Speaking of civ-specific, is it possible to have different tileset dependant on the caste of the civilian? Like a merchant-caste dwarf or smith-caste?
That doesn't really make sense in Fortress mode. Could you please elaborate?
Ok my bad for sounding confusing as all hell. "Castes" in the meaning of the word that I am using, is the way Dwarf Therapist separates dorfs when you click the "caste" option instead of, say, migration wave or military status. In the Dwarves case, "castes" are the different guilds. Fisherman's guild, Mason's guild, Hunter's guild. In the case of the Kobolds, it's the different signs they are born under. Turtle, Eel, Dartfrog, Rat, etc.
I was just wondering if there was a way, by some sprite making magic voodoo, to distinguish these separations of Caste by visual imagery instead of using the broad racial tileset for each Dorf or kobold, and using DT or menus in game to determine caste.
No, caste specific graphics are not possible.
Hmmm I agree that generally speaking, with no additional scripting and no extreme game changing effects, No is the answer. We basically can only do profession specific graphics. but I did devise a way to disallow a skill from growing no matter the number of times its used by a particular caste, meaning that you could restrict all non fisherdwarf guild members from obtaining above dabbling skill level in fishing and then only fisherdwarf guild members would obtain fishing caste images. Basically the caste displayed is based on the highest skill obtained. You would have to apply similar restrictions to all skills and only open the skills for that specific caste, but its "doable", understand that it also means that skills of the caste will only improve if they are of the ones not restricted.
I can set both a max experience and a max skill rating, so you could even have "sub castes" and require those sub castes to re apply to the next caste level, or in other cases, let them "evolve" like a pokemon game as they gain enough skill to obtain the next caste. So you could have say this:
1. Peasants - starting caste that all the members of a society are forced into ( I can check for little ones and enforce a strict adherence to this so that all members under age X are peasant caste
2. Apprentice {guild} - entry level member only can gain 5 ratings max in the skills of the group. (or even 5 ratings max across all skills of the group, lol).
3. Journeyman {guild} - 10 ratings
4. experienced {guild} - 15 ratings
5. master {guild} - 20 ratings
additionally I could for the support of other skills allow non guild skills up to say 1/2 the guild skills. so they could never obtain it as their title, but they could support non guild related skill tasks.
Its something I played with for a bit a couple of months back.