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Author Topic: The City Of Silver (6/5) (Actually updated)  (Read 2193 times)


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Re: The City Of Silver (3/5)
« Reply #15 on: December 21, 2017, 08:45:07 am »

((Not a complaint, as I think this is a cooler idea anyways, but I did say that the shell covered my lower body. But robes are a cool idea though.))

*Sosoku 234* decides that it'd be better to stick together than die separate. He follows the green skinned one to the shop, but stands outside, awaiting his compatriot's triumphant return, or defeated retreat. He whispers to himself, "Halcyon. My name is Halcyon.
Monster stowage inventory running low. Starting #2 Monster Pump, filling #4 Monster tank, via #2a Demonizer.


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Re: The City Of Silver (3/5)
« Reply #16 on: December 21, 2017, 05:10:18 pm »

I'm confused about what is and what is not allowed for character creation. How is a feature different from a form? How is changing from a humanoid to a scorpion not categorized as changing form?

Just edited my character. Let me know if problems.

I really just wanted you to be a single entity, but most of your thing was fine. I just wanted you to be aware that certain forms would have innate limitations since you won't be able to change it afterwards. I'll probably start writing the update either late tonight or tomorrow, so you can edit your character some more if you want before then. Just make sure it is only one entity (disregarding technicalities).     

Also, Nuke9.13 has shoes now, because I totally missed that. The silverchild thing is fine too.
Science is Meta gaming IRL. Humans are cheating fucks.


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Re: The City Of Silver (6/5)
« Reply #17 on: December 22, 2017, 02:08:57 am »

Update: Dispersal

Roboson walks over to the place marked employment and looks to see if there are any available jobs. Food doesn't grow on trees after all, he thinks to himself, less and less sure that it doesn't as he thinks about it more.

Roboson enters the shop to the soft chime of a bell. The heavy door drops closed behind him with a thunk, and the chaotic noise of the street is replaced with soft and silent carpets and the gentle hum of machines in some back room. A middle aged woman sits at a booth in front of a typewriter, but the shop is otherwise empty. "Excuse me" he begins, and she glances up with an expressionless face. He gives her a reassuring smile. "I was wondering if you could help me. I'm looking for a job."
"Take a number." she says, pointing to a dispenser on the wall.
He pulls a off tab and reads off to himself "#2". With nothing else to do he takes a seat in a vinyl covered chair by the door. Tack Tack Tack Tack goes the typewriter as the seconds creep by in silence. Tack Tack Tack Tack, Ding!. Just as he begins to start wondering if this was indeed a good idea, the woman checks a clock on her table, marks something on a pad in front of her, and calls out in a clear and polite voice "Number 2?"
"That would be me." he says, rising once again.  "I was wondering if you could help me find a job."
"Of course." she says, returning her attention to the pad once more.
"Did you have any preference, or perhaps any particular skills, Mr. ... ah?"
"Yes, of course. Did you have preference Mr. Roboson? We have Temporary and Career work.  Hazardous, and less hazardous."

The greenskinned one cracks their knuckles and strides forth confidently. Ignoring the "employment" sign, they instead enter Richard Barblack's shop. They drink in the sights within, before approaching the shopkeeper.

"I would speak with Master Barblack", they say. "I believe he requires my services."

From a pocket in their suit they pull forth a card:
~Verde Silverchild*~
~Procurement Expert~
~Reasonable Rates~

Verde heads straight to the most peculiar shop on the street, never a moment of doubt in their mind. A breeze swells up along the way and catches the door on his way in, holding it open just long enough that the noises catch the attention of the clerk. He pops up eagerly, a short man in a fine vest and bowler hat, sporting a thick downturned mustache. "Welcome! Welcome! What can i help you with today? Come to buy a blight fish? err.. perhaps something more in your price range. A guppy maybe? You got the look of a breeder about you. Hard work that is, but well worth it, well worth it!"
"I would speak with Master Barblack" Verde begins unphased. "I believe he requires my services." he says, producing his card with a flourish.
"Ha, yes! Well, I believe he requires all our services don't you know." He says, donning a pair of spectacles to examine your card. His energy visibly melts a bit as he reads your card. "Err.. well, ((Mr./Mrs*)) Silverchild? I do believe you are in the wrong place." He starts. "Now, don't get me wrong. I do appreciate your attempt to make yourself.. presentable here." He says, motioning vaguely at your outfit. "But this is an establishment for our clients you see. I believe your people organize the expeditions down at the warehouse. ah.. just on the edge of the south side slums. Can't miss it." He says, politely returning your card. "Still, no harm done. It's a simple mistake, an honest mistake, no doubt! and one I'm sure wouldn't happen again." he says, walking you back across the lobby. "Really, it's simply formality. A bit of organization, eh? We have to keep a reputation here after all, no offence of course, but really!" he continues, opening the door for you. "But best of luck in your endeavors after all! Tis tough work. We do rely on people like you after all. But really, best of luck to you. Happy hunting, eh? Really, no hard feelings, and good luck!" He calls, as he closes the door. Verde is left back on the street where they started, a bit bemused but with new information now. The turtle man gives them an inquisitive look.

*Sosoku 234* decides that it'd be better to stick together than die separate. He follows the green skinned one to the shop, but stands outside, awaiting his compatriots triumphant return, or defeated retreat. He whispers to himself, "Halcyon. My name is Halcyon."

Halcyon follows Verde over to the shop, but decides to stay outside for better or worse. Who know what could be inside a shop labeled "Specimen procurement" after all. It does seem to be a nice day out, and a breeze has even started up bringing with it some delicious mix of spices he can't quite place. His stomach lets off a lonesome growl. The air is clear and the breeze is cool against his shell. "I suppose it is quite hungry work, being born and all." He thinks to himself. "There must be a market someway up wind of us" Ah! Whats this? Some sort of coin fallen down into a crack in the cobblestones right here. It is remarkably shiney, a sort of bluish colored metal with what looks like a heart etched into the back on it. "Must be my lucky day!" he thinks to himself, content in the knowledge that he is now richer than any of his siblings. But his contentment is interrupted by the door opening. Verde is back once again, and some energetic clerk is wishing him happy hunting.  Oh dear. Just what have they got themselves into here?

A tiny girl in a black dress follows along after a naked man and a 6 armed lady. Perhaps it is because she is so tiny that she has gone unnoticed up until now. At just the right angle, the light makes a slit of some sort visible in her back. A strange thing, but no more so than anyone else in this city. She keeps her silence as she walks, swaying just a bit as she swings her arms back and forth, listening to the others conversation. 
"Of course, I'm sure that Virskas fella had a point." The naked one was saying. "I'm sure it is more dangerous out here, but what he fails to realize is just how smart we are!"
"Yea! Were super smart! Way smarter than stupid Verse-kas!" The lady chimes in.
"That's what I'm saying! Like, maybe it's dangerous for Virskas out here, but he just isn't playing at our level, no offence to the man. Although, " he raises his eyebrows and drops his voice "hearing him talk, it wasn't hard to tell"
"Yea!" The lady laughs "He sounded like an idiot!"
"ahh, do you know who this girl is with?" he asks, seemingly just now noticing her.
"Oh! ...nope!" the lady replies, apparently not at all interested.
"I was with you." The girl answers quietly "From the shop." though she is beginning to wonder if it was perhaps the right decision.
 "Oh, dear me, dear me!" he answers with quite an exaggeration "My apologies, my dear. I must have overlooked you! I should have known we would have had more than two! We are quite an exceptional batch after all. I'm quite surprised we don't have more to be quite frank! ah, but what can we do for our siblings? I'm sure they'll all find quite comfortable lives for themselves running fabric shops of their own, hm? but not us! We my friends, we are destined for greatness! but ah, where are my manners?" he continues as a breeze picks up rustling his nethers. "My name is Jeremiah Wallace, so I have decided, though im thinking of adding a middle initial, and this is my associate"
"I'm loopsey!" The woman chimes in.
"My associate loopsey!" He continues with a smile. "And who, little lady, might you be?"

The scorpion creature has set off with the dog, both seeming to have decided that the more animalistic forms ought to stick together. There aren't many words exchanged, as one lacks speech, and the other seems to still be figuring out their rather unusual vocal cords, but they do trade an experimental lick and a pat from a claw. Soon you find yourselves heading downhill towards a market, and the smell of food makes your stomach growl. Begging for food might be an option, but perhaps you could satisfy yourself by some other, more dignified, means. Like thievery.
As you reach the base of the hill the dog stops and paws the dirt. You aren't sure, but it seems like he wants to coordinate a plan of action. You take stock of the market.
Most of it is comprised of rows of wooden stalls, selling everything from fresh fruit, to salt packed meat, to small cages containing overgrown rat like creatures. Off to the edge, larger shops are backed up into wooden storefronts, and some of them open into public bars or soup houses. The patchwork of stall covers creates a continuous cover that blocks out the light, and it seems customary for a stall to keep a few candles or a mirrored lantern nearby. The smoke from all these lights and grills backs up under the cloth covers, and the inner market disappears into a dimly lit haze of smoke and spices. You see more than a few people fix goggles before venturing into the smog. The crowds and the smoke and the heat and general chaos create quite a few opportunities here, but a giant scorpion is sure to be easy to recognize. Best plan your actions carefully.

An lone figure finds itself left on the top of the hill. He wears jeans and sneakers, with a gold cross tattoo labeled Alexandria K. Just who this Alexandria is, is left a mystery. His previous group has dispersed in all directions, but he remained here, admiring the view by himself. Though his long hair hides it well, if you watch you can catch a glimpse of a third eye staring back at you from the back of his head. He has noticed something standing here. An airship of some sort, initially the reason he stayed behind to watch the skyline, but now it drops rapidly, out from behind one of the lamps on the ceiling, and hangs just above the rooftops. It occurs to him that from any other position but his exact spot the ship would be almost impossible to see right now. An odd development. It occurs to him that the ship seems to be making its way towards the top of the hill as well. Doubly odd. It also occurs to him that perhaps he should act upon this information, but he is a bit unsure what exactly he should do.   

(( Ok, wew. Really glad we didn't get more at the start because that was a lot of writing. Speaking of which, i'm sorry if those last 2 seemed a little bland. I was struggling to keep up the creativity at that point and I didnt really have actions to go off of there. 
I might do conversational updates at an individual pace because you can only stretch NPC monologues so far, and I really don't want to be making too many decisions for you. Let me know what you think on that front.
Also, new people! let me know if you have a preferred glow text color/names to go with your characters.

*How do I address you in said situation? I refuse to use Xir. ))
((Ps. This came out to exactly 2000 words (without this ps) and im very happy about that.))
Science is Meta gaming IRL. Humans are cheating fucks.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The City Of Silver (6/5)
« Reply #18 on: December 22, 2017, 04:17:31 am »

*How do I address you in said situation? I refuse to use Xir.
((With whatever prefix the person in question would assume applies. For example, the shopkeeper might assume that a Procurer is likely to be male, and address them as such. Or something.))

Verde humms contemplatively as they return the card to its pocket.

"I have made a miscalculation.", they say to Halcyon. "This store employs Procurers, a job where I believe some eccentricity is expected, and few questions are asked. However, owing to some form of social rank issue, they do not employ them directly."

"Rather, the place to find such employment is to the 'south', whatever direction that may be. Excuse me!", this last being aimed at a passerby, "Could you point me in the direction of the southern warehouse?"

Having received directions, Verde thanks the stranger and turns back to Halcyon. "Are you coming? What name have you chosen, anyway? I will be Verde Silverchild."
Long Live United Forenia!


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Re: The City Of Silver (6/5)
« Reply #19 on: December 22, 2017, 10:10:06 am »

"Halcyon. Got a nice ring to it, if I do say so myself." Halcyon follows Verde to wherever this southern warehouse district is. "Any idea what a procurer actually does?"

He stops by a food stand along the way look at how much the food costs. As well as seeing how much that new coin is worth. He'll also confirm the direction they were heading.
Monster stowage inventory running low. Starting #2 Monster Pump, filling #4 Monster tank, via #2a Demonizer.


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Re: The City Of Silver (6/5)
« Reply #20 on: December 22, 2017, 11:02:47 am »

"Not the faintest idea. Procures things. I'm guessing things that don't want to be procured."
Long Live United Forenia!


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Re: The City Of Silver (6/5)
« Reply #21 on: December 22, 2017, 11:11:37 am »

"Sounds really shady. Might be good work though."
Monster stowage inventory running low. Starting #2 Monster Pump, filling #4 Monster tank, via #2a Demonizer.


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Re: The City Of Silver (6/5)
« Reply #22 on: December 22, 2017, 11:47:05 am »

(I'll take a Black glow.)

I sit down cross legged on the hill.
Quote from: MonkeyMarkMario, 2023
“Don’t quote me.”
nothing here.


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Re: The City Of Silver (6/5)
« Reply #23 on: December 22, 2017, 05:46:27 pm »

The small girl puts her hand up to her chin, and with a quizzical look on her face, she responds. "Umm". She then raises her hands to shrug. "If you figure that out, could you let me know? I am not familiar with the concept of be"
Logged is coming dangerously close to being able to run Gridhood. Maybe I'll live to see the day if I exercise, eat right, and somehow convince the world's governments not to nuke everyone.


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Re: The City Of Silver (6/5)
« Reply #24 on: December 23, 2017, 04:49:25 pm »

"Temporary hazardous please." Roboson says with a polite smile. For some reason he feels very comfortable with this building and exchange. He begins to think he like's work and bureaucracy.


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Re: The City Of Silver (6/5)
« Reply #25 on: January 01, 2018, 08:05:58 pm »

Is this game still a thing? Its been a while since it updated, and we didn't get the warning about an upcoming update either.
Logged is coming dangerously close to being able to run Gridhood. Maybe I'll live to see the day if I exercise, eat right, and somehow convince the world's governments not to nuke everyone.


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Re: The City Of Silver (6/5)
« Reply #26 on: January 01, 2018, 09:31:52 pm »



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Re: The City Of Silver (6/5)
« Reply #27 on: January 02, 2018, 12:36:23 am »

Is this game still a thing? Its been a while since it updated, and we didn't get the warning about an upcoming update either.

hey, very sorry. There were the holidays and then a few unforeseen family issues all back to back. My family has a habit of barging in on people useing a laptop and yelling platitudes about "computer nerds" and "anti-social behavior" so not much was accomplished. Still, It was extremely poor on my part to let such a lapse happen only 2 updates in, so sorry about that.

I have about a 6 hour drive tomorrow back to my house, and then a good week and a half before classes start to pump out updates. I'll write the next one as soon as I get home tomorrow. Scouts honor.

(Rose heart, you are wait listed. Thanks.)
Science is Meta gaming IRL. Humans are cheating fucks.


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Re: The City Of Silver (6/5)
« Reply #28 on: January 06, 2018, 12:55:36 am »

I think maybe the forum didn't register the game update you made when you attempted to post it.
Logged is coming dangerously close to being able to run Gridhood. Maybe I'll live to see the day if I exercise, eat right, and somehow convince the world's governments not to nuke everyone.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The City Of Silver (6/5)
« Reply #29 on: January 08, 2018, 06:25:09 pm »

UPDATE! at last...

Verde & Halcyon
Verde humms contemplatively as they return the card to its pocket.

"I have made a miscalculation.", they say to Halcyon. "This store employs Procurers, a job where I believe some eccentricity is expected, and few questions are asked. However, owing to some form of social rank issue, they do not employ them directly."

"Rather, the place to find such employment is to the 'south', whatever direction that may be. Excuse me!", this last being aimed at a passerby, "Could you point me in the direction of the southern warehouse?"
The passerby, who can only be described as a two foot walking mushroom in a sunhat, speaks in a clear, low voice. He describes to you an exact route, down the hill that direction, first left, avoid any alleyways strung with red cloth, big buildings with brown roofs. Thats as close as he can get you without knowing which particular warehouse your looking for.   

Having received directions, Verde thanks the stranger and turns back to Halcyon. "Are you coming? What name have you chosen, anyway? I will be Verde Silverchild."
"Halcyon. Got a nice ring to it, if I do say so myself". He says as they start off down the hill. "Any idea what a procurer actually does?" He asks. "Not the faintest idea. Procures things. I'm guessing things that don't want to be procured."
"Sounds really shady. Might be good work though." Halcyon says, a bit contemplatively.
The rest of the conversation is drowned out though, as an airship screams past just over the roof tops, and the two share a concerned look.
((Unless you take action otherwise, you will arrive at the southern warehouses next turn. ))

Alexandria K. assumedly

I sit down cross legged on the hill.
In contrast to how many people may react, Alex decides to do absolutely nothing, taking a seat to better observe the ship. It continues it's low flying route, seeming to pick up speed. Squinting, you can begin to pick out details on the ship. It's made entirely, on the bottom at least, of a non-reflective black metal. As you watch, small hatches seem to open up off the side of it. A massive device that you assume is some sort of engine made of bronze or brass sits on the deck, arching blue light. A single dark silhouette attends the engine. As close as it is now, you can even pick up on some small gold lettering near the bow of the ship.

D.epartment of I.nternal E.xterminations

For some reason, you begin to get a sinking feeling as the ship draws closer. It's almost right on top of you at this point, but you would have time to take action if you moved now. A well dressed and incredibly fat man stops as he sees you sitting in the road and squints in the direction your looking. "What 'da you suppose that thing is? he asks, and as you climb to your feet you answer him. "Nothing good"

The small girl puts her hand up to her chin, and with a quizzical look on her face, she responds. "Umm". She then raises her hands to shrug. "If you figure that out, could you let me know? I am not familiar with the concept of be."
But of course! Jeremiah replies, full of bravado. "We shall give you the most glorious of names, one truly befitting of a member of our group! Loopsey, a word." and with that they turn away to begin a hurried discussion in hushed tones. The girl stands there somewhat awkwardly, picking out the occasional word, idly tracking an airship in the sky.
"and such a name..." "better than..." "I liked the other one!" "SHH! shh. not so loud" "Jeremiah Wallace Junior..." "I only..." "If you insist..."

After a few minuets of such conspirations, they turn back to you. Jeremiah looks a tad exasperated, and loopsey barely holding back a grin. " I have been persuaded, against my better judgment, to a name. Though, if you should not like it for any reason i have a perfectly good back up name." "Ahem" Loopsey intergets. "I mean, you dont have to be younger to be a junior. Just means you got the name second is all..." he mutters. "Anara Ataya" Loopsy says and beams at you. "That was going to be my name before i made my arms, but then i really liked loopsey." She says. "Now you can have it! " Jeremiah gives her an odd look, and you stop to think for a second. "Do you like it?"
((unless you take action otherwise, you will reach the edge of the slums next turn))

"Temporary hazardous please." Roboson says with a polite smile. For some reason he feels very comfortable with this building and exchange. He begins to think he like's work and bureaucracy.

"Temporary hazardous... let me see here..." She says, clacking away on her typewriter. Peeking over the counter you notice that after she types, the type writer seems to be typing back, but you take a polite step backwards when she looks up sharply at you, eyebrows raised.
"Temporary hazardous... yes, I believe I have something here for you Mr. Roboson" she says, ripping a page out of the typewriter. "We have two options here. We have a manager for the northern tunnel intake who is sick, and needs someone to fill in for the day. We also have an Electra-tech whose looking for an assistant for a rather... opportune commission. They both pay about the same, and of course we will be taking our 30% finders fee, so it's entirely up to you in this instance. What will it be Mr. Roboson?" she asks with a smile.

((Sorry for the gap guys. Some... ah, things happened that interfered with the update for a while.  Next update will be tomorrow or when everybody has posted an action ))
Science is Meta gaming IRL. Humans are cheating fucks.
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