version 1.24:
-DF updated to 43.05 x64
-DFHack updated to 43.05 beta 1.
-TWBT updated to 5.77 for DFhack 43.05 beta 1
-Dwarf Therapist for 43.05 x64
-Succubus Mod updated to current version by Boltgun.
version 1.24a:
- removed a remnant raw file from DF 43.05 install.
version 1.24b:
- create-unit.lua/create-unit-friendly.lua repaired.
- item-trigger.lua repaired.
- on-death.lua repaired.
- onLoad.init repaired.
- dfhack.init repaired.
- premade world gens replaced.
- Boulder crabs females now lay eggs and hatch them. thanks to HeyDude6.
- end of creature_domestic_DDD.txt repaired.
- Clay fixes.
version 1.24c:
- reverted language files to version in MW 1.20, to fix word errors in certain translations.
version 1.24d:
- cleanup of reactions and entity files for dwarves and kobolds.
- changes to some reactions to optimize the ability to set things by details.
- leatherwing bats fixhed thanks to heydude6's leathermod.
- fixed the Create-unit issue so that note is now removed.
version 1.24e:
- finished cleaning up of all the human and orc entity and reaction files.
- fixed additional errors in Create-unit.
- other issues involving the settings.
-- switched the factory into a true mass producer.
-- fully switched the muckdweller and the thief ghettos, kobold to goblins.
-- pet merchant fixed.
-- foreign trade shop reactions fixed.
-- tanner's guild east expansion fixed.
-- fixed the issues with corrupt, now the new units have the full names of their conversion targets; age and basic relationships should also transfer.
version 1.25:
- fixed The Earth Strikes Back.
- fixed Random warpstone gem production.
- fixed an error in full-heal that was tossed if a unit is resting.
- fixed modest mill issues.
- fixed a few other minor things.
- split the initialization when entering embarks.
version 1.26:
- Updated DFHack to 43.05 r1
- Updated TwbT to the latest version
- Fixed to Guildhall transformations
- Fixed a building menu title that had a hotkey set in humans
- Value fix to humans.
- Updated the ZM5 creatures. - turned on in options.
- Fixed the earth strikes back - turned off in options.
- updated the MMM creatures - turned partially on in options.
- update to spacefox graphics - thanks 3wire!
- fixed/updated roses-init
version 1.27:
- alcohol names, duplicates removed.
-- 3 new drink names:
--- portabella's - dwarven portabella gin;
--- blue caps - dwarven vodka;
--- white caps - dwarven brandy.
- Entity reformat for Hermit entity file.
- Fixed several errors.
- Update armok vision.
- Repaired modest milling should be error free.
- Fix dwarf merchants. changed build mat to 1 gold bar.
- fix default profile. - let me know if there is any issues.
- twbt overrides corrected - thanks to an online contributor.
- sucubus images should be working correctly. - thanks to an online contributor.
- isoworld removed do to no update for 43.05
- legendsViewer updated to v 1.17
version 1.28:
- Switch to turn off seasons.
- Decoration switches reduced to one set and fixed.
- launcher tags fixed.
- patreon items switch now working.
- removed an invalid switch in Kobolds.
- Fixed human release reaction in orcs.
- several typos in descriptions fixed.
- quickfort fixed.
- dfhack - digfort - now works across Zs.
- werebeasts, titans, night creatures disabled till a working fix can be written.
- Reduce Pets option - to turn off vermin and ZM5 among other pet option clutter, makes them all pet_exotic. on by default.
- More Adventurers - turns back on 140 Adventurer creature options, to reduce the clutter for adventurers.
- Manual updates to orcs and more by Khaos.
- Hydraknight's Orc Embarks have been added in, now the orcs shouldn't feel left out.
- CLEANED TONS OF FILES - after the Tag corruption issue was solved.
- Overrides.txt now switch properly when graphics are switched.
- Definitions between raws and graphic folders aligned. no more missing definitions if the files switch in a save folder.
- Graphic switches in saves now possible. Advised not to be performed on pre 1.28 saves.
- Went with full name change on the post... Its enough of a difference it needs to be noted.
version 1.29:
- More manual updates
- more Hidden Gems - I need to know if you think the amount is high... I can make them go lower, randomly the treasure, fossil, relic, tears of armok, and blood of armok will appear while digging through layer stone... the warpstone gem appearance has been reduced.
- Kobold - cobalt anvil fixed.
- fixes for soundsense
- fixes to adventure reactions
- orc embark fixes
- library fix
- standardized milk fix.
- masterwork wood crafter reactions - cost reduced to 1 plank for balancing issue.
version 1.30:
- Meph approved. Playtested Amostubals changes, all good.