*binge reads the whole damn thing so far*
You know... The cosmology here is VERY much like that found in Gnosticism. (
or at least some branches thereof).
Here's my prediction/theory:
The origin god, being filled with *ALL* songs of creation, and *ALL* knowledge, but bound by being alone, chose to "die", so that he could have the world be born-- as depicted in the series, but also to rebirth himself within it, so that he could enjoy proper company with the things he created out of himself.
Note the progression of creation, in which a single being splits into two, then a panoply of demigods, then their own eventual demise through subcreation. This is an important theme.
This process was undone via the actions of mortal beings, who are the creations of Aesma. They are stated to be her "mistake", but an omniscient being is incapable of making a mistake, only willfull choices. My prediction is that the mortal human race is the way it is, in order to be the reverse-catalyst to mythically undo the subdivision of the gods (via human greed and ambition), and re-combine all the forces that split during creation, to reincarnate the origin god, and still permit the universe to exist, along with its other inhabitants. Note that the 7 demigods of the 7 part world have between them consolidated all of the universe equally between them, but lack the catalyst to continue to reunion of the scattered power of creation themselves. This action is the anti-creation phase of the demigods of the last wave of creation that created the wheel. There are 7 demigods, and 7 spokes of the wheel. Where once the songs of creation rang out from Hub, they are now drawn back again, but the spokes created remain.
Enter the king, and his role in this. The king was the first catalyst in the process of reunification, who took the power of the first god by force of ambition from metatron, and bent it into a form humans can use, again by his own ambition. He created the key of kings, which I propose represents the "Is not" of the first duality, as he represents the male aspect of the first subcreation. He is unable to create the aspect of the "Is" (the female aspect), since the other demigods he lorded over failed to consolidate further. He fulfills his mythic purpose by passing his key to our young heroine, and tasks her with defeating and stealing the power from the 7 demigods.
Her role is to return the "is not" to her counterpart (note, a male, depicted with a conspicuous black void where his head thingie should be in the council meeting overview), while retaining the consolidated keys she wrests from the demigods, to become the "is". The two unite, and reproduce the reincarnated true god, which can then exist within the world, while still being the world.
It will be entertaining to see if this is what happens or not.