSaint »


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Re: Arms Race: Iron Behemoths - Nogrania - Turn 3, Autumn 1951
« Reply #286 on: January 25, 2018, 08:56:31 pm »

Technological Developments

Nogrania has produced the NAF-NG-52 "Duke" this turn.  It’s a 4" (or 101.6 mm's for imperial users) "Pack Howitzer", meaning it can be disassembled into smaller parts to ease transport and reassembled into an entire piece once in place. It is twice the size of Nogrania’s previous Ironcaster artillery piece and outranges it considerably at around 5.3 miles (or 8.5 kilometers).  Depending on how skilled the crew is, firing rates range between 6-8 rpm.  The gun works fine, but Nogrania fails to produced re-sized mountings on their Paradigm mobile artillery walkers and Herald-class destroyers, meaning both vehicles will still use the 2” Ironcaster for their main armaments.

For their revision they have produced the NAF-TS-52 "Shire", a more modern version of their turboshaft engine.  Key improvements such as smarter compressors and fuel nozzles, internal flow streamlining, and more efficient exhaust disposal means their new turboshaft is not only makes greater use of the fuel it consumes, but can consume pretty much any available fuel they have on-hand.  Petrol, diesel, aviation fuel, and kerosene can be run through the engine without damaging it (though with differing levels of horsepower).  This reliability also means that small amounts of moisture can be sucked into the air intakes without completely shutting down the engine, although operations in heavy rain is not advised.  Most notably, their Draft now costs 1 less Oil; however, attempts to convert the Draft into a TC vehicle are met with failure as the helicopter does not have the lift, speed, efficiency, or cargo capacity to be an effective resource transporter.

Nogrania Military
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Toskesh has spent their design this year producing a much-needed TC vehicle, the Zìyóu-52 Merchant Vessel.  A truly massive ship at a displacement of 20,000 long tons, it is quite literally the biggest thing ever produced on Serouda.  It features three massively up-sized Type-51 turboshaft engines to power the screws to propel the ship at a slow speed.  Living conditions are minimal and crew size is small.  Can carry approximately 18,000 long tons.  Does not have any defenses, armor, or cranes, requiring docks specially built which can offload the cargo for it.  The incredible size and upscaled gas turbines makes it rather expensive, but allows it to provide +3 TC (Sea).

For their revision, they give their failed shoulder-mounted rocket launcher from last year another try.  Named the ”Jin Na” SMRL xi-52b, it is a more modest weapon.  The warhead is the same 80 mm used in their rocket artillery with a necked-down cordite propellant charge, fired out of a steel tube padded with wood to keep the user from burning himself.  The magneto spark ignition is fixed and actually works now, and the weapon launcher comes with a shoulder brace.  Toskesh engineers were uncertain on how to add fins that fit within the launch tube, so for now it does not feature any.  This means the rocket is prone to cork-screwing wildly if the user moves while firing, and is inaccurate as a whole.

Toskesh Military
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

In an effort to keep the equipment lists concise and relevant, starting next turn [ILLEGAL] and [OBSOLETE] equipment will be moved to the Legacy Equipment List in each sides Master Post.


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Re: Arms Race: Iron Behemoths - Nogrania - Turn 3, Autumn 1951
« Reply #287 on: January 25, 2018, 08:58:00 pm »

Combat Report

Nogrania has elected to push the Mountains and Fjords.
Toskesh has elected to push the Badlands and Eastern Seas.

Combat in the Mountains

Spring has arrived.

With the warmer weather the snows fade and run into the mountain streams.  The air is still a bit chilly but the worst of the weather is gone.  Now that they no longer have to worry about their engines freezing, Nogrania quickly brings their Hippo and Paradigm walkers into the mountains and resume their push north.  Their Duke is fairly useful as a pack artillery piece; were it a solid piece, it would have been difficult to use in the steep, winding roads.  Nogrania makes good use of their 4” gun and its improved range to shell enemy positions and respond to rocket barrages with counter-battery fire.  A particularly clever commander orders a few Dukes to be disassembled and carted to hard-to-reach mountain peaks aboard the Draft helicopters, which are able to stand up to the light spring rains thanks to their upgraded engines.  Up high and without any precise or long-range munitions to target the exposed artillery or even any helicopters of their own, Toskesh doesn’t really have any response.  Nogrania can shut down entire mountain ranges with just a few guns – assuming the Draft can constantly resupply the positions with 100 mm shells.  This tactic won’t be possible once the winds pick up, but for now it’s extremely effective.  Nogrania suffers from having few helicopters, meaning they can’t perform aerial troop insertions or afford many of these mountain-top artillery positions, but the artillery bonus is worth it.

Toskesh deploys their Jin Na SMRL’s in the mountains with mixed results.  On one hand, the SMRL is a dream for convey ambushes.  The narrow mountain roads limit the Hippo and Paradigm’s ability to engage, and the ambushes can be close enough that the poor accuracy isn’t much of an issue.  On the other hand, the smoke clouds give away ambush positions instantly.  Despite this drawback, Toskesh has remarkable success with their new weapon and is able to limit Nogrania’s armor deployments.  SMRL teams often consist of three or four Jin Na’s all firing at a one or two targets to make up for the poor accuracy, and a few riflemen to cover the retreat.  This method of hit-and-run can stall Nogrania advances for hours, but the teams often take heavy casualties – especially since the poor accuracy dictates closer engagements.

Ultimately, though, Toskesh’s guerilla tactics are just delaying the inevitable.  Nogrania’s armor capabilities may be reduced, but they are still the only side with actual armor.  Their infantry may be vulnerable to Páo grenade launchers, but the higher rate of fire on their rifles help make up for it.  Toskesh may have medium rocket artillery, but their inability to “shoot-and-scoot” and their poor accuracy means the Duke and Paradigm can fire back and advance.  Once again, Nogrania plants their flag in Toskesh’s last mountain camp and the Ursine banner waves in the breeze.

Nogrania pushed far enough north to claim the Mountains Theatre! They will generate +1 point on their Economic Development Track for each turn they continue to hold it.

Combat in the Badlands

Toskesh makes great use of their Qi-Chu mounted rocket artillery in the Badlands.  The barrages are horribly inaccurate, but the Qi-Chu is able to quickly move in, empty all eight rocket tube, and retreat before Nogrania can respond.  The area of affect tends to be widely dispersed since the Qi-Chu was never the most stable firing platform and the Huā zi rocket artillery struggles with precise barrages to begin with, but the psychological effect is profound.  Toskesh can barrage troop positions with impunity and soften them up for infantry assaults, and (with some effort) wear down artillery emplacements from a distance.  Being highly mobile means they’re often immune to counter-battery fire, and with Nogrania’s Draft unable to perform sufficiently as an assault gunship the attacks go unpunished.

Nogrania’s defensive emplacements consist largely of artillery and NMG emplacements, with Hippo’s acting as “fast” mobile support.  The Duke’s extended range and larger payload means it can hit targets long before the battle starts, but it often performs in reduced numbers from the days and days of prior rocket harassments.  Toskesh’s Páo Repeating Grenade Launcher is useful for clearing NMG nests if they can get close enough – which they often can due to the Wictors hilarious inaccuracy.  The Jin Na is less useful than the RGL since it can’t arc downwards into trenches and behind sandbags, but in close support and enough numbers it can often take out a supporting Hippo.  The downside is that the Páo RGL and Jin Na both require infantry to give up their rifles to use, making them limited in what they can do in infantry-on-infantry combat.  Even then, Nogrania’s riflemen typically use Full-Reset mode to increase their rate of fire, letting them out-shoot their opponents.  Toskesh doesn’t have armor to support their assaults either, and their Qi-Chu is a poor substitute for dedicated mobile support artillery.

The battle is extremely close.  Nogrania has NMG’s, artillery, and Hippos to support their defense, and Toskesh has rocket Qi-Chu’s, SMRL’s, and RGL’s to support their assaults.  Luckily for Nogrania, they have Corporal Ellis Green deployed to the Badlands to assist in their defense.  In a remarkable display of bravery, Corporal Green single-handedly repelled an assault on an over-run portion of Nogrania’s front lines.  His Hippo, which already struggles to repel attacks with its inadequate armor, was struck and rendered immobile by multiple Páo and Jin Na strikes.  While the rest of his crew retreated, he continued to man the NMG mounted on his commanders cupola and repelled Toskesh attackers until the weapon irrecoverably jammed.  Armed with only an Earsplitter revolver Corproral Green continued to defend his position, even going as far as to reload it in combat – a remarkable feat in and of itself.  It was only when he was out of ammo did he retreat, at which point the Toskesh assault had been delayed long enough for support arrive and drive them back.  For his “exemplary gallantry during active operations against the enemy”, Corporal Ellis Green was later awarded the Military Cross.  The High Council has acknowledged his contribution, noting “had he not been present, the outcome of the battle would certainly have been unclear.” 

Nogrania maintains their control of the Badlands, but only just.  Had Toskesh had air support or armor of their own, thing would certainly have gone the other way.

Nogrania has maintained their hold on the Badlands.  They have gained +1 point on their Economic Development Track!

Combat in the Fjords

With spring, the foliage in the Fjords has eagerly sprouted and choked the land.

This is bad news for Nogrania, who's attempting to push this theatre this turn.  The Paradigm mobile artillery walker once again struggles with the thick bushes and vines that eagerly grab hold of the undercarriage and limbs, stymieing their advances.  Even the Hippo struggles to a lesser degree and must stick to clearer and less dense patches of land to keep from being slowed.  It's more than what Toskesh can field, at least; their Qi-Chu is once again useless on land.  The only place the Qi-Chu can be fielded is on the water, with mixed results.  The Huā zi rocket launcher mounting is excellent for off-shore bombardments, but once again the spring rains have made using their hovercraft difficult as the Type-51 Turboshaft will flame-out with any moisture.  The Draft, with its new engine, does not have such limitations and can easily ferry troops behind enemy lines. 

Despite struggling with the undergrowth, Nogrania is able to bring more to bear in the Fjords than Toskesh is.  Toskesh's Páo RGL and Jin Na SMRL help with Hippo walkers and their Huā zi rocket barrages are certainly a useful tool, but they are either band-aids for having no armor of their own or out-ranged by the Duke.  Combined with Nogrania's faster-firing Rabid assault rifle and their naval advantage, this means it's no contest.  Nogrania pushes north into the Fjords once again.

Nogrania has pushed the frontline north and gained a section of the Fjords Theatre! Toskesh has failed to hold the theatre for one turn and will not generate +1 point on their Economic Development Track.

Combat in the Eastern Seas

With their new Zìyóu-52 Merchant Vessel ferrying in Russian Ore, Toskesh's Dogbite destroyers are now merely Expensive.  This means they now considerably out-number Nogrania's Herald destroyers and are able to use this numerical advantage to push them back, gaining control of the central zone in the Eastern Seas.  They will now be able to apply their naval advantage to the center section of the Fjords Theatre.

Toskesh has pushed the frontline south and gained a section of the Eastern Sea Theatre!

The 1952 Summer Olympics will be held in Helsinki, Finland this year.  Our nation has the opportunity to participate!  Unfortunately, we do not have 1) a National Anthem or 2) an athlete we can send. 

To this end, we've first commissioned our best song writers to compose a piece that properly reflects the glory of our esteemed nation.  Secondly, we've begun looking for an athlete we can send to participate in the Olympics.  Due to the ongoing war we can't exactly afford to send someone to every event.  It's not a justifiable drop in manpower, after all - we need people to build ships and forge guns, and we need people to man those ships and shoot those guns!  So, we will instead send one (1) man or woman to compete in a sport of our choosing.  We must select an individual, lay out their training regime, and choose which sport they will participate in.  Depending on how well they perform, there is a chance they could become a national Hero and inspire the troops on the battlefield once they've returned!  We have a total of three months to train before sending them off to compete.  Good luck!

Other News:
In the US, the University of Tennessee admits it's 1st black student.  At least 20 people are killed and 100s injured during riots in Cairo against the British, and Egyptian government-Ali Maher Pasja resigns.  Prime Minister Churchill announces that the UK has the potential to build an atomic bomb, though they definitely have not built atomic weapons of their own, honestly.  Queen Elizabeth II succeeds King George VI to the British throne and proclaimed Queen of the United Kingdom and the other Commonwealth realms including Canada, Australia and New Zealand, and King George VI is buried in St. George's Chapel, Windsor Castle, England.  A military coup led by General Fulgencio Batista overthrows President Carlos Prío Socarrás in Cuba before elections can be held, becoming a US-backed dictator.  The final ratification of a peace treaty restoring sovereignty to Japan by US Senate occurs around this time, and the Korean War truce talks deadlock.

I have been reconsidering the rules regarding War Heroes.  Right now both sides must press a theatre and result in a tie in order for a coin-flip to occur, awarding one side a Hero.  A potential change might be to tweak this rule so that any theatre that results in a tie would instantiate a Hero coin-flip regardless of whether or not both sides have pushed that lane.  Hypothetically, we could also make it so that only the side that pushed the theatre is eligible to win a Hero from the coin-flip in order to make things more fair.  If this is something people are interested in, I can make this change starting next turn.  Please let me know what you think!

Theatre Progress:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

EDT Progress:
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Re: Arms Race: Iron Behemoths - Nogrania - Turn 6, Summer 1952
« Reply #288 on: January 25, 2018, 09:43:01 pm »

Design: NNF-SS-52 "Sea Scorpion" - A large submarine used to hunt in shipping lanes to destroy Toskesh's supply lines. It is 150 feet long and is armed with two torpedoes and a Duke artillery piece. It is complemented by 53 people. The top speed is 12 knots. It is driven by a large Diesel motor. It has a displacement of 600 long tons.

Design: NAF-SH-52 "Dragon Turtle" - A superheavy tank that travels using one leg and a movement method like that of a snail or slug. The leg is housed within the tank and lifts the tank off the ground in order to move forward or backward. It turns using gear sets to turn the leg and chassis alternately. The armor is foot thick steel in a round shape with a taper on the top. It utilizes the Duke as it's main armament. It has five NMGs pointing outward to protect the flanks. It has a crew complement of 12 (1 driver, 1 main Gunner, 5 auxiliary gunners, 1 loader, 2 engineers, 1 commander, and 1 radio operator.). The balance of the tank is maintained with a large weight that is moved slightly to correct leaning.
Monster stowage inventory running low. Starting #2 Monster Pump, filling #4 Monster tank, via #2a Demonizer.


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Re: Arms Race: Iron Behemoths - Nogrania - Turn 6, Summer 1952
« Reply #289 on: January 26, 2018, 04:54:30 am »

NAF-UH-52 "Mule"
A large tandem engine helicopter, designed to carry high amounts of equipment. It has two sets of turboshaft engines to give it requires engine power and lift. It is intended to be capable of lifting both Hippo and Paradigm, although both of these vehicles must be carried underneath the aircraft.

NAF-LAW-52 "Salamander"
Salamander is a Light Assault Walker. It has four legs, but the leg movement is significantly improved to allow high speeds. It's legs are also more articulated, allowing to more easily find stable ground. As the designation implies, Salamander is designed to be a light assault vehicle and for this purpose only has light armor and NMG in it's turret.

NAF-ASW-52 "Grasshopper"
Grasshopper is a single-user bipedal Armored Scout Walker. It is designed for rapid movement and scouting. The walker itself is unarmed. In many ways, the walker is simply a set of legs with engine and control systems on top of them. Altough Grasshopper is relatively lightly armed, it's main purpose to to gain experience for more advanced desings.

This might be something for later date, but we could try this now too.

NAF-ICA-52 "Lancelot"
Lancelot is an Infantry Combat Armor. It uses a complex series of pressure plates and hydraulic engines to encase the user in a full-body plate armor and granting the user significant strength and protection. User can, for example, carry Wictor one handed and aim it without problem. Users are also equipped with gasmasks to ensure they do not breathe any noxious gasses. An engine at the users back provides power required to operate the armor. Unit identification is to be marked on the shoulder.

Now, as for the anthem, here is mine to the tune of Scotland The Brave:

And here is the defense for Rabip:


Ladies and gentlemen of the United Nations War Crime Council, this shall be brief.

Rabid is not a violation of Article VI. Article VI defines a machine gun as a weapon that fulfils one of two requirements:

1) Weaponry fires greater than one projectile per activation of the device and
2) Weapons which in the user is able to continue the firing of said weapon without further input or intervention

First definition is simple. Trigger is pulled, weapon activates and fires. Result is a single projectile fired and weapon resets, physically forcing the user to end the activation and start a new one.

Second definition, user is physically forced to move their finger forward. This action means that anytime user wishes to fire the weapon, they must, consciously, pull the trigger. User can not simply maintain trigger down, as their finger is physically forced to end such action.

Full activation of Rabid is no different Toskesh own rifle. Trigger is pulled, a single projectile is fired and a new trigger pull is required to fire the weapon again. If user does not pull the trigger, a conscious and intentional action from users part, the weapon does not fire. To even further expand this, user must pull and then allow the trigger to reset. What Rabid does, is offer mechanical assistance for this one part. It does not actually fire the weapon again. It only assist in resetting the weapon to ready state, no different from any other weapons ability to expel casing, load itself with new cartridge and fire again with a new trigger pull

Furthermore, as the esteemed inspector will see on the range, additional latch prevents weapon firing unless reset, whenever assisted or not, is successfully carried out. As such, simply holding down the trigger will not work, assuming user can fight against the forces that are in work when using assisted reset.

If Rabid is illegal, so is every self-loading weapon, including the weapons that all members of this Council currently equip their troops with. If Rabid is illegal, then so is Toskeshian Xi-52, as it is self-loading and requires new trigger pull after each firing. This applies to Soviet AK-47, as well as American M14, and every other semi-automatic weapon in the world.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2018, 05:32:01 am by Mandemon »

Cannalan Pirate


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Re: Arms Race: Iron Behemoths - Nogrania - Turn 3, Autumn 1951
« Reply #290 on: January 26, 2018, 05:11:47 am »

NAF-MAB-52 "Condor" Airship

The Condor is a large fully rigid airship. A duralinium framework holds up it's streamlined cigarlike form, within which reside numerous hydrogen filled gas bags. Despite it's enormous size (more than 200 meters long, and 35 meters wide), it is deceptively light. This makes it both affordable and gives it a tremendous transport capacity.

Propulsion is provided by 6 propellers jutting out of the side of the hull, each of which is reversible and can be operated individually. Beneath the airship hang 5 gondola's. The bridge gondola, the engine gondola that contains the turboshafts driving the propellors, and 3 payload gondola's, which can either contain goods/personnel, bombs, or a cannon. Additional Wiktor positions are present around the hull.

For safety, it s equipped with lifeboats,vests, and some essentials (tea) for the crew and possibly passengers.

In practice, it is supposed to see use as recon platform, troop transport, bomber, gun platform and transport solution.

NAF-IFV-51 "Ant" Hexapod

Derived from the Hippo, the Ant is both an infantry vehicle and an evolution on the Hippo. Instead of the big gun that has been carried by all our walkers before, the Ant carries only 2 Wiktors, as well as gunports. The freed mass is used to allow it to tow heavy loads, as well as carry it's own 4 cm thick armor. Various small and large improvements have been made, such as introduction of slats to further protect against enemy missiles, as well as several improvements in the propulsion system.

One of these are the larger feet, which contain attachment points for metal extensions that allow it to walk in snow and ice. Another improvement is a battery and heating coil including in the engine compartement, that can keep the engine from freezing overnight.

« Last Edit: January 26, 2018, 05:18:32 pm by 10ebbor10 »


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Re: Arms Race: Iron Behemoths - Nogrania - Turn 6, Summer 1952
« Reply #291 on: January 26, 2018, 01:14:24 pm »

NAF-MAB-52 "Condor  (1) 10ebbor10


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Re: Arms Race: Iron Behemoths - Nogrania - Turn 6, Summer 1952
« Reply #292 on: January 26, 2018, 02:50:49 pm »

After some consideration, I think we can make airship (and later use knowledge from that create air battleship...) and revision our ships to be better.

NAF-MAB-52 "Condor  (2) 10ebbor10, Mandemon


Cannalan Pirate


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Re: Arms Race: Iron Behemoths - Nogrania - Turn 6, Summer 1952
« Reply #293 on: January 26, 2018, 04:05:50 pm »

Airships are fun and magic and more to the point, useful cargo vehicles.

NAF-MAB-52 "Condor  (3) 10ebbor10, Mandemon, Happerry
Forenia Forever!
GENERATION 11: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


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Re: Arms Race: Iron Behemoths - Nogrania - Turn 6, Summer 1952
« Reply #294 on: January 26, 2018, 04:46:04 pm »

NAF-MAB-52 "Condor  (4) 10ebbor10, Mandemon, Happerry, Chiefwaffles

Ebbor, mind modifying the Condor description though? I noticed some outdated bits:
Change the "possible machine guns" mention to just "Wictors" instead.
Change "ironcasters" to "Dukes" since we have proper guns now.
Quote from: RAM
You should really look to the wilderness for your stealth ideas, it has been doing it much longer than you have after all. Take squids for example, that ink trick works pretty well, and in water too! So you just sneak into the dam upsteam, dump several megatons of distressed squid into it, then break the dam. Boom, you suddenly have enough water-proof stealth for a whole city!


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Re: Arms Race: Iron Behemoths - Nogrania - Turn 6, Summer 1952
« Reply #295 on: January 26, 2018, 05:01:18 pm »

NAF-MAB-52 "Condor  (5) 10ebbor10, Mandemon, Happerry, Chiefwaffles, stabby

Ebbor, mind modifying the Condor description though? I noticed some outdated bits:
Change the "possible machine guns" mention to just "Wictors" instead.
Change "ironcasters" to "Dukes" since we have proper guns now.
I agree with modifying the description a bit.
Long Live Arst- United Forenia!
"Wanna be a better liberal? Go get shot in the fuckin' face."
Contemplate why we have a sociopathic necrophiliac RAPIST sadomasochist bipolar monster in our ranks, also find some cheese.


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Re: Arms Race: Iron Behemoths - Nogrania - Turn 6, Summer 1952
« Reply #296 on: January 26, 2018, 05:19:05 pm »

Design modified.

Wiktor's inserted, ironcaster replaced with cannon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arms Race: Iron Behemoths - Nogrania - Turn 6, Summer 1952
« Reply #297 on: January 26, 2018, 06:51:47 pm »

Here is a revision idea. We should not do it this turn, we should do the gun emplacement, but maybe next turn,

NAF-LNMG-52 "Baguette"
Baguette is a light NMG meant to replace existing Wictor NMGs. It is based on NAF-BC-52 "Rabid", with longer barrel and lacking assisted reset. Main differences are that Baguette has two different firing system. When mounted on static mount, Baguette uses crank gun similar to Wictor. When used as a squad support weapon, it will mount a bipod, frontal grip and a bump-stock. This bump-stock replaces normal stock and pistol grip, allowing the weapon to pull back due to recoil. Additional finger rest ensures that when weapon is at the back position, user can not pull the trigger. Instead, user uses the frontal grip to pull the gun forward, engaging the trigger and firing a single round. Recoil causes the gun to pull back, with user then pulls forward again, allowing high rates of fire with sufficient training. Weapon comes with 120 round drum magazine.

Cannalan Pirate


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arms Race: Iron Behemoths - Nogrania - Turn 6, Summer 1952
« Reply #298 on: January 27, 2018, 05:00:06 am »

Quote from: Rabid Defense
Ladies and Gentlemen. I intend to keep this defense short. If you would like to follow me to the firing range.

Here, we have arranged a test example of the Rabid Weapon. As you can see, it is secured properly to the firing stand, and this metal lever will trigger the gun by pressing and holding the trigger. This allows us to observe a scientifically valid demonstration of the weapon in action, without any risk of personal injury. For comparison's sake, we have also brought an example of the now illegal Vickers machine, so the difference in operation can be properly understood.

The demonstration is simple. First, the Vickers is tested. The metal bar is pulled back, activating the trigger, and bullets fly across the testing range. A few seconds later, the short ammo belt is exhausted and the gun falls silent.

Then, the Rabid goes onto the stand. Put into full assisted reset operation (the court is invited to verify this), the ammo is loaded and the metal bar put through the trigger. The lever is pulled back, moving the bar and depressing the trigger. As the bullet flies across the range, the gun begins to cycle. A new bullet is loaded, the trigger start to move forward and then smashes into the unyielding bar. Held firmly in place, the gun stops with a metallic clank, it's trigger still depressed, having fired just a single bullet.

As you can see, gentlemen and ladies of the court, a single trigger pull result in a single bullet fired, no more no less. In fact, if you look at the schematics, you'll find that we included a latch specifically to ensure that this is the case, even under mechanical malfunction. A phenomenon like out-of-battery-fire, can therefore not occur, as it could potentially with other semi-automatic weapons.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2018, 03:19:46 pm by 10ebbor10 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Arms Race: Iron Behemoths - Nogrania - Turn 6, Summer 1952
« Reply #299 on: January 27, 2018, 06:11:41 pm »

So I wrote defense 2.0, to better address various possible claims.


Members of this tribunal, ladies and gentlemen of UN, observers. Once more Toskesh brings a case to this tribunal and once more they shall be proven false. It is evident that Toskesh does not seek justice with this court, but rather to gain advantage in its attempts to destroy a democratic and free country.

They have brought to this court Nogranian designed "Rabid" Battle Carbine 52. Their claim is that it violates Protocol VI. This can be, quite easily, demonstrated false. I invite, nay, challenge members of this court to fire the weapon in such a way, that they can fire more than a single projectile with but a single trigger pull. I challenge this court to successfully fire this weapon in a manner that can not be replicated by a semi-automatic weaponry.

It can not be done, for Rabid is not an automatic weapon. It is a semi-automatic rifle, just as Toskesh own Xi-52. A trigger is pulled, weapon fires a single projectile and a new trigger pull is required. No doubt our communist invader will claim that the assisted reset of the weapon somehow violates the protocol, yet it does not. Whatever the mode used in Rabid, a full trigger reset is required to make weapon capable of firing again. Should one manage to keep the trigger down through the cycling, the weapon will not fire. If it does fire, then you have either a tampered weapon in your hand or a malfunction.

As Rabid is nothing more than a semi-automatic weapon, it does not violate Protocol VI. The activation is clear: A trigger is pulled and activation starts. Weapon fires a single projectile and cycles. A reset is required. Once the reset is done, activation is over and a new trigger pull, a new activation, is required to fire the weapon. One projectile per one activation, no more, no less. If user does not actively pull the trigger again, the weapon will cease its operation. The assisted reset does not fire the weapon. It does not, in fact, even allow firing of the weapon unless the trigger fully reset, regardless of the mode. Only thing it does, as its name implies, is assist in resetting the trigger.

Indeed, this assistance actively counter-acts any attempt to fire the weapon, by forcefully ending the activation. By forcefully pushing the finger away, rather than allowing to keep the trigger to be kept down. It can, therefore, be argued that assisted reset is in fact enforcing Article VI, rather than circumventing it.

In the name of international law and justice, in defense against emotion and self-interest, I call this tribunal to observe and declare Rabid to be in compliance of Article VI and to condemn nation of Toskesh aggression and its attempts to abuse and demean this tribunal, to use this tribunal as yet another way to attack our free and democratic nation.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2018, 06:55:38 am by Mandemon »

Cannalan Pirate
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