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Author Topic: Arms Race: Iron Behemoths - Toskesh - GAME OVER  (Read 47269 times)


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Re: Arms Race: Iron Behemoths - Toskesh - Turn 8, Winter 1952
« Reply #315 on: February 21, 2018, 03:01:14 pm »

Xi-52 Xīwàng Xuá-Zhí Pattern A (Thanik´s): (5) Thanik, Jilladilla, Pavellius, Doomblade, SC
Xi-52 Xīwàng Xuá-Zhí Pattern B (Wizgrot´s): (1) Wizgrot
Leaping Frog (3): Detoxicated, Blood_Librarian, RAM
I kind of suspect that this is what the game is supposed to be...
Vote (1) for the Urist scale!
I shall be eternally happy. I shall be able to construct elf hunting giant mecha. Which can pour magma.
Urist has been forced to use a friend as fertilizer lately.
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Re: Arms Race: Iron Behemoths - Toskesh - Turn 8, Winter 1952
« Reply #316 on: February 21, 2018, 04:02:20 pm »

Come on guys switch to the Leaping Frog


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Re: Arms Race: Iron Behemoths - Toskesh - Turn 8, Winter 1952
« Reply #317 on: February 21, 2018, 04:06:40 pm »

Xi-52 Xīwàng Xuá-Zhí Pattern A (Thanik´s): (6) Thanik, Jilladilla, Pavellius, Doomblade, SC, Taricus
Xi-52 Xīwàng Xuá-Zhí Pattern B (Wizgrot´s): (1) Wizgrot
Leaping Frog (3): Detoxicated, Blood_Librarian, RAM
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: Arms Race: Iron Behemoths - Toskesh - Turn 8, Winter 1952
« Reply #318 on: February 21, 2018, 05:16:45 pm »

Xi-52 Xīwàng Xuá-Zhí
Following the ban of fixed wing military aerial platforms, the Tondeshe military has found itself lacking a proper air force. The Xi-52 Xiwang builds itself as a remedy to this, as the nation's first military aerial vehicle in compliance with the Geneva Convention. The vehicle's powerplant is a single XZ01-52Xi turboshaft engine, where work is done to improve it's ability to operate in spite of taking on moisture, the craft is expected to be quite agile given it's low weight and the already proven power of our turboshafts, and in case the engine proves to be underpowered plans for it to carry two are also constructed. The Xiwang carries a nasal Type-51b RGL as well as either two Type-51w Hua-Zi rocket launch pods (3x4 tubes in each) or two additional Type-51b RGLs on each side, in the form of interchangeable subsystems mounted on the sides (literally just two different things you can bolt onto the side, not even necessary if it in any way influences the difficulty, which I don't see how it would). The craft's hull is made a few millimeters thick so as not to be a prime example of a paper plane. It is a manned by a pilot and a copilot.

Very Hard Difficulty: 3

The Xi-52 Xīwàng Xuá-Zhí is our second attempt at a working helicopter after the first disastrous attempt six months ago. 

The Xīwàng uses a new engine designated the XZ01-52Xi Turboshaft, which is salvaged from the last helicopters experimental Type-52 Turboshaft and makes a few significant improvements over our current Type 51 Turboshaft.  It should be able to operate in moisture-heavy environments, function with a wide variety of fuels (gasoline, diesel, aviation fuel, etc), and provide a higher level of thrust.  It is for all intents and purposes a "modern" turboshaft engine.  The turboshaft is mounted in the nose of the Xīwàng, putting the pilots cockpit above the fuselage and next to the main rotor.  This position, while convenient from a design perspective, unfortunately limits the pilots visibility of the ground. 

Additionally, attempts to mount rocket pods (from either the Huā zi MRRL or our Jin-Na SMRL's) demonstrate a rather critical flaw; the exhaust from the rockets passes right over the engine intake, causing the turboshaft to sputter and (in some cases) even flame-out.  The Type-51b Páoxiāo de léi shēng RGL can be mounted on the sides without issue, though the very limited ammo supply and inaccurate nature of the weapons leaves a lot to be desired.  The weapons are operated by the copilot, as well as the main radio communications and navigation.  The pilot is tasked primarily with controlling the aircraft, as the Xīwàng is susceptible to even minor changes in wind, air pressure, and turbulence.  The pilot and copilot sit next to one another, akin to the drivers seat and shotgun in a car.  Due to balance issues, we were unable to adequate armor the craft, and Aluminum is required for some critical light-weight components.  4 Ore, 4 Oil, 1 Cobalt, 1 Aluminum.

Light forger

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Re: Arms Race: Iron Behemoths - Toskesh - Turn 8, Winter 1952
« Reply #319 on: February 21, 2018, 09:07:01 pm »

Eh, not sure why we retried the VH helicopter again.

Xuá-Zhí 'Kèzhì' Update
Designed to fix some of the issues with the Xuá-Zhí the Kèzhì update focused almost completely on a fairly straight forward modification of moving the engine to the rear of the helicopter. The new engine is fed by two intake located above the cockpit and, thanks to it's new location makes use a direct exhaust system. The direct exhaust system is nothing more then directing the exhaust from the engine out the back of the helicopter to improve thrust. In it's new location the engine now helps balance the craft as it counterweights the cockpit. Also the new intake is now clear from the exhaust of any rockets, which will likely be mounted in a smaller quantity then the original design. Finally a pair of stumpy wings are added both, to have mounting space for the addition weaponry and to help keep the craft stable. The wings are completely fine by the Geneva Convention as barely produce a measurable amount of lift, let alone a majority of lift.


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Re: Arms Race: Iron Behemoths - Toskesh - Turn 8, Winter 1952
« Reply #320 on: February 21, 2018, 10:48:42 pm »

Come on guys switch to the Leaping Frog
When making designs, you should refer to the ”adjective” System as I like to call it. Your design implemented two hard things, which is an autonomous AI, note we’re the in Cold War so we don’t got artificial intelligence, and also making a fast walker. You also had “normal” adjectives which is creating a sword and riot shield, which we don’t have.

Yes swords and riot shields are easy to make, however you want a autonomous AI to have a sword and riot shield, which is much harder.

Basically when designing thing go by the “would this make sense during the Cold War” and “how many cool adjectives does this design have?, you should maximum have two “adjective or features”, note older features/adjectives like incorporating a turboshaft engine doesn’t prohibit the adding of new features, and you can add that to your design.

Basically the best thing we could of gotten out of that was a piloted light scout walker mech

Thanatos Russ

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Re: Arms Race: Iron Behemoths - Toskesh - Turn 8, Winter 1952
« Reply #321 on: February 22, 2018, 12:37:32 am »

Have we updated our infantry enough? because we have lots of infantry so any improvements there will help a ton.


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Re: Arms Race: Iron Behemoths - Toskesh - Turn 8, Winter 1952
« Reply #322 on: February 22, 2018, 01:12:47 am »

Oh, I thought that it was piloted, If voted for piloted, I would have loved piloted. Also I did not think that it was fast in a general sense, just fast at jumping, by storing energy. I would not expect it to have a high marching speed.

I think that our helicopter works. It scouts and shoots and that is enough. It is fragile and lacks firepower, but not so much that it can't do its thing. I would rather see a hovercraft upgrade because that this is pure weaksauce at present.
Vote (1) for the Urist scale!
I shall be eternally happy. I shall be able to construct elf hunting giant mecha. Which can pour magma.
Urist has been forced to use a friend as fertilizer lately.
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Re: Arms Race: Iron Behemoths - Toskesh - Turn 8, Winter 1952
« Reply #323 on: February 22, 2018, 06:09:59 am »

Nowhere did I say AI.
Anyhow I will work on a leaping frog design to please the masses.


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Re: Arms Race: Iron Behemoths - Toskesh - Turn 8, Winter 1952
« Reply #324 on: February 22, 2018, 06:16:49 am »

Leaping frog
Equipped with a huge sword this walking ——>bot<—— has the ability to leap great distances. It's six limbs are outfitted with spring coils and while it can walk on its front legs it uses its four hind limbs for locomotion. It's arms are equipped with a long fortified sword and it's other arm is further reinforced and has a bullet proof shield. The leaping frog is made to quickly jump into enemy groups and cut them in half but also to cover our own battalions with its shield.
🤔 Hmm


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Re: Arms Race: Iron Behemoths - Toskesh - Turn 8, Winter 1952
« Reply #325 on: February 22, 2018, 10:26:24 am »

Oh please bot is an ambiguous word. If autonomous AI was intended it would have been much more clearly stated.

Giving the mech a giant anime sword is kinda stupid though. It would be much better off with a giant mace or hammer, the OG anti-armour weapons.

Better yet, look to battlebots for inspiration and give it a bar/flywheel/drum with teeth that spins to build up massive amounts of kinetic energy then unleashes it all in one blow.
Highmax…dead, flesh torn from him, though his skill with the sword was unmatched…military…Nearly destroyed .. Rhunorah... dead... Mastahcheese returns...dead. Gaul...alive, still locked in combat. NAV...Alive, drinking booze....
The face on the toaster does not look like one of mercy.


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Re: Arms Race: Iron Behemoths - Toskesh - Turn 8, Winter 1952
« Reply #326 on: February 22, 2018, 10:59:11 am »

You are right hammer and Shield it is.
I figured it would be nice to have a shield so soldiers can take cover behind it.


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Re: Arms Race: Iron Behemoths - Toskesh - Turn 8, Winter 1952
« Reply #327 on: February 22, 2018, 11:02:14 am »

Why not just make heavy battle armor for the infantry, and than upsize it into really large power armor, large infantry piloted mech suits they can wear. I mean just go to the Forenians and copy Tiger Armor

Hey the entire premise of the game is about walkers, why can’t we have walker mechas, hmm?...


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Re: Arms Race: Iron Behemoths - Toskesh - Turn 8, Winter 1952
« Reply #328 on: February 22, 2018, 11:52:05 am »

Red and Blue rocket bodies

These two models of rocket body, although larger (1,5 meters with warhead attached) than our current one, shall improve on its range and precision. They are both equipped with flip out fins. The main difference between the two rockets are the type of  fins and rate of fuel burning.

The Blue rocket is designed as a AA weapon. As such, it has two rings of flip out fins, one at its rear, the other at its middle (a disposition retrofitted to the Jin Na). This two should allow the rocket to fly as straight as possible in order to reach high altitudes where the enemy´s airships may be (or the occasional near the ground Draft, we are not going to be picky here). The effect should be complimented by a mix of liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen, a faster burning fuel that should allow the rocket to reach high speeds in order to reach its objectives. It is painted blue, in order to be distinctive for our soldiers.

The Red rocket is supposed to serve as rocket artillery. As such, it is equipped with longer flip out fins (rear and middle) in order to have a gliding effect that extends its range and a mix of liquid oxygen and refined kerosene as its fuel. The relatively slow ratio of burning of this fuel should allow the Red rocket to continue fly on an arch for a max range of 20km. It is painted red, in order to be distinctive for our soldiers.

We have modified the MMRL´s in order to provide a more suitable artillery piece, making it a 3x4 regarding rocket disposition, adapting it to the longer rockets and new loading brackets to improve on reloading times.

« Last Edit: February 22, 2018, 04:20:49 pm by Wizgrot »


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Re: Arms Race: Iron Behemoths - Toskesh - Turn 8, Winter 1952
« Reply #329 on: February 22, 2018, 06:06:31 pm »

Xi-52 Yīfānfēngshùn Artillery Rocket
Following the harrowing performance of the Xi-51w rockets - evident in their relatively low range compared to the enemy's own conventional artillery pieces, and it's low accuracy, reload times etc. the Tondeshe design board sought out to improve upon the original design. The rocket is made longer and wider, up to 1 meter long and 127 mm in diameter, increasing both its range and its payload. Flip-out fins are developed and six are integrated at the base and towards the middle of the rocket, as well as on the anti-armor rocket fired by the 'Jin Na' SMRL Xi-52b, so as to improve upon both rockets' accuracy. Said fins are relatively long and located at the rear and middle of the Yīfānfēngshùn body in order to have a gliding effect that extends its range, with three dedicated drag fins which can be set to 'on' and 'off' en masse in a bracket to change the rocket's trajectory and allow for a more sloped descent, while the ones on the Xi-52b are made so as to give the rocket a more stable, straight flight for as long as possible. MMRLs firing the Yīfānfēngshùn are outfitted with 20 rocket tubes arranged in a 4x5 rectangular pattern with new loading brackets to decrease loading times. Each rocket is slowly spun by rifling in its tube as it exits, which along with its primary fin stabilization keeps it on course. This should additionally help the accuracy of shoulder-mounted launchers and artillery pieces alike.
« Last Edit: February 24, 2018, 06:34:21 am by Thanik »
Noble Nafuni Engineer
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