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Author Topic: Escort the Godmodder!  (Read 19277 times)


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Re: Escort the Godmodder!
« Reply #105 on: January 09, 2018, 09:28:35 pm »

Well, at least I'll get faster updates this way. Sophia thinks, then expires.
Die and go to Hell, where this game is set!


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Re: Escort the Godmodder!
« Reply #106 on: January 10, 2018, 12:47:08 am »

"My inner magpie!" Grab the reaper's bling and joint lock->break his lower left leg with it. Push it off and hijack it's boat in pursuit of my inner self.


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Re: Escort the Godmodder!
« Reply #107 on: January 10, 2018, 01:48:13 am »


Activate Erase Time, Stand Rush the Reaper and exit Erased Time.
Gone. Departed. Headed off toward greener pastures.


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Re: Escort the Godmodder!
« Reply #108 on: January 10, 2018, 12:51:27 pm »

Accidentally mine a bit too much adamantium and fall down on top of the Reaper. Along with the large boulder of Adamantine i was attempting to dig out.
Ïlul Thuveg-Ellest
Rete Sano-Pima
Tormuk Dul-Orax
Kar Pum-Sisha


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Re: Escort the Godmodder!
« Reply #109 on: January 10, 2018, 04:14:13 pm »

Red Girl stares at her left hanging hand and puts it down looking at disappointedly. ”Alright then, hope you enjoy being that then, spending sleepless nights in Hell forever with a blue ribbon for being the worst. I guess it’s a goal, good as any.”  She then notices the mass of demons congregating in opposition to face them, ”What the fuck is their problem? We’ve got a delivery for you lot! Just let us do your job and you guy can go back to doing Hell stuff.” If this wonderful dissuasion doesn’t work, she rolls down the window of Hell on Wheels, she pushes the side mirror of the vehicle to prevent it from reflecting anything. She opens up a small satchel hanging by her side and pulls out a Molotov cocktail and a black lighter. A click and a flame comes to life from the mouth of the lighter. She sets fire to the incendiary and then pulls her upper torso out the car, steadying herself by gripping the top of the window and the roof. She tosses it landing directly into the group of the infernal minions excluding the airborne magpie is otherwise occupied. The demons would normally be able to shrug such a merger attack, except they can’t. The fire burns and sears their flesh even worse then normal flame would to a man, the divine is at work. The agonizing holy Molotov cocktail was created by Red Girl, the guardian not angel, when she bought a mass of holy infused charms and other oddities from a television evangelist with a serious fetish for weapons. It appears greasing up the priest was a wise choice, perhaps she should “tithe” more often.
"You misunderstand how important that blue ribbon is to me! There are seven billion humans alive on a single Earth. If I become the very worst, that makes me the worst out of over seven billion, and not a lot of people can say they're the very worst of seven billion! It's a quality goal, I know."

The squadron of demons points out that doing things such as preventing attempts to escort some guy to the ninth circle of Hell and sweeping up player trash, enslaved to the whims of  some chainmail sender, is what they call Hell stuff. You shake your head, before throwing a Holy Molotov Cocktail at the hellions! Intrigued by this attack, the hellions begin to become more animate. The YT Scion holds his index and middle finger to his head, before commanding Cerberus to leap into the holy Molotov Cocktail. The dog obliges, taking 50 damage. The other demons take 5 damage.

I believe that your monthly tithe is a very important part of life, something that should be prioritised over things such as your job, your taxes, your children and actually living.

Trickle takes a huge and long dump.

Use the weaponry of the Hell on Wheels to clear the way!
You prepare an explosive shell, ready to be used next turn!

RAM SWORD INTO DEMONSCHANGE OF PLANS! Contemplate whether or not holy horse of +2 leaping,(among other such attributes) could leap the river before turning it into holy pegasus of +2 leaping (among other such attributes) and flying over the river
You fly over the river.

"Don't you understand, child of man? To cross the river Acheron is to forfeit your soul to those like me. To cross the river Acheron without paying your dues? A horrible offense!"

Have him hop on the front of the Hell on Wheels and help him, while blasting and clearing the way.
Unfortunately, Scourge changed his action.

**Shoot the demons. A lot**
8 damage to the three demons!

"Well, at least he's not communist, otherwise I would have a problem with such classless society bullcrap." Sir Elventide mused as he looked at the Reaper. "However, he's getting kind of annoying so it's time for him to die."

Ordering the Metallic Men to attack the Reaper, Sir Elventide will fire upon him with a regular tank shell.
The Metallic Men will do as you say. You take an explosive shell, and decide to fire it at Capitalist Charon! Charon stands there, and lets it hit him. The reaper's blink is tattered, the first of a quintet of golden necklaces with a dollar sign snapping, before falling into the river Acheron. If you were willing to dive in there, you might be able to loot that without adverse effects. Charon gives you a soft smile. What a sweet little boy, funding the eternal war engine.

I hear that you shouldn't insult communists around Gwolfski, given that he's part of the USSR.

Try and get a bigger gun and use that to shoot the reaper.
You get a bigger gun, and fire at the reaper! 30 damage!

Well, at least I'll get faster updates this way. Sophia thinks, then expires.
Die and go to Hell, where this game is set!
You die and go to Hell. You suspect that you will inevitably be hunted down and stalked by scimitar wielding demons.

"My inner magpie!" Grab the reaper's bling and joint lock->break his lower left leg with it. Push it off and hijack it's boat in pursuit of my inner self.
You grab the reaper's bling.

"Indignation! Heresy! Blasphemy!"

As you touch it, a swarm of golden stamps fly around you, before branding your bones. You find yourself burdened and unabled to move.


Activate Erase Time, Stand Rush the Reaper and exit Erased Time.
Capitalist Charon seems stumped by your tricks for a few seconds, before being thrashed! 40 damage.

Accidentally mine a bit too much adamantium and fall down on top of the Reaper. Along with the large boulder of Adamantine i was attempting to dig out.
You fall on top of Capitalist Charon, dealing 10 damage. The boulder falls on top of Capitalist Charon, causing it to take another 35 damage. You then realise that this means that it falls on top of you, and then your bones go scrunch. We all know that having a healthy bone structure is important to functioning. This might cause problems later on for both you and Charon. But, hey.

Capitalist Charon is currently pinned down by an adamantine boulder.

Capitalist Charon -- II. [Epiphany.]
Hell on Wheels fires at the Hell Squad, its explosive ammo dealing 30 damage to all of them! The Metallic Men rush Capitalist Charon, dealing 30 damage! The Hell Slime wibbles and wobbles. Cerberus finds itself mesmerised by the wibbling, and the wobbling, and the wibbling, and the wobbling. It finds itself dazed, before falling into Acheron. 10 damage.

Scourge realises that he could probably create a clear path for his teammates, allowing them to escape Charon. Will he? Won't he? I can't brainwash players (while their character hasn't fallen to the endless horde of abominations), that's unethical and against my standards as a Gruesome Murderer.

Cerberus, who barely hangs onto life, remembers that its purpose in hell-life is to Kill the Godmodder! It rushes the Godmodder, dealing 25 damage to his Qliphoth Armour! The Mind Flayer flays TrickleJest's mind. Akin to Capitalist Charon, it carves a mark onto it.  The YT Scion converts 5 Metallic Men into ad revenue.

Capitalist Charon, pinned down and unable to attack, decides to take other measures to prevent the Godmodder from reaching his location. It snaps its fingers and Secheral's inner magpie returns, reduced to bones and dust as a more accurate representation of Secheral's true self. The lemures scream in agony. The Godmodder sneaks into the line of lemures, and decides to scream in agony to copy them. The Godmodder has an epiphany -- he can act.

He throws Cerberus into Acheron. It drowns. He then sneaks over to Capitalist Charon, dealing 20 damage! He licks his lips. Revenge is and remains sweet.

The Godmodder has an epiphany -- he's only about as effective as a standard escort mission character.

[PG] Maximum Spin.
Blood_Librarian: 25/25 HP. Psionic.
Tyrant Leviathan: Haste.
Dustan Hache: Cat. on the Godmodder's head.
roseheart: Cat. is the Godmodder's beard.
Secheral: Revenant.
Greatness942, Gwolfski: nineteen eleven, colt fourty-five, holding back the vampires, keeping him alive
MoonyTheHuman: 24/25 HP.
[PG] Sophia: 25/25 HP. Being stabbed by a dozen scimitars.
[PG] TrickleJest.
[PG] Maximum Spin: 20/25 HP.
Aliemma: 25/25 HP.

[PG] Hell on Wheels: 275/275 HP. 7 Splash Ammo.
Metallic Men: 5/5 HP. 15.
[PG] Hell Slime: 10/10 HP.

scourge728: On the other side of the river.

Denizens of Hell
Mind Flayer: 62/200 HP.
YT Scion: 62/200 HP.
Innards Magpie: 250/250 HP. Secheral's True Self.

Lemures: DEAD. x∞.
Capitalist Charon: 205/400 HP. Pinned down by an adamantine boulder. Phase 1.

The Godmodder
The Godmodder: 10/10 HP. Qliphoth Armour: 75/100 HP. Caduceus. Pseudo-accelerated.
Days Left: 26 [05/02/18].
Distance to the Ninth Circle: 8.5%.

The Void? [-%]
Egan_BW: 25/25 HP. Dark Wood Grain Ring.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2018, 04:58:09 pm by consumptiveAbsolutist »


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Re: Escort the Godmodder!
« Reply #110 on: January 10, 2018, 05:29:39 pm »

Handles the USSR nuclear football "Did somebody say something about communism?"
on realising nukes probably won't be able to pierce the ceiling of hell safely efficiently, pull out AK-47 and fire on that capitalist swine.

fake-edit: using reddit code again

EDIT: let off a sneaky round at Elventide for his comments One does not simply insult the USSR!
« Last Edit: January 10, 2018, 05:34:33 pm by Gwolfski »
Eventually when you go far enough the insane start becoming the sane

Sir Elventide

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Re: Escort the Godmodder!
« Reply #111 on: January 10, 2018, 05:30:08 pm »

(My name's not on the Pro-Godmodder's List? What heresy!)

"Like curb-stomping a slack-jawed communist!" Sir Elventide wisecracked, obviously ignoring CA's warnings about Gwolfski. "Here's another one from the haute bourgeois who's kicking your ass!"

Ordering the Metallic Men to get out of the explosive radius, Sir Elventide will fire another explosive shell into the eye of the petty capitalist before telling his metallic minions to resume their attack.


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Re: Escort the Godmodder!
« Reply #112 on: January 10, 2018, 06:44:04 pm »

sounds fun PTW.


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Re: Escort the Godmodder!
« Reply #113 on: January 10, 2018, 07:00:09 pm »

"Wow, this is hell? It's... not that bad. If I knew this was what it was like I'd have offed myself way earlier, huge improvement."

Welp, what is there to do in hell? Murder demons, one supposes?


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Re: Escort the Godmodder!
« Reply #114 on: January 10, 2018, 07:37:43 pm »

"Seriously? That's it? You wanna just be better then everyone else? Or I guess worse but that's like the dumbest thing I've heard. You could have done anything, literally anything better then anyone ever. Best at DDR, best at making cakes, best at writing attacks in fourm games, ANYTHING." She sighs, "Did you wake up one morning and just decide 'Hey, I wanna be the the biggest dick so I can prove to everyone that I can be the worst fucking dick.'Red Girl's impersonation isn't of the Godmodder half bad, though her voice is a bit huskier then most women. She pinches her sinuses for a second trying to process the logic. "I'm not trying to say that you're wrong and being the best/worst/whatever isn't a quality goal but there are easier ways of doing that man. Like we could bust you out of here and try something else that's less stupid."

She leaves the Godmodder to ponder such an offer as she sizes up the onslaught of demonic forces continuing to well up. She pulls out of her satchel rather large and strange looking crucifix, it's made of gold and ornate with small flourishes and a red gem stone in the center, its about the size of a sword and looks like it could be held as one.

"Goldie, I think you need some better gear so this bad boy should do the trick. Good Friday is its name, I'm pretty sure that the magician that created this guy won't mind if you used it to stave off some demons. Mostly because he was a skeleton when I got this. Good Friday has two modes, if you use it like a normal cross it should soften the blow of demonic attacks if not stopping them. However if you flip it. Red Girl inverts the crucifix and the  cross becomes a sword with the top becoming a double edged blade. "Pretty cool, right? Unfortunately it doesn't have the protection of its cross mode but to make up for it it soaks up the the demonic energy around it and turn it into some straight damage. And since this is Hell, the longer you use Good Friday the more demonic energy it soaks up allowing it to deal more fucking damage. Be careful though and turn it back to its cross mode and dispel the demonic energy gathered up, get too greedy and it might bite us in the ass."

She flips it back into cross mode and hands it to the Godmodder. "All yours man. Just don't ask me for a refund when you fuck up and the sword gets possessed or something because you wanted to one shot Belial in a single stroke."

"Wow, this is hell? It's... not that bad. If I knew this was what it was like I'd have offed myself way earlier, huge improvement."

Welp, what is there to do in hell? Murder demons, one supposes?

Red Girl's face blanches, her expression stark horror, she looks as if she needs to run far, far away from Egan. She makes a visible effort to calm down and approaches Egan. "You just killed yourself, right?" She's looking at you for some distinguishing feature, trying to prove something for herself.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2018, 07:42:09 pm by SingularSpades »


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Re: Escort the Godmodder!
« Reply #115 on: January 10, 2018, 08:02:43 pm »

"Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before stumbling" leap back over the river and charge charon, attempt to stab him with sword


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Re: Escort the Godmodder!
« Reply #116 on: January 10, 2018, 08:06:18 pm »

"Huh? No, no, I got killed by a horrible monster. I'm just saying, like, wow this is a big improvement on my life." Sophia looks sad. "...Not as good as if I'd gotten out, though."

King Zultan

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Re: Escort the Godmodder!
« Reply #117 on: January 10, 2018, 09:49:02 pm »

Smash Charon's head in with my gun, then shoot the other demons.
The Lawyer opens a briefcase. It's full of lemons, the justice fruit only lawyers may touch.
Make sure not to step on any errant blood stains before we find our LIFE EXTINGUSHER.
but anyway, if you'll excuse me, I need to commit sebbaku.
Quote from: Leodanny
Can I have the sword when you’re done?

Sir Elventide

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Re: Escort the Godmodder!
« Reply #118 on: January 11, 2018, 02:44:30 am »

Summon a magical shield to block the bullets.

"I'm inside the tank, you communist swine!" Sir Elventide yelled at Gwolfski. "If you shoot at me, you risk hitting one of these explosive rounds and we all will go kaboom!"

Turning to the Godmodder, Sir Elventide expressed his frustration with him too. "You there, get your Mary Sue-esque ass back into this tank right now! Who you think you are, a video game escort character? By God, if you try to pull a damn Elincia from Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn on us, I swear that I will tie you up and glue you to this tank!"

« Last Edit: January 11, 2018, 06:28:20 am by Sir Elventide »


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Re: Escort the Godmodder!
« Reply #119 on: January 11, 2018, 10:39:13 am »

Inject self with Stimpack. According to Fallout, drugs instantly heal broken bones! Yay! Then jump out and assess the situation
"I'm the only Communist Swine around here!"

Read the Lusty Athenian Maid to increase One-handed, then charge The demons wielding my Hand-Axe with Chaos enchant.
Ïlul Thuveg-Ellest
Rete Sano-Pima
Tormuk Dul-Orax
Kar Pum-Sisha
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